The Creator Writings

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Opportunities & Choice

Every day, you are presented with opportunities that require choice. Do, don’t do…..yes, no…..experience, do not experience. Ask yourself, “is this in my highest and best”? Make a decision based on what your heart tells you then, speak your truth. This is paramount. Whatever reaction you receive is secondary. Embrace the knowing that you have done what is best for you. ~ Creator

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What Is Best…

A expanded awareness of The Universe invariably leads you to understand that you know only your own depth.  Others may give you a glimpse of theirs but, very rarely reveal the whole picture.  It is not for you to judge the lives of others.  Deciding what is right/wrong for another based on your own experiences effectively stops your growth.  Do what is best for you and The Universe will take care of the rest. ~ Creator

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A Different Light

More big changes are on the way.  They may not be the huge things you have come to expect from The Universe.  Instead, the small and steady moments of shifting you are being gifted will give you an opportunity to view your life and your world in a different light.  Allow yourself to receive the incoming joy and peace you so richly deserve. ~ Creator

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Look Within

An interesting thing happens when you pin all your hopes on someone or something outside yourself; in one instant, you have given all of your power to that one/thing in the hopes that it will create something you desire.

The Universe invites you to look within; give yourself the things you most desire because no one knows YOU quite like you do. Once you are in that perfect space, completely in tune with The Divine Spark that exists within, nothing is out of your reach. ~ Creator

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Remember Your Humanity

The Universe would like to remind you to remember your humanity.  Your world has been shifting so quickly that it may be challenging to keep your feet under you.  Things you thought you could rely on no longer exist, loyalty may be met with indifference and loving for love’s sake seems to have gone by the wayside.  Do not give up hope, dear one.  Even a wildly swinging pendulum must come to rest eventually.  Just be you and all will be well. ~ Creator

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Return To Peace

Too often you let the war within take over the flow of the Universe. Head/heart, logical/illogical, right/wrong, good/evil, close/distant, love/hate…none of this really matters. When the war is over, the Universe is still waiting, as calm and quiet as it has ever been, for your return to peace. ~ Creator


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