Collectively Conscious

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500 Best Songs For The Evolution Of Consciousness

Here is a list of the top 500 songs that we feel can assist one with the evolution of consciousness. It includes songs that have higher wisdom in their lyrics, songs that are the artist’s message to humanity or a specific group of people, and songs with lyrics that were written to inspire, empower or uplift. All songs in this playlist have lyrics. Are there any others you think should be added to this list? If so, please post links to them in the comments below!

NOTE: This list is ordered by transformative potential and relevance to the progressive community.

Youtube Playlists:

Music for the Evolution of Consciousness

Music for the Evolution of Consciousness 2

Music for the Evolution of Consciousness 3

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Media Blackout As France And Russia Both Announce Monsanto GMO Bans

Source: | Original Post Date: September 19, 2015 –

When two of the most modernized and economically powerful countries in the world decide to ban a type of food crop that has made its way into roughly 70-80% or more of the U.S. food supply, you’d think it would be considered newsworthy.

But the United States media has missed the boat yet again on major happenings relating to GMO crops overseas.

Both Russia and France officially announced bans on Monsanto’s genetically engineered crops this past week, cementing their positions and upholding the will of the people in nations where public opinion is dead set on keeping the food and farming system natural.

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Study: Music Improves Brain Function

Source: | Original Post Date: November 6, 2009 –


For most people music is an enjoyable, although momentary, form of entertainment. But for those who seriously practiced a musical instrument when they were young, perhaps when they played in a school orchestra or even a rock band, the musical experience can be something more. Recent research shows that a strong correlation exists between musical training for children and certain other mental abilities.

The research was discussed at a session at a recent gathering of acoustics experts in Austin, Texas.

Laurel Trainor, director of the Institute for Music and the Mind at McMaster University in West Hamilton, Ontario, and colleagues compared preschool children who had taken music lessons with those who did not. Those with some training showed larger brain responses on a number of sound recognition tests given to the children. Her research indicated that musical training appears to modify the brain’s auditory cortex.

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Kill Anxiety And Radically Improve Your Life With Conscious Breathing

Source: | Original Post Date: April 4, 2015 –

We all must breathe in order to live, but not many of us know how to really breathe.

It’s a bit of a conundrum. Breathing is an automatic bodily process, so most people naturally believe it should be left alone to take care of itself.

It seems counterintuitive and even ludicrous to think that something as simple as breathing could, in fact, dramatically change your day-to-day experience.

But, honestly, it can.

Overcoming Anxiety and Negative Thoughts

I’m someone who occasionally suffers from bouts of anxiety, irrational guilt, and other forms of self-defeating thoughts. I think of these thought processes as psychological trapdoors — they so often spring from nowhere and lead to dark spaces.

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Man Quits Job To Travel In Solar-Powered Home On Wheels

Source: | Original Post Date: September 16, 2015 –

Eco-friendly lifestyle is one thing, but eco-friendly travel is another when everything from taking planes to buying souvenirs can leave a mark on the planet. But an intrepid young man and his van proves that we can see the world and tread lightly at the same time.

After quitting his engineering job in October 2013 to live his dream of traveling, 26-year old Mike Hudson of Hull, England, got rid of his possessions and purchased a 10-year-old LDV Convoy van off eBay. Before setting off, Hudson and his friends spent five months renovating the rusty camper van into a tiny home on wheels.

The entire operation—buying the van, fixing the engine, installing a stove, a 70-liter (18.5-gallon) water tank, a shower and toilet, heater, desk space and even solar panels—cost Hudson only £5,000 (about $7,700). The van also has a refrigerator, speakers and storage space.

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The Origins Of Daylight Savings And Why It Wrecks Your Health

Source: | Original Post Date: March 4, 2015 –

For Americans, it’s that time of the year again—time to move your clocks an hour ahead; losing a precious hour of sleep in the process. For many, the time change associated with daylight savings time1 (DST) also means spending several days or even weeks feeling generally off-kilter.

As reported by Prevent Disease:2

“A study, published in 2007… combined surveys from 55,000 people in central Europe with data on 50 individuals’ sleeping and wakefulness patterns for eight weeks around the shifts to and from daylight saving time.
The researchers found people never fully adjust their circadian rhythms to the hour shift associated with daylight saving time (or, as it is known in Europe, summer time).
Springing ahead by an hour, however, was most difficult for night owls — people prone to wake up and go to sleep late, they found.”[Emphasis mine]

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Netherlands Bans Wild Animals In Circuses

Source: | Original Post Date: September 17, 2015 –

It is now illegal for wild animals, such as lions, bears, elephants, and giraffes, to be used in circuses in the Netherlands!

On Tuesday, September 15th, 2015, a ban on wild animals in circuses officially went into effect in the Netherlands. As FourPaws reports, the ban was passed just last week and has left animal rights activists everywhere breathing a bit easier.

Wild animals, such as lions, bears, elephants, and giraffes, will no longer have to endure extensive travel or life in cramped, poorly-laid-out enclosures for the sole purpose of entertaining humans.

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9 Liberties Lost Since 9/11

Today and every year, “NEVER FORGET” echoes through the neighborhoods, cities, and Facebook statuses of America. 14 years after 9/11, Americans still bear the cross of a nation victimized and scorned after the brutal attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001. While Americans — and politicians who are still intent on capitalizing on the tragedy — vow never to forget the fateful day, far too many citizens forget the liberties they have relinquished as a result. Lest today’s valiantly waving flags, government ceremonies, and TV news specials replaying the plane crashes coax you into forgetting, these nine essential freedoms have been usurped since 9/11:

1. The liberty to not be spied upon: Essential to a free society — at least as the founders of the United States saw it — was the freedom to be left alone. In the not too distant past, government agencies suspicious of citizens had to obtain warrants to investigate private citizens...

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Are Diamonds Really Rare? Myths And Misconceptions About Diamonds

Source: | Original Post Date: Unknown –


Diamonds are our most popular gemstone. That hasn’t always been the case. It was only in the last century that diamonds became readily available. Prior to that, rubies and sapphires were the most popular gems, especially for engagement rings.

The popularity of diamonds is due primarily to the DeBeers organization. They set up the first large-scale diamond mines in South Africa. Then they began one of the most successful advertising campaigns in history, convincing consumers that engagement rings should always have a diamond.

With proper encouragement, the movie industry displayed its most glamorous women, draped in diamonds. As a result, diamonds soon became a top status symbol for the rich and famous. This peaked with the Marilyn Monroe movie, Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend.

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Edward Snowden: “The Balance of Power Is Beginning to Shift” Back To The People

Two years after Edward Snowden first leaked information about the National Security Agency’s illegal domestic spying programs, the once-cynical whistleblower is now striking a more optimistic tone about what he sees as a rising “post-terror” America.

In an op-ed published Thursday in The New York Times, whistleblower and former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden reflected on how circumstances have changed on the two-year anniversary of his first leaks. “Two years ago today, three journalists and I worked nervously in a Hong Kong hotel room, waiting to see how the world would react to the revelation that the National Security Agency had been making records of nearly every phone call in the United States. In the days that followed, those journalists and others published documents revealing that democratic governments had been monitoring the private activities of ordinary citizens who had done nothing wrong,” wrote Snowden in the opening of his retrospective.


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