Wholeness of Being and Natural Remedies

Natural Immunity: 8+ Natural Antibiotics to Replace the Pharmaceuticals for Good

Eddie1177's picture


| NaturalSociety | Nov 12th 2013

The overuse of antibiotics has become a modern-day epidemic. These drugs have depleted our natural immunity by killing the good bacteria in our guts and also creating super-bugs that have become resistant to almost any form of prescribed drug around. Instead of making yourself weaker, and depleting your body’s natural ability to cure itself from any number of ailments, try utilizing natural foods and herbs to ditch the Big Pharma meds for good.

Here are 8+ foods which harness natural antibiotic properties.

1. Astragalus – An adaptogen, meaning it is an overall tonic for the body, astragalus has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicinal practices to boost the immune system and counteract physical, mental, and emotional stress. Research has shown that it can be very effective at treating colds, protecting the liver, and keeping viruses at bay.

Eatting Sesame Seeds Superior To Tylenol For Knee Arthritis By: Sayer Ji, Founder

Andrea Green's picture

Eating Sesame Seeds Superior To Tylenol for Knee Arthritis

A remarkable new study published in the International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases confirms that food is not only medicine, but sometimes superior to it Medical researchers working out of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, sought to investigate the effects of sesame seed supplementation on clinical signs and symptoms in patients with knee osteoarthritis.[i]

More here; http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/eating-sesame-seeds-superior-tylenol-knee-arthritis


Natural Immunity: 8+ Natural Antibiotics to Replace the Pharmaceuticals for Good by Christina Sarich

Andrea Green's picture

spices assortment1 263x164 Natural Immunity: 8+ Natural Antibiotics to Replace the Pharmaceuticals for Good
The overuse of antibiotics has become a modern-day epidemic. These drugs have depleted our natural immunity by killing the good bacteria in our guts and also creating super-bugs that have become resistant to almost any form of prescribed drug around. Instead of making yourself weaker, and depleting your body’s natural ability to cure itself from any number of ailments, try utilizing natural foods and herbs to ditch the Big Pharma meds for good.

Here are 8+ foods which harness natural antibiotic properties.

A Warm cup of Zodiac Tea

Doreen Smith's picture


November 10, 2013  aleksandra



Beat the cold and recharge your personal energy with the right ingredients!

Hi everyone!

Have you been tending to your flame and keeping warm this November? The Sun's journey through the sign of Scorpio seems to have brought on some especially nippy weather and I feel that a good, warm cup of tea is in order!

Now if you've been feeling a little low and out of it, sipping on the right cup of tea can help recharge your energy and restore your sense of self. So along that note, I have prepared a small list of teas that are appropriate to your ruling element or Zodiac sign. These teas have been selected for their energetic properties (however their physical healing properties are also relevant) and will help give you a boost based on the element of your Zodiac sign.

All of these teas are 100% safe for consumption so feel free to head out to the nearest tea shop near you and have a cup of this genial beverage!

Raw organic fruits and vegetables can cure cancer, so why don't oncologists tell their patients?

Silver's picture

By: S.D. Wells 11/10/2013

(NaturalNews) There is a 75-year "CON" known as Western Medicine, but it's a hush-hush topic in the news and in newspapers and magazines. Although medical doctors and surgeons are experts at fixing broken bones or removing animal fat from clogged arteries, the "pharmaceutical nation" known as the USA is caving in on itself, but nobody is allowed to talk about it on TV, or they lose all their sponsors. There is also a world of medicine known as organic food, but some people want to cook it, fry it, boil it or broil it, or even worse, grill it out, and that LIVE food becomes DEAD food, useless to the body, which needs nutrients for immunity, cellular health, vitality and sustainability.


For more on this story visit www.naturalnews.com

Steaming broccoli preserves potential power to fight cancer, study finds

Silver's picture

By: Healthday, 11/08/2013

Steaming broccoli preserves potential power to fight cancer: study

(HealthDay)—The way you prepare broccoli and related vegetables can alter their potentially cancer-fighting powers, new research shows. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are a good source of sulforaphane, a phytochemical (naturally occurring plant compound) that has shown strong anti-cancer properties in lab studies.


However, the enzyme myrosinase in broccoli is needed for sulforaphane to form. If the myrosinase is destroyed, sulforaphane cannot form. Researchers compared boiled, microwaved and steamed broccoli, and found that steaming broccoli for up to five minutes was the best way to retain its myrosinase. Boiling and microwaving broccoli for one minute or less destroyed the majority of the enzyme, according to Elizabeth Jeffery, a researcher at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


For more on this story visit http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-11-steaming-broccoli-potential-power-cancer.html

~ Tazjima ~ The Light Collective: On Being Radiance

Eddie1177's picture

We are the Light Collective. Welcome to our world. You are a part of it, already, whether or not you acknowledge this as fact.

Beloved ones, we “see” your light bodies emanating radiance across the face of the planet. If you could but see yourselves as we do, you would wonder, too, at the brightness with which you glow. And this radiance will increase in the coming days, weeks and months, as you fully integrate into your bodies the energies of the recent solar eclipse and other celestial events. We tell you that the present energies support rapid growth of your consciousness moving towards full Unity consciousness.

Those who stand at the leading edge of humanity are now on the cusp of bursting into light, while fully anchored in their physical bodies. Others are following close behind. Do these human angels look different from anyone else? Not right now, but with time, their bodies will begin to emanate a soft glow that will be visible to the naked eye. This process is in store for all those who are wayshowers and will come sooner than you might imagine, given that time itself is collapsing into the eternal Now moment.

How can you move into the New World with grace and ease? Tools are available to help you focus, but it is truly a matter of learning who and what you are that will aid you in releasing all remnants of old patterning and beliefs that serve to impede your progress. If you find yourself falling into frustration, you may still be comparing your journey to that of others.

Beyond Liver Health: Dandelion has Serious Anti-Cancer Properties

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Naturalsociety.com, By: Paul Fassa, 11/08/2013

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Canadian oncologist Dr. Caroline Hamm of Windsor Regional Hospital noticed a few cancer patients who had been drinking dandelion root tea seemed to be getting better. She was curious whether it was coincidental or if there was something to it. So she urged University of Windsor biochemist colleague Siyaram Pandey to look into it further in case there is something about dandelion root extract that is useful against cancer. He and Dr. Hamm were amazed to find the leukemia cells were forced into apoptosis, or cell suicide without damaging healthy cells. Further testing showed similar results with other types of cancer cells, and mice showed no signs of side effects from the dandelion root extract.


For more on this story visit www.naturalsociety.com

4 Simple Ways to Detox Toxins from Your Body Comfortably

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Naturalsociety.com, By: Elizabeth Renter, 11/08/2013

detox drinks 263x164 4 Simple Ways to Detox Toxins from Your Body Comfortably

When we think of a detox, most of us think of a slightly unpleasant and restrictive period marked by frequent bathroom visits, all done to rid the body of toxins built up overtime. While many detoxes can be unpleasant, they are ultimately helping to improve your health. Still, there are several things you can do that will encourage consistent and gentle detoxification, things that you can add to your daily routine to ensure your body is working to stay healthy and un-phased by the toxins in the environment and in your diet.


For more on this story visit www.naturalsociety.com

Marijuana Miracle: 5 Exciting New Discoveries About Pot

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The Nation, By: Martin A. Lee, 11/06/2013

For many years, the federal government has subsidized studies designed to prove the negative effects of marijuana, while blocking inquiry into its potential benefits. Ironically, the government’s steadfast search for harm has yielded remarkable scientific insights that explain why cannabis is such a versatile remedy and why it is the most sought-after illicit substance on the planet.


Cannabis and the unique chemical compounds produced by the plant, called cannabinoids, have been at the center of one of the most exciting—and underreported—developments in modern science. Research on marijuana’s effects led directly to the discovery of a molecular signaling system in the human brain and body, the endocannabinoid system, which plays a crucial role in regulating a broad range of physiological processes: hunger, sleep, inflammation, stress, blood pressure, body temperature, glucose metabolism, bone density, intestinal fortitude, reproductive fertility, circadian rhythms, mood and much more.



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