Wholeness of Being and Natural Remedies

Boulder's Sun Cups makes candies without peanuts, tree nuts, gluten and GMOs

Silver's picture

Dailycamera.com, By: Cindy Sutter, 10/29/2013

This time of year, most parents worry about their kids eating too much candy. Others have to worry about their children eating any candy at all, since it might have or be contaminated with peanuts or tree nuts, both of which can cause life-threatening allergic reactions in children with allergies. Those looking for alternatives can turn to a Boulder company, which makes Sun Cups -- a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup-type confection made with sunflower seed butter -- as well as several other candies.


For more on this story visit www.dailycamera.com

Accidental Meditation: You're Already Doing It By: JC Peters

Andrea Green's picture


Most people think they are bad at meditating. Can’t sit still and turn your thoughts off for at least 20 minutes? You’re not bad at meditating, you’re just a human with a brain. Actually, most of us already meditate—we just do it accidentally. You know that feeling when you are taking a shower, and the warm water pours over your body, and you forget what you were rushing to get ready for? Time disappears for a moment, and when you step out of the shower you snap out of it. Maybe you’ve driven down a long empty road with no traffic, and suddenly you’ve hit the next town. This feeling of time lapsing and your thoughts tumbling freely like dryer sheets happens all the time: on walks or runs, in the moments before you fall asleep, when you are staring out a bus window, or daydreaming in a waiting room.


A Note About Food Security and Solar Flares ~ Laura Bruno's Blog

mthree's picture

I’ve mentioned before that a large cut in food stamp benefits begins on November 1, 2013. Depending on where they live, various people in the know have begun to sound alarms about the potentially severe impacts of these cuts — not just on those who can’t afford to buy food, but also the ripple effects into the communities. Hungry people with hungry children can behave in desperate and ugly ways. If you live in the US and are in a position to donate food to a local food pantry, church, or soup kitchen, the month of November — especially early November — would be an excellent time to do so.

Sweet Potato Greens Inhibit Cancer Cell Growth by 69% by Christina Sarich

Andrea Green's picture

sweet potatoes 263x164 Sweet Potato Greens Inhibit Cancer Cell Growth by 69%A 2011 study has found that sweet potato greens extract (SPGE) may soon become a valuable tool in the fight against cancer. The study found that SPGE not only ‘remarkably inhibited’ the growth and progression of cancer cells, but the administration of SPGE led to absolutely no toxicity, unlike mainstream cancer solutions.

Sweet potato green extract even “perturbed cell cycle progression, reduced clonogenic survival, modulated cell cycle and apoptosis regulatory molecules and induced apoptosis in human prostate cancer PC-3 cells both in vitro and in vivo.”

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/sweet-potato-greens-prostate-cancer-cells-69-percent/#ixzz2jKHBJvm6 

Amish Girl Forced Into Experimental Chemotherapy Is Taken Out of U.S. and Recovers with Natural Treatment

Silver's picture

Prevent Disease, By: Editor, 10/30/2013

Early in October 2013, the entire nation heard about how Sarah Hershberger, a 10-year old Ohio Amish girl with leukemia (now recovered), was being forced into a two-year unproven experimental chemotherapy study by Akron Children’s Hospital (ACH). Parents reported this week the child is fully recovered through natural treatments.


It was just learned the parents, Andy and Anna Hershberger, took their significantly recovered daughter out of the United States before the court ruled that a hospital-affiliated, attorney-nurse, Maria Schimer, was made the medical guardian to make sure Sarah will get her treatments. Schimer is General Counsel (chief legal advisor) for Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED), a close affiliate and business partner of the hospital. According to Andy, Ms. Schimer has never met Sarah or him and his wife and they were never told their child was being used in a research study--among other things.


Bananas: 4 Reasons they are Gaining the Title of “Superfood”

Eddie1177's picture

There are many contenders out there for the title of “the perfect food”, and bananas are just one that has been associated with this rank. It could be because they are highly portable and come in their own biodegradable wrapper, or it could have something to do with all of the health benefits. While you may prize avocados or berries more, bananas certainly deserve a role in your life.

How Coconut Oil May Rescue The Brain From Alzheimer's Disease

Doreen Smith's picture


October 30, 2013  Sayer Ji, Founder




The internet loves a good "natural cure" recovery story. For instance, when Dr. Mary Newport, MD, dramatically reverses her husband's symptoms of Alzheimer's disease after just two weeks of adding coconut oil to his diet, thousands enthusiastically share the story. But despite their popularity, anecdotes rarely stand the test of time, nor the scrutiny of the medical community, at least not like experimental research published in peer-reviewed biomedical journals. 

97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure

Andrea Green's picture

dentist-sqDo you have a chronic degenerative disease? If so, have you been told, “It’s all in your head?”

Well, that might not be that far from the truth… the root cause of your illness may be in your mouth.

There is a common dental procedure that nearly every dentist will tell you is completely safe, despite the fact that scientists have been warning of its dangers for more than 100 years.

Every day in the United States alone, 41,000 of these dental procedures are performed on patients who believe they are safely and permanently fixing their problem.

What is this dental procedure?



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