~ Heaven Love Party Today~ Join US

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, As We shared In our Last Update, Huge Influx of Light has Been released for Our Unified Love Party today! Join us at 1:30pm Pacific http://tinychat.com/soundofheart Until?....... We are Going to Rock this Planet Today!



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A Group Gathered In Love, Oneness and True Peace for Planet earth=Heart On August 17th, 1987


THIS is the 25th anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence. I was there..., 25 years ago..., sitting in a temple with both monks and seekers alike, meditating upon peace and change. We knew it was the Harmonic Convergence, and we knew then that a real change was possible for the future. We gave it all we had and alligned ourselves with every other truth seeker who wanted real change and literally WILLED this change into existance.


It's all happening, and there is only a few steps left to take. The key to turning the lock after twenty-five years has now come! It is the Heart! Real trust has to be put into our hearts that we WANT to BE FREE, no matter WHAT appears to happen or be happening. I've been instructed to be as PEACEFUL and as LOVING as possible for the next five to seven days becasue they are truly critical to the overall changes we've been going through. I ask that those who can, please join me in prayers and meditations for the last key to be turned in the lock, and the door to our new reality to be opened wide. WE ARE the ones creating the new world together and the only way to get a peaceful reality is to focus purely on the HEART OF LOVE. I know we can do this if we work together. Shannon



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~The Galactic Free Press~ Update 8~17~12 Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence Lift Off!


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~ Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence Lift Off!




Greetings Love Beings, An Influx of Increased Energies has been released on this Anniversary of The Harmonic Convergence. Change is defiantly afoot. Peace On Earth=Heart is getting ready to Manifest. Today, marks the final end of the illusionary matrix and The Final ignition of 5D Reality, Heaven On Earth=Heart. Humanity's returning to Balanced Harmonics. This has Occurred ON a Leo New Moon and in The Lions Gate! This is LIFT OFF Folks!




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AUGUST 17, 1987
What was it?



The period in history known as Harmonic Convergence was defined by Jose Arguelles as:  “the point at which the counter-spin of history finally comes to a momentary halt, and the still imperceptible spin of post-history commences.”  It was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Quetzalcoatl, known as the Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells.  The prophecy stated that following the ninth hell, humanity would know and experience an unprecedented New Age of Peace.  The Hell cycle ended on August 16, 1987; the Harmonic Convergence began on August 17.  Thus began the projected twenty-five year culmination of the 5,125 year Great Cycle of History, as well as the 26,000-year cycle of evolution, both slated to end in 2012.



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     Unity is a very important subject to touch on, especially with all the “stuff” going on , on our planet. Unity is, i am told, the 4th law of love. In love and unity, there is no separation. But, we must ask ourselves, what is true unity? I believe it is the coming together for a common cause that benefits the community as a whole, being one entity in a common cause for the betterment of all Beings...and for the betterment of our dear planet...



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Perhaps you can ground yourself during intense times, by adding rocks to your drinking water, even put some rocks in your pocket to assist you to ground… it’s only going to get more intense… might as well pick up a few grounding tricks… any more to share? Rock and roll baby! IITM


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Multiple Tropical Threats


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Economic collapse is inevitable, here’s why…



By admin / August 10, 2012 / Economic Collapse



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8-17-12 Bill Ballard ~ 25 Years of Personal & Collective Growth Since Harmonic Convergence


It has now been 25 years since the Harmonic Convergence August 16 & 17, 1987. The Planet and Humanity is now finally waking up! There have been 3 Major Groups projecting their focus to change Mother Earth including that original group participating. What a wild ride this has been. Finally humanity is waking up and at the last minute! Namaste to all and especially those who have participated dedicating their lives for this planetary and collective shift! LOVE!


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Bill Ballard ~ Meditation is simply Going Within


Many people have asked me what meditation practices I do. Well, since the early 1980s I have done none other than focus my intent inwards which is the true definition of meditation. Yes there are many ways and practices one can use for specific gains, but truly as you are completely focused on your spirituality turning inwards, meditation is 24/7 no matter what you are doing. So don't think you have to go take time out and sit in this position or that to accomplish what you need spiritually... That would only be waisting time! LOVE!


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DL Zeta – Cultivating ‘Dream Futures’ To Energize Your Highest Potentials



DL Zeta – Cultivating ‘Dream Futures’ To Energize Your Highest Potentials – 18 August 2012

If we wish to energize and live our highest and best potentials, it is necessary to perceive and visit our future before we take action in our present moment. When we visit our future in consciousness, we are in a sense able to observe the field of our future potentials and choose the one that allows us to best carry out our spiritual purpose in this lifetime. As we carry out our spiritual mission, all the things we have asked for begin to manifest, including love, abundance, radiant health, creative achievements and much more.

Our Future Self Downloads Images of Dream Futures in our Sleep States

The part of us that is able to step free of time and space limitations travels into the field of our future potentials and advises us on which timeline best serves our purpose in this lifetime. It doesn’t matter what we call this aspect of our consciousness. We can call it our spirit guide, our guiding angel or our future self. All of these are real and true.


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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – The Magdalene Speaks – 18 August 2012



Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – The Magdalene Speaks – 18 August 2012

I am the vibration, the energy and the clarity of the one that is known as the Magdalene.  As Time written unhooks herself, she looks for the ancient tales that she has been dragging behind her for far too long.  I as the vibration of the Magdalene. I have waited for this time, this day, this place to announce in the fullness of Light in front of God, country, man, and religion what it truly means to love so deeply a man that has been become Christed and seen brighter than a sun.  I have waited long to be acknowledged as a partner in Light.  In this acknowledgement of my union with Christ I do not wish to belittle others, nor I do not wish to strong-arm any religion, bending it to my truth.  I do not wish to cause controversy in a world already full of upheavals.


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Abraham-Hicks: On Jesus-Jeshua


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Heavenletter #4285 Let Your Heart, August 18, 2012


Heavenletter #4285 Let Your Heart, August 18, 2012 

God said: 


How hungry is the heart that is out of practice of loving. It's not the heart's fault that it has been kept sheltered. The heart has been stepped on, even isolated by the supervisory mind. The mind puts the heart in isolation. The mind may think it is doing a good thing for the person it occupies, raising its owner above others, keeping its owner aloof, keeping its owner in some kind of frozen eliteness, in a place where common everyday love is not good enough to express itself.

And so the mind insists that the person's heart must wait until there is the perfection that the mind thinks there must be, an object of perfection before the mind will dare allow the heart's release. And, so, the bedraggled heart is pulled back and has to wait for permission before it may start evoking itself. The rein on the heart is too short, too tight, too restricting.


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Messages From The Masters



Messages From The Masters

through the Ascended Masters Mystery School

The increase of ascension frequencies currently supporting your great shift in consciousness into the freedom of the 5th dimension is also shifting the energetic matrices within and around your Earth. Every life form in your Solar System is being affected as you are all part of a global ascension that is inviting everyone in your galaxy to take the next step in consciousness. This process may be stimulating the opening of some of the crystalline strands of your ancient DNA that still contain memories of having lived on Earth during previous Golden Ages. These strands have never been confined by the limitations that exist within the 3rd or 4th dimensions as they have only recorded the memories of you having lived in Unity or Christ Consciousness.

~ The Ascended Masters Saint Germain & Lady Portia and El Morya & Lady Miriam

How Can I Ascend?

Part 2 ~~ August, 2012

Your present cycle is one of the most important humanity has ever experienced. It took several ages for those of us in the Ascended Realms to collectively agree that a mass ascension could actually take place within a world that was so ingrained in its 3rd dimensional illusions and distractions. Thousands of angels, our celestial hosts and the Elohim are presently assisting you in making this ascension a physical reality, yet we must also share that there are no guarantees since you are living in a free will universe.

We have been working with humanity’s ascension potential for more than a hundred years to prepare you for these times. We have been assisting you and your ancestors in moving out of the limiting memories that were recorded within your bodies and within and around your planet that are no longer serving you in making your ascension.

The eternal etheric substances of your soul are presently being stimulated by your Presence and your Ascended Master sponsors so you can remember your spiritual inheritance and why you are here specifically during the time of your Great Shift in the Ages. This Shift is your ascension into the 5th dimension.

It is time to align with the everlasting joy that is never found in the temporary pleasures of your 3rd dimensional world. Based on the majority of humanity giving so much of its attention and personal power to the illusion of pleasure in the outer world, your culture has been intensely devoted to instilling false belief systems by advertising products and presenting you with endless entertainment possibilities that are designed to disguise and distract you from the real satisfaction that comes from living as an immortal being who has no need to give away your power to an illusion; for in doing so, you have kept yourselves from realizing your mastery and completing your ascension into the unlimited magnificence, majesty and greatness of your Presence.


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The light of life shines in me and in you, The gift of oneness helps us through The mother of peace comes finally here The heart filled with love transports us near BE LOVE, SEEK TRUTH, HAVE FAITH ALL IS BEING DONE, ALL IS BEING FINALIZED WE ARE THERE!! May all Souls frequencies be raised up to HEAVEN tonight. I choose to raise the level of LOVE for all man-kind to the very highest and to remain there for the duration. The closeness we now feel is no illusion, but rather the precursor to the end of separation. We have only the last steps to create..., and that creation is the simplest one. We now take flight into our own hearts and stay there because the light has won! No one can stop this last step and it was always meant to be just this easy so that it could never be interfered with! Gone is the world of hate and violence for those of us that will move into their hearts to find their freedom. One small tiny little step tonight, and we will meet together this moment in the perfect peace of the "inside" world. Sela....Peace

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EMBRACING WHAT IS REAL: Helane Lipson Interviews Lilou Mace


Special Guest, Lilou Mace - www.liloumace.com 
Host: Helane Lipson - www.insightsbyhelane.com

Lilou Mace is a French-American author, webTV host and international Internet video blogger since 2005 with over 12-million video views and the co-founder of an global Internet community, The 100-Day Reality Challenge www.CoCreatingOurReality.com. Lilou is now travelling around the world interviewing people to offer online everyday inspiration on the Juicy Living Tour. Lilou believes that we can fulfill our life potential and manifest our dreams by focusing our thoughts on what we want, listening to heart, loving ourselves, being courageous, playing big and applying juicy insights, tools and practices that she presents in her videos. Her mission statement indicates that she aims, amongst other things, to "inspire millions of people to explore their unlimited potential and make spirituality an everyday thing".


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~Everything is Changing~ Celebrations Up Ahead





Everything is changing to reflect the growth of our collective consciousness. Old paradigms, that worked just months ago are being exposed as corrupt and in-just. What is happening is that all things, groups, organizations, banks, pharmacy, government , on every level are being made transparent. As these changes happen the rug is being pulled away, exposing all things not of love and for the greater good of all. It is important RIGHT NOW to get firmly grounded in your heart center and to trust that everything is in perfect order. Look past the chaos that is sure to be happening. Be the Rock for those around you. Do what it is that your inner knowing is telling you to do. Now it’s graduation time and the celebration is soon to begin.




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Spontaneous Awakening from "Pleiadian Ascension"


Awakening with Suzanne Lie



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Ann Barnhardt’s Official Announcement: Get the Hell Out


2012 The Big Picture
August 17, 2012

Further to my earlier post, a Federal judge rules it’s OK for a brokerage company to “borrow” money from your account—and lose it:

Here’s Ann Barnhardt’s official video explaining how the National Futures Association grants brokers permission to invest and “lose our money” (customer segregated funds) without penalty, in the event of an emergency.

To read the rest of this story, visit 2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com.




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The case against Europe: One MEP reveals the disturbing contempt for democracy at the heart of the EU


Mail Online
By Daniel Hannan
PUBLISHED: 17:04 EST, 14 August 2012
UPDATED: 04:08 EST, 17 August 2012

Over 13 years as an MEP, Daniel Hannan has witnessed first hand how Brussels works. Now he has written a forensic analysis of why it’s rotten to the core. His devastating critique should be required reading for every politician.

A protester places a EU flag on a bonfire during a riot outside the European Council hall in Gothenburg Sweden

A protester places a EU flag on a bonfire during a riot outside the European Council hall in Gothenburg Sweden

There is a popular joke in Brussels that if the European Union were a country applying to join itself, it would be rejected on the grounds of being undemocratic.

It’s absolutely true - and, believe me, it isn’t funny. Or, if it is, then the laugh is on you and me. Democracy is not simply a periodic right to mark a cross on a ballot paper.


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Eli Lilly admits to more than $200 million dollars worth of doctor payoffs


Natural News
August 15, 2012 by: Willow Tohi

(NaturalNews) Prozac. Cialis. Cymbalta. If you have a television or read magazines, you've heard of their drugs. Eli Lilly, out of Indiana, makes billions of dollars every year off the sale of their patented chemicals, which are used to suppress the symptoms of disease in the human body. Founded by a chemist in the late 19th century; today the pharmaceutical giant has offices in 18 countries, and its products are sold in 125 countries, with revenues exceeding $20 billion annually.

Most of their arsenal is available in other countries for much less money than it is here in the United States, as is the case with most prescription medication. The reason, the pharmaceutical industry claims, is that the health care systems of other countries demands affordable medication, and they need somebody somewhere to foot the research bill, so they can get the next patents lined up before others expire, allowing generic versions of their drugs to become available on the market. That leaves us Americans, with our broken healthcare system, footing the bill of their continued financial success.

To read the rest of this story, visit NaturalNews.com.


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Billionaires Soros, Paulson Bet Big on Gold


ABC News Blogs

By Lyneka Little | ABC News Blogs – Thu, Aug 16, 2012 


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Connections by Suzi Attachments


As I was driving home last night, a thought popped into my head that I was in process of releasing attachment to 3D living. The lack of interest in things like house cleaning might not be such a great indicator, but I’ve always loved to drive.


Last night however, and more often as I’m out driving my car it occurs to me how limiting it is. My imagination takes off and I go around corners with a bank on the curve that isn’t actually there. It’s like gravity no longer has a hold on me and I’m flying a hovercraft or something.


I started to realize that it could be our attachment to even the little things that we’re used to that keeps us tethered to this reality. For example, eating can be a very pleasurable experience, but I just haven’t been that interested in that either lately. Perhaps what’s underlying that disinterest is simply a releasing of 3D life as we know it.



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Impulsive M2.4 solar flare peaked at 13:19 UTC AUGUST 17, 2012



Impulsive M2.4 solar flare peaked at 13:19 UTC

 AUGUST 17, 2012




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Uninstalling Ego Programs


2012 August 17
Commentary By Steve Beckow

Reader D. Tamick has sent in an interesting idea. Approach the process of letting go of our old baggage as we would uninstalling a computer program. Well, who knows? The process of visualization or imagination involved just might work….


Uninstalling Ego Programs

When I was doing my meditation this morning, I had an interesting idea present itself to me. Lately I’ve had to uninstall several programs on my computer that I no longer need and that were slowing things down. I had the thought that the programs I’ve created to run my life are in that same category – no longer needed and slowing things down. Why don’t I uninstall some of them? So I started. I pictured my computer screen and clicked on the proper boxes. I was amazed at how easy it was (most of the time). As soon as I uninstalled one, another would pop up.



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Meet the Soldiers Who Refuse to Kill


War Is A Crime/by David Swanson
August 12, 2012

Veterans who refused to participate in wars gave a compelling presentation at the Veterans For Peace convention underway.

Iraq Veterans Against the War marching in Boston at the New England Anti-war Mobilization.
Photo Credit: Jonathan McIntosh/Wikimedia Commons

One of the most inspiring events thus far at the Veterans For Peace National Convention underway in Miami was a presentation on Thursday by several veterans who have refused to participate in war. Typically, they have done this at the risk of significant time in prison, or worse. In most cases these resisters avoided doing any time. Even when they did go behind bars, they did so with a feeling of liberation.


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Reuters Unveils Yet Another Security Breach




Reuters Unveils Yet Another Security Breach  

Date 16th August 2012 

By Iain James 


This month has turned into something of a security nightmare for esteemed news agency Reuters, which yesterday announced a second hack into its blogging platform and the third breach overall since the start of August.

This time, the cyber hoodlums left a post reporting the death of Prince Saud al-Faisal, Saudi Arabia's foreign minister. Reuters News global communications director Barb Burg said that the bogus piece had been taken down immediately and the company was working to solve the problem. The news agency has yet to identify the perpetrators of the attack, Burg added.


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Anonymous Calls for Shut-down of TrapWire to Start this Saturday


2012thebigpicture Blogs


While details of a futuristic and frightening global surveillance network called TrapWire are discovered, members of the Anonymous collective are calling for people everywhere to voice their opposition and help end the system, starting this Saturday.


“As we learn about TrapWire and similar systems in the surveillance industry, it becomes more apparent that we must, at all costs, shut this system down and render it useless,” active members of the loose-knit hacktivist collective Anonymous write in a press release issued early Thursday. Starting with this weekend, the group is asking for anyone that is concerned with TrapWire and the acceleration of the world into a full-fledged surveillance state to make sure their voices are heard — peacefully.



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Some Sweetness for YOU ~


A channeled tender prayer of compassion from Mother Mary for all of us in this human experience.


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California Power Grid on Brink of Collapse


A recent warning issued by the state's electricity grid operator....


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Strange Lights Surrounding Earth


MUltiple unknown objects on satellite images.


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300 million years old Screw found!.


August 13, 2012 - In the summer of 1998, Russian scientists who were investigating an area 300 km south west of Moscow on the remains of a meteorite, discovered a piece of rock which enclosed an iron screw. Geologists estimate that the age of the rock is 300-320 million years.

At that time there were not only intelligent life forms on earth, not even .....

dinosaurs did not appear on its surface. The screw, which is clearly visible in the head and nut, has a length of about cm and a diameter of about three millimetres.

Scientists initially thought that the screw was in a farm machine. But the screw was firmly fixed in the rock.

Case of "error" was excluded because in addition, as shown by subsequent studies, the screw is there really a huge amount of time, since the iron atoms of the screw and the atoms of silicon (from which the rock consists mainly) have spread across the two ylika.Oi X-rays revealed that exist within the rock bolts and similar .. as well as two small round balls that have square holes.


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Lucas ~ The Bigger Picture ~ We Are Almost There! ~ Watch!


 ~ 17 August 2012



Some say it is quiet. Some say there is something in the air.  Some say all is happening now.   They are all right.


It is quiet as things are in secret meetings and at closed-door conferences being addressed.  There is for sure something in the air if it are not our galactic friends that make them be noticed, we are having all sorts of waves coming in from solar electro magnetic blasts and from our Alcyone our great source coming lots of ascension energies. The air is also filled with frequencies of the ELF kind that Ha(a)rp us beautiful storms and clouds, earthquakes.


Also mother earths natural kind of cleansing via her eruptions, quakes, storms and rains, extreme droughts, fires  is peaking.

Also in the air are the data streams that keep going over the media servers, the banking servers and find via sometimes leaked happenings their way onto our internet.



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/17/12 ‘The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven’


Saint Peter holding the 'Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven' (Matthew 16:19) . The keys

symbolize frequency, as frequency can be expressed as a musical tone, pitch or 'key'. 


Resurrecting your dreams, your hopes, your accomplishments and your new home will be an achievement beyond any that you have ever made. What you have to look forward to is something that not many beings, if any at all, throughout this entire universe are blessed so to experience. We have planned for you and see for you so many wonderful things that so many of you who today may feel tied down to an unrewarding, un-pleasurable, unexciting, un-wondrous and unloved existence will, like a springboard, catapult into an entirely new reality, fresh in its grand tapestries of excitement, adventure, mystery, beauty, wonder, reward and surprise.


This is what so many of you have in store for yourselves just up ahead beyond the next-door that you will successfully step through. Do not allow yourselves to feel glum now, to allow yourselves to deflate, as it is this air of expectation, of childlike excitement and anticipation that is the air that fills your balloon that will lift you up and out of your current fairground of reality. Do you understand this, that it is your attitude, your inner emotions that are such an important factor in helping deliver you to where it is you want to be and what you want to experience? Your mindsets are preciously important factors at this and all times. It is entirely necessary for each and every one of you who wants more for yourselves, who wants something different and better for yourselves to safeguard and cater to your mindset, your attitudes, your demeanor, your outlook, your expectations, your mood as well as your physical health at all times, for all of these things factor in to your journey.


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Oracle Report - Saturday, August 18 - Sunday, August 19, 2012



Saturday, August 18 - Sunday, August 19, 2012



New Moon Phase - Moon in Virgo

This weekend, after a very long wait, the time has finally come for new beginnings.  This is especially true if something has been sacrificed or removed from your life over the last month.  Light is returning and the movement is forward, but some may have a hard time letting go.  This is ok because some people have been so deeply in the dark that more time for transition is needed.  It may be more gradual for some than others, but regardless it is forward movement.  New ideas, new perspectives, and new realizations are emerging.  There is a strong element of self-care that goes along with all of this.  Sunday's energy is much faster and mental that it may make your head spin or give you a headache.  It may generate some degree of confusion.  We need to relax and gain a little more perspective until things settle out.  Our energy can easily become scattered and we can become overwhelmed or immobilzed.  Sunday is not a good day to make big decisions because truth is hard to make out amongst all of the information.  We need to find simplicity within Sun


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     Unity is a very important subject to touch on, especially with all the “stuff” going on , on our planet. Unity is, i am told, the 4th law of love. In love and unity, there is no separation. But, we must ask ourselves, what is true unity? I believe it is the coming together for a common cause that benefits the community as a whole, being one entity in a common cause for the betterment of all Beings...and for the betterment of our dear planet...

    Unity among all people and all Beings is very important not only for positive social order but for peace and understanding among all people, regardless of your spiritual beliefs. We must look beyond the blinders of worldly religions and think for a moment. We CAN become unified to better this planet and the well being of all if we learn to put our petty differences aside and work together.


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~Heaven Is waiting for a Party~ Indian in the Machine



By Peter Dieter
Indian in the machine


PEACE 2012 SAYS: Q. Have read this site with interest and read many articles that were clear that August 4th would be the day of arrival in London whether ready or not. however 4th August came and went without incident and now there are predictions of other dates, can someone explain why these messages seem to keep getting it wrong?

A. We are learning to be powerful co-creators of magnificent moments…



Some come from false channels, some come from authentic channels, but humans come in and WITH THEIR DOUBT… create a reality where no one shows up… then all the ONES WHO THINK THEY ARE SO SMART… sit there and oh so smugly… I TOLD YOU SO… meanwhile, if people can SUPPORT instead of DOUBT… then that’s the true path of co-creating a miracle. Believe it and then see it. Other dates that come and go are tests… because we don’t get into the fifth dimension… or to explore the rest of the universe, without mastering PATIENCE…ponder that one big time…


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Debt crisis: Spanish bad bank loans soar to fresh high


Telegraph.co.uk Spanish bad bank loans soared to a fresh high in June, with almost 10pc of households and companies now behind on their payments.


11:09AM BST 17 Aug 2012 


Bad debts climbed to 9.42pc of total lending, the Bank of Spain said on Friday, the highest since records began in 1962.


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Spirit Science – The Four Elements – 18 August 2012


Uploaded on 13 August 2012 by TheSpiritScience


Thanks to lucas2012infos.wordpress.com


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A Divine Communication



Pubblicato in data 18/ago/2012 da emeraz11

A beautiful blend of voice (Kay Proudfoot), together with Diamond Light Codes and natural beauty that evokes the Love of One Source that flows through us all. Allow yourself to flow with the sounds and images, and be connected to the Divine within you.......



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Natural Cancer-Fighting Spice Reduces Tumors by 81%



Natural Cancer-Fighting Spice Reduces Tumors by 81%

By Anthony Gucciardi

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World


Used in the ancient Chinese and Indian systems of medicine, curcumin is a naturally powerful anticancer compound that has been found to decrease brain tumor size in animals by 81 percent in more than 9 studies. A derivative of turmeric, curcumin is the pigment responsible for turmeric’s yellow-orange color. Each 100 grams of turmeric contains around 3 to 5 grams of curcumin, though turmeric is a also very powerful on its own. New studies are shedding light on curcumin, and illuminating its numerous benefits on cancer and other diseases.


Researchers experimenting with curcumin in the treatment of a fatal brain cancer known as glioblastoma (GBMs) published their groundbreaking findings in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry in July. Adding scientific basis to previous findings surrounding the positive effects of curcumin, they showed that the compound dramatically decreased brain tumors in 9 out of the 11 studies examined by 81 percent. Furthermore, there was no evidence of toxicity, whereas chemotherapy and other cancer treatments often result in extreme side effects that are sometimes worse than the actual disease. Curcumin is not only effective against brain cancer, however.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Nurture Yourself You are a work in progress



Saturday, August 18, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Nurture Yourself


You are a work in progress

As is everyone around you. Nurture yourself, nurture others all with the same loving kindness you share with your most treasured loved ones. It takes a village to raise a child and you are all beautiful children of the ONE mind. Help to love and support one another like that beautiful innocent child you once were, and still are within.
Take some quite time away from it all where you won't be disturbed and take your inner child out and ask him or her how they are feeling, and what their expectations are. It might be time to heal and transform some thoughts from childhood that you are still carrying with you, or perhaps those thoughts and feelings need to validated and updated to match the new you that is emerging. And most of all, end your session with your inner child with the love of the Mother for you both. Call upon Mother Mary if you are not sure what that love feels like and be prepared for a huge heart opening and enjoy the feelings.


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Is It Illusion Or Reality?


Is It Illusion Or Reality? | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database

By Arthur Levine

As the main character in a fictional novel called Johnny Oops who is suffering under the delusion that I am real, I know a lot about the difference between illusion and reality. After all, I am the author of this piece.

Some of you may suffer under the illusion that you are real, but I am here to put forth the proposition that it is you that is suffering under an illusion. You are operating in a dream like state. You have deluded yourself into thinking that the space and time you occupy is real, but it really isn’t.

As Buddha would say according to my interpretation of Deepak Chopra’s statements in his new book called, BUDDHA, you have to awaken in order to be real and to find enlightenment.

How do you know that you are awake and not simply dreaming? How can you excite your senses to the point that you can redefine a new reality for yourself? These are not easy questions to answer. These are not easy problems to solve. It will take all your will and effort to awake to the new reality of life. Are you ready?


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New sunspot...Jumps in with M5.5 flare!



Pubblicato in data 17/ago/2012 da fumb duck

Strong Solar Flare!
M5.5 Solar Flare 01:10 BST approx.
A new sunspot rotating into view, is very active and just produced a strong M5.5 solar flare....Not earth directed.....Expect some fun with this region. :))



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Galactic Free Press Update 8~14~12 Divine Decrees From The Light In Full Manifestion


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The Age of Consciousness


The Age of Consciousness | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database

By Caryn Cridland

Some argue that we, as a human race, are regressing. We are destroying the planet with mindless acts of deforestation and ever-increasing mining, forcing species to extinction, and emitting tons of carbon. Causing ocean acidification, depleting food, water and energy supplies and so on. Interestingly, despite these, and other horrifically destructive acts, more people than ever before are entering a new age of knowing or awareness. Has the Age of Consciousness arrived?

More people understand the meaning of the word consciousness and its implications than ever before. Has the tipping point finally been reached? If so, why now? Is it the result of increasing numbers of people searching for meaning, purpose and connection in their lives? Can we thank Quantum Physics and Neuroscience for answering questions that once divided spiritual and scientific thinkers? Or is it that people have had enough of current ways of doing things and the devastating effects on the planet? The list of possibilities is endless.


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Extremely dangerous EQ Sulawesi, Indonesia update




Extremely dangerous EQ Sulawesi, Indonesia update



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Perfect Healing … Gratitude and Wholeness



Perfect Healing … Gratitude and Wholeness

18th August 2012

By Carmen Allgood

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World


The term ‘Collective Soul’ seems to be popular these days, but our souls are not in jeopardy and are oblivious to all the pain and turmoil the human race subjects itself to on a daily basis. The spirit is a state of perfect peace and harmony and has nothing in common with the material world. The point of this article isn’t to focus on what we can do to protect our bodies or possessions, for the world will not last.

Let’s start with the premise that everything that exists came from One Source. This certainty is not based on personal beliefs or a desire to be right, but rather simple reason, which cannot be denied. We did come from One Source. And unless we have somehow managed to take control of the Power of the Universe and bend it to our will, the simple truth is that whatever sits at the Alpha, or beginning, of the universe is at the center of all centers. This is the stuff we are made of. Some call it Love.


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Questor share tip: Hold African Barrick Gold until bid situation becomes clear


Telegraph.co.uk A chinese state-owned company is in talks over a bid for UK-listed African Barrick Gold


7:00AM BST 17 Aug 2012 


African Barrick Gold's shares have jumped 8pc after its parent revealed a bid approach. Questor says hold. 


African Barrick Gold shares have finally stopped their downward slide, as a bid approach brought gold equities back to life.


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UK, Met involved in TrapWire scandal


Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:50PM GMT

BGH/ UK govt. and police involved in scandal

BGH/ UK govt. and police involved in scandal
The British government and Metropolitan Police of London have been involved in a TrapWire scandal, which includes a controversial mass global surveillance network, a report has confirmed.


Emails released by WikiLeaks appear to show that the UK government and London’s Metropolitan Police Service (MET) are involved in the scandal.

To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.ir.


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This Is How We Know The Shocking Facts About Spy Campaign 'TrapWire' Are True


Business Insider
Michael Kelley, Aug. 17, 2012, 6:57 PM

mickey mouse

Flickr/ Loren Javier

Last week WikiLeakspublished internal emails from the U.S. private security firm Stratfor that describe a widespread surveillance network called TrapWire that was created and is run by former members of the CIA.

RT first broke the story about the system's staggering reach into the privacy of passersby and informative stories followed.


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Brief William Binney (NSA WhistleBlower) Interview


Published on Jul 13, 2012 by Tim Pool

Geoff Shively gives a brief introduction to Wiliam Binney and the NSA spying program.  Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/timcast

Source: YouTube.com.


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Book written in DNA code


The Guardian home 

Geraint Jones Thursday 16 August 2012 19.45 BST 

 Scientists who encoded the book say it could soon be cheaper to store information in DNA than in conventional digital devices 



Two molecules of DNA
Book of life: DNA is the ultimate compact storage medium. Photograph: Alamy

Scientists have for the first time used DNA to encode the contents of a book. At 53,000 words, and including 11 images and a computer program, it is the largest amount of data yet stored artificially using the genetic material.


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The Birth of The Sacred



The Birth of The Sacred

Beloveds, the distance between Dimensions is closing Now, reducing the space between the spiritual and the physical. 

This is the process of Ascension and it has already begun.

It is happening to all who are inhabiting the Earth at this time – to the collective human family as well as to the plants, animals and the inhabitants.

The inner senses are opening, now, to reveal what was formerly invisible.

New awareness are emerging and a new sense of the Sacred is being born.

The new energy of light causes both body and the consciousness to vibrate at a higher frequency, the frequency of the higher dimensions of light. 

It is not just a matter of opening to new perceptions, beloved ones, It is a matter of allowing the changes in the heart and in consciousness that have already begun to happen.


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Exclusive: U.S. banks told to make plans for preventing collapse


By Rick Rothacker

Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:41am EDT

An ATM machine at a Bank of America office is pictured in Burbank, California August 19, 2011. REUTERS/Fred Prouser

An ATM machine at a Bank of America office is pictured in Burbank, California August 19, 2011. Credit: Reuters/Fred Prouser

(Reuters) - U.S. regulators directed five of the country's biggest banks, including Bank of America Corp and Goldman Sachs Group Inc, to develop plans for staving off collapse if they faced serious problems, emphasizing that the banks could not count on government help.


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NSA Whistleblower Says The Feds Are Gathering Data On Nearly Every US Citizen


Business Insider
Michael Kelley, Jul. 17, 2012, 6:41 PM


The U.S. government has been collecting data on nearly every U.S. citizen and assembling webs of their relationships, National Security Agency whistleblower William Binney told the Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE) conference last week.

Binney worked for the Defense Department's foreign signals intelligence agency for 32 years before resigning in late 2001 because he "could not stay after the NSA began purposefully violating the Constitution," according to a statement he made in court records.

To read the rest of this story and see the video, visit businessinsider.com.


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Aisha North: Back to school



Back to school


By GLR Aisha North

 •August 18, 2012 •

First of all, thank you all for your kind words and for your comments and insights on the symbol I posted. It has been very interesting to see how this have touched so many of you in so many different ways. To me, it symbolizes the confirmation that everything I believe in is true, and not just a figment of my imagination. That was why it touched me so profoundly in my dream. It was a visible proof of the existence of all of the things we sense are there, but we cannot yet see. But some day soon we will, and I know that day is not too far off now.

As I mentioned in my post “Time to take a break”, these last few weeks have been so transformative. Not just for me, but for so many around me as well, and that is why I have a very strong feeling that we are approaching a monumental change, not just as individuals, but as a collective. Everything is picking up speed and intensity, and even if 2012 has already proven to be a very important year for us all, I think the remaining months will be even more eventful.


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2MIN News August 18, 2012: Solar Flares & 6.6 Earthquake



Pubblicato in data 18/ago/2012 da Suspicious0bservers


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Nikola Tesla museum campaign earns $500,000 online in two days


The Guardian home 

Adam Gabbatt


Friday 17 August 2012 18.30 BST 

Inventor's Wardenclyffe lab is for sale in New York, and comic creator Matthew Inman wants the internet to help buy it 

 Nikola Tesla


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Bob Diamond's 'highly selective' evidence slammed in MPs' Libor report


The Guardian home 

Jill Treanor

Report also criticises Bank of England and regulator for being slow to notice events leading up to Barclays' £290m fine 


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Banks fraudulently foreclose on millions of Americans


Published on Aug 13, 2012 by RTAmerica


Florida will be one of the battleground states in the upcoming presidential election. Apart from having a large number of seniors who are concerned about issues like Medicare and taxes, the state also has one of the highest percentages of home foreclosures, falling only after California. Lisa Epstein who is running for clerk of courts in Palm Beach County, Florida shares her first-hand experience with RT's Kristine Frazao.

Like us and/or follow us:

Source: YouTube.com.


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Stephen Cook~ Truth Has No Agenda



Written by Stephen Cook


As we get closer and closer to a range of wonderfully important and soul-changing moments – and with Disclosure already underway and the changeover to the new financial system just waiting to be announced – the effects, efforts and the strategic use of disinfo has suddenly risen to what can only be called ‘high alert’.


Take Disclosure, for example… the constant repeats of scaremongering anti-alien movies, such as the original and multiple sequels to the  Alien films, War of the Worlds, Independence DayBattle Los Angeles and many others are now suddenly on mass rotation across every television platform available all around the world.

Whether the network programmers themselves realise they are part of a coordinated effort to dominate the airwaves with such anti-Galactics campaigning, I could not say.



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We Plant The Seeds For Future Generations ~ A Poem by M.N. Hopkins


Saturday, August 18, 2012



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Chakras: 7 Minute Tune Up


A free download of 7 MINUTE CHAKRA TUNE UP is available at http://www.healingsounds.com

A profoundly powerful chakra balancing meditation in only 7 minutes! Healing Sounds pioneer® Jonathan Goldman has created this new sound experience to enhance everyone's busy life. Using powerful chakra imagery created by visionary artist Lahrinda along with Jonathan's sounding of the sacred vowels to resonate your energy centers, this video will balance and align your chakras, creating greater health and harmony. To receive maximum benefit from the experience, simply tone along with the chakra sounds yourself, and experience additional therapeutic benefits.


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Where has All the Money Gone?


World Mysteries Blog 

Post image for Where has All the Money Gone?

The World is Broke(n)!

by Dene McGriff

Money is in the news.  The Federal Government needs money.  The States are broke andneed more money.  Cities and counties are going broke.  Businesses are going broke and closing down.  Countries are going broke.  Banks are broke.  And “we the people” are broke.  But wait, isn’t that what bailouts are for? 


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Intergration of energies for 2012


10 nuclear events in 10 days - New Paridigm does not like old energy...



10 nuclear events in 10 days


 – AUGUST 18, 2012



The Watchers Tweet Tweet We had 10 different nuclear events reported in just 10 days. Below is a list of them with date and short description. BELGIUM (1) August 8, 2012 – Doel 3 nuclear reactor, Doel Nuclear Power Station - Shutdown Doel 3 nuclear reactor at Doel Nuclear Power Station in Belgium was shut down on August 8, 2012 under the suspicion that one of its components might be cracked. “We have found anomalies,” said Karina...
  • The Watchers















We had 10 different nuclear events reported in just 10 days. Below is a list of them with date and short description.



(1) August 8, 2012 – Doel 3 nuclear reactor, Doel Nuclear Power Station - Shutdown

Doel 3 nuclear reactor at Doel Nuclear Power Station in Belgium was shut down on August 8, 2012 under the suspicion that one of its components might be cracked. “We have found anomalies,” said Karina De Beule, spokesman for the ACFN, the federal agency for nuclear control.

Doel 3 reactor will be shutdown until at least the end of August, but it is possible that the reactor could be shut down for good.

The station is located in the most densely populated area of all nuclear power stations in Europe, with 9 million inhabitants within a radius of 75 kilometres (47 miles). Construction of this plant started in 1969 and commission started in 1975. More info here.


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Riding the Energies: Outside of Duality Closer to Source


The Pleiadian Network

Current Channelings from the Pleiadians

Original Post August 2, 2012


Podcast: Play in new window | Download (13.3MB)



Good evening we are here, give us a moment. It is August 1, 2012, and it’s a Full Moon in Aquarius. Where to begin?



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SIGNIFICANT SOLAR FLARE, NOT EARTH-DIRECTED: Magnetic fields snaking over the sun's northeastern limb erupted on August 18th around 01:02 UT. The M5.5 class eruption was not Earth-directed, but it could herald a significant uptick in geoeffective solar activity as the new active region turns toward Earth in the days ahead. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.


NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory recorded the eruption:

Stay tuned for updates on this event.


RETURN OF THE ARCTIC AURORAS: It has been a while since sky watchers around the Arctic Circle have enjoyed the Northern Lights. Auroras are hard to see through the glare of the midnight sun. As summer comes to an end, however, aurora season is beginning again. Last night, B.Art Braafhart spotted a splash of green over Salla in the Finnish Lapland:




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Japan’s Sakurajima volcano releasing largest amount of ash in 20 years: ground swollen around volcano




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Lisa Galwas: Your Notebook of Finished Energy and New Life!




I think about what the transition must be like for a brand new baby once he emerges down the birth canal and is pushed into created Life.  He arrives into a world so opposite of where he just came from.  Bright lights of the delivery room, loud sounds of people talking and celebrating (some cussing) his arrival, being weighted, poked, prodded and the sensation of his skin on his mothers.  To feel hunger for the first time, or have a bowel movement, or spit up. Everything so new and weird and exhausting to him!


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