~ The Release of Sirus~ Begins TODAY!~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Much is Shifting and Changing Energetically speaking!!! This will Intensify as we finsih out April! With The Release of The Movie Sirus we will have alot of Quick Movement! You can Join us On the Higher Grid Today Beginning at 10:30am Pacific for Our Weekly Family Meeting. All are Invited as We are ALL One FAMILY! You can Join us Live at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress  Love The Earth Allies

Dust Storms Unlike You've Ever Seen



Published on Apr 17, 2013 by StormMaster17

April 17, 2013 - Photographer Mike Olbinski is sharing his amazing images and time lapse video of real dust storms that occurred near his home in Phoenix, Arizona.




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New: How to View Lyrid Meteor Shower This Week


Weather.com - 4/21/13, Terrell Johnson


Stunning Lyrids Over Earth at Night


Stunning Lyrids Over Earth at Night

The image above shows a very probable Lyrid in a six-second exposure, taken on April 22, 2012. NASA astronomer Bill Cooke mapped the meteor to the star field -- seen in this annotated image -- and confirmed that the meteor originated from the Lyrid radiant. (NASA/JSC/Don Pettit)

If you're in the right place outdoors on the night of Earth Day, keep an eye on the sky. You're likely to see something that only comes along once a year: the annual Lyrid meteor shower. 


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New: Midwest Floods Turn Deadly


Weather.com - 4/21/13

Louisiana, Mo.

Chad Keedy and stepdaughter Jordan DeBolt, 15, of Chillicothe, Ill., paddle through flood waters in their neighborhood along Oak Lawn Street in Chiilicothe, Ill., on Saturday, April 20, 2013, as the Illinois River rises due to heavy rains earlier in the week. (AP Photo/Peoria Journal Star, Ron Johnson)


Those fighting floods in several communities along the Mississippi River were mostly successful Sunday despite the onslaught of water.

The surging Mississippi was at or near crest at several places from the Quad Cities south to near St. Louis -- some reaching 10-12 feet above flood stage. Problems were plentiful: Hundreds of thousands of acres of swamped farmland as planting season approaches; three people died; roads and bridges closed, including sections of major highways like U.S. 61 in Iowa and Missouri and crossings at Quincy, Ill., and Louisiana, Mo.


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Latest Earthquake Activity - April 22, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes
Map of the 6.1 quake in IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION


All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

April 22


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Sirius exclusive Sighting on Flight 94 Neil Daniels Testimony



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3MIN News April 22, 2013: Meteorite, Quake Stat Update, Delta Sunspot




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Apr 22, 2013


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Visionkeeper - Let Go!


One World Rising Posted on April 22, 2013



Reading music below:


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The Oracle Report Monday, April 22, 2013


The Oracle Report


Gibbous Moon Phase - Moon in Virgo

Ruling Mahavidya - Chinnamasta

We are back up and running just in time for Earth Day today.  Happy Gaia-Sophia Day!


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Big Story Weather – April 22, 2013



RedOrbit - 22 April 2013 - Joshua Kelly 

Daily weather forecast and wrap-up provided by redOrbit meteorologist Joshua Kelly.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Change


Angel Wisdom Monday, April 22, 2013


A time of positive change


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Heavenletter #4532 - The Day You’ve Been Waiting For


Heaven Letters Published on: April 22, 2013

God said:

Wake up, little ones. The day you’ve been waiting for is here. All that is missing is your waking up to it. The sun is out, only you are still a little sleepyhead.

Rub your eyes, and you will see a new world before you, yours for the asking. That is, you did ask for it, and now it is here. Your desires for the Universe are awaiting you. Now you wake up, and now you enjoy the fruits of your life and work.


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POOF for April 21, 2013: A Return to Sanity


As seen at Activist Awake


April 21, 2013 | RMN

Greetings and Salutations:

Again, the happy talk is rolling. If all that took place amongst the financial ministers, took place, then the world is fully engaged to be rid of the fractional reserve banking system. You say, the fed banking system. It was always coming any how. You can’t maintain control of the world by military might, or worthless paper. Gold is priced in frns and it’s dropping, that should tell you something. Something abnormal is afoot. Central banks are going the way of the dinosaur, each country is growing into running their own clean banking system. That’s the only way they will be able to move on anyway. Such a scary thing, like it’s something foreign, metal backed currency. That’s the way it’s supposed be anyhow, constitutionally. Nothing new here.


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Sirius exclusive interview Edgar Mitchell



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Eastern NSW cops a drenching


Weatherzone, By: Rob Sharpe, 04/20/2013


Heavy showers are moving from the South Coast to the Mid North Coast today before mostly sunny skies return on Sunday. The heaviest fall to 9am was at Ulladulla where 158mm drenched the coastal town and was also their heaviest April rain in 24 years of records. In just half hour an a storm pelted 40mm of rain.


Nowra also had 74mm, its heaviest April rain since at least 1991. A bit further north flash flooding was reported in Gerringong, which has been hit by multiple heavy showers. In Sydney, Cronulla gained 56mm by 9am and the city recorded 34mm in the gauge. Just after 9am Observatory Hill copped a thunderstorm with a whopping 12mm in only four minutes.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 21 April 2013


Onenessofall.com APRIL 21, 2013


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HILARION'S WEEKLY MESSAGE 2013 April 21-28, 2013


The Rainbow Scribe

Beloved Ones,

The times that you are living in are wrought with both the greatest of challenges and the greatest of blessings. As the third dimensional energies are no longer being supported by the very atmosphere surrounding the Earth, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hold the denser energies in your personal energy fields. There is a boomerang effect that is occurring whereby those who harbor and hold the denser energies are finding that it comes back to them intensely magnified and this energy sometimes erupts in ways that are difficult to comprehend by the greater community.

It is becoming increasingly important to release these denser energies in ways that do not impinge upon the World in a harmful manner. The role that you, the Lightworkers, play at this time is that of balancing and dissolving discordant energies. This is something each of you automatically pray and intend as the need arises. You have learned how to transmute the lower energies within yourselves and walk the Earth without making a negative impact upon it. It is important to hold love within your hearts no matter what transpires in the changing World around you and this you are doing admirably.


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Gaia Portal Update: Solar Gateway Activation and Re-activation in Progress


21 Apr


gaia_energy1Solar gateway activation and re-activation is occurring. Dormant solar energetic gateways are being re-activated and new solar communication gateways are being created and activated.

What some would term “Travel gateways” are in process as well, although at an early stage, awaiting “humanity general” to “Hue-manity General” consciousness upgrades to complete.

As “humanity general” become “Hue-manity General”, with uplifted vibration sufficient to support such, inter-dimensional travel becomes commonplace among Gaia inhabitants.

Conscious Light Beings utilize prior gateway structures. Newer gateways are configured for “humanity general”, as they upgrade to “Hue-manity General”.


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A much needed soaking for SA's dry south


Weatherzone, By: Sam Brown, 04/21/2013


Many of SA's dry agricultural regions were inundated with heavy rainfall yesterday and today, bringing a sigh of relief to many.


Nullarbor received a total of 40mm of rainfall and Ceduna saw 24mm to 9am this morning, both their heaviest falls since February 2011. Adelaide accumulated 15mm by 11:30 this morning, which is the heaviest two-day total they've seen since October last year. Further east, Clare gained 10mm making it their heaviest April fall in four years.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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Montague’s Message for Sunday, 21st April 2013


The Montague Keen Foundation


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Sirius exclusive interview Edgar Mitchell


This is a clip from Sirius that will be in the Doc. released on April 22, 2013. 


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Clarity Concerning Matters of the Heart: Pleiadian Message, Channeled through Caroline K.A.



Posted April 21, 2013



Dear ones, we come to you today with a message of clarity concerning matters of the heart.

As you continue with your awakening, you are urgently asked to look deep within your hearts, and release the old ways of being, thinking and believing.  We say to you, trust what your guides, angels, and mentors are showing you at this time, for your greatest good is their absolute priority.

The outcome of your greatest good as individuals, also directly affects the outcome of the collective, and this is vital to the entire ascension process for all who dwell upon Gaia.


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The Angel News Network Weekly Message


Welcome to The Angel News Network 


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Conversations with my Twin Flame ~ Reaching for the Stars! by Debbie Erasmus


My Twin installed himself in my life on the 15th October, 2012. Since then my life has never been the same. The next morning after he arrived I found a perfectly shaped snow white feather on the side table next to my bed. I couldn’t stop gazing at its utter perfection.

I’ve always been in your life, you just weren’t conscious of me before.

Yes I know. I only felt your energy before when I asked you to for protection.

And now?

Now I feel your energy all the time. I have become so used to it and how it feels.

And how does it feel My Love?

It feels like a warm embrace. Like I’m being held in a safe cocoon being loved more than I ever thought possible. Sometimes it feels like my heart chakra will burst. It was overwhelming at first, but I’m becoming more and more familiar with this vibration.

I am so happy to hear you say that Darling! Tell me, how do you feel now?

Right now I feel like I’m ready to merge with you! I feel as though my incarnation is finally over and its time to go home with you.

I am happy you feel that way Darling, because we will be merging very soon.

We don’t have to wait for the Solstice?

No My Love! Not anymore. There are portals of energy open now that will soon be available to help Starseeds come home.

Energy? Why not Light?

You tell me.

Light is consciousness.

And energy is…………………..?

Vibration! Of course! It makes sense, thank you!

You are welcome Darling!

I just read on Gaia Portal that Inter-dimensional travel will soon be available to Gaia inhabitants. This is exciting news Michael!


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Natalie Glasson - Spiritual Protection for the New Age by Archangel Michael


Omna.org 19th April 2013

natalie glasson

My blessings of love are bestowed upon you; I am Archangel Michael, the Archangel of Protection. I have many purposes within the universe of the Creator, many ways in which I wish to be of service to others and especially souls upon the Earth.  It is my greatest purpose to act as a divine expression of the Creator, connecting with and reminding souls of the vibration of the Creator within and around them. I carry the light of the Creator to you, I allow for you to see the light of the Creator within me and I support you in realising yourself as an aspect of the Creator in manifestation. In many ways I am here to act as an example of the Creator’s light as well as your own light. This is the role of all Angels, Archangels and Ascended Master beings.

We as Angelic beings hold a strong connection to the vibration of love of the Creator; we are able to access the purest vibration of love from the Creator transmitting it to where it is needed. Due to our focus upon love many of the ways in which we are of service is to demonstrate love to you more fully.


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Sophia Love - The Wait


Sophia Love 04/21/2013



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Earth Day: When It Is, How It Began, What to Do


National Geographic News, By: John Roach, 04/22/2013


More than a billion people around the world will celebrate Earth Day on April 22, 2013—the 43rd anniversary of the annual day of action on the environment. This year's theme is The Face of Climate Change, chosen to highlight the "mounting impact" of global warming on people worldwide, according to the Earth Day Network, the group founded by the first Earth Day organizers.


The Earth Day Network is asking people to become their own "climate reporters" by sending their pictures and stories of people, animals, and places threatened or affected by global warming, according to the group's website.


For more on this story visit www.nationalgeographic.com


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James Tyberonn ~ Lord Metatron: The Return of White Eagle


Artwork By Father God Amon Ra

Lord Metatron Channel

via James Tyberonn

Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet you in an embrace of love ! We are joined this gathering by an entourage of Spirit., by those Ascended Masters of the group termed the White Eagle, a collective energy of highest virtue of which many of you are a part in higher aspect.

Dear Ones, 2013 is Year One of the New Earth and it a very special, very powerful time. It is particularly suited for the Co-Creation of Highest Good for Humanity and the New Earth. It is the Year in which Dharma is returned to and through the Sedona Vortexial Aperture to North America. Wesak 2013 on the Full-Moon Eclipse is then a clarion call to all who have taken the soul contract to be a part of this co creative anchoring. Many are called, and many will answer. It is a sacred oath and completion. It is the Return of the White Eagle.

We tell you that those of the LeMurian Realm, those of the Law of One of Poseida of the Atlantean Golden Age are a soul group who has shared group incarnations into many realms, many epochs. These began in Mu before duality Earth, and continued into Atlantis, Og, Rama, Egypt, Greece, Judea, Europe, Camelot, Tibet, and indeed, the American West.


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Even Life Has Orgasms!!



Boy oh boy, if yesterday wasn’t just an interestingly odd day in my ongoing crazy world.  First, I received 3 phone calls in the middle of the night, the first two, I didn’t hear at all, the third one, coming in at 1:31 am, I did hear and woke up for.  I was worried it was one of my kids so I woke up and looked at my cell to see who was calling.  It was from a number I didn’t know, a local number no less.  I realized as I looked at the phone that this same number tried calling at 11:31 pm as well.  A completely separate  but still local number tried calling me at 11:43 pm.  I ignored them all.  I realized my phone was still plugged into the charge and it was 100% charged, I unplugged it and tossed and turned for well over an hour trying to get back to sleep.  Sleep just wasn’t happening so I turned the TV on just to give me back ground noise to fall asleep to.  I don’t think the TV was on a whole 5 minutes when I climbed back into sleep.

When I finally woke up at 7:30 am, my TV was completely off.  I ignored that as a weird fluke.  I went to my coffee pot, heated up the left over cup of coffee from the day before and created a fresh pot of coffee, grabbed my cell phone and sat at the computer pissed cuz I woke up so late, but also grateful I didn’t feel sleep deprived at all, I actually felt good and not even a wee bit groggy.


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Judith Kusel ~ Electromagnetic Cosmic Storms ~ Heart, Spinal Cord Energies


320459_476375685727049_916091030_nThere are immense changes happening in the stratosphere above the Planet, and then electromagnetic storms are wreaking havoc within the solar system.
The reflective rays of the sun, which is now breaking up, into multiple new parts, as the Milky Way Galaxy is going through a massive rebirthing, this is affecting then all the electromagnetic fields in and around the whole solar systems, Universes and in fact the whole galaxy.

We have to understand that we are never apart of the greater whole. Whatever happens in the macrocosm will happen in the microcosm.
As above – so below.

Our whole human physical body, is one massive energy field, and thus is part of the cosmic and earths energy fields. “From dust you were made, to dust you return”.

This is mainly because mankind forgot their own immortality, which they possessed at the beginning of time, in what the collective mankind remembers deep down as the Garden of Eden. It is only, when mankind fell, from the 7th dimensional state and into the 3rd, that death as such was known.


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Pam Younghans ~ NorthPoint Astrology Journal For Week Of 22 April


Highlighted Aspects this Week

Monday: Saturn opposite Venus; Tuesday: Jupiter sextile Mercury; Wednesday: Pluto trine Venus, Neptune sextile Sun; Thursday: Chiron sextile Venus, Lunar Eclipse/ Full Moon 12:57pm PDT, Neptune semisquare Mercury; Friday: Neptune sextile Mars; Saturday: Eris conjunct Mercury; Sunday: Saturn opposite Sun, Venus conjunct South Node; Tuesday, April 30: Chiron semisquare Mercury, Saturn opposite Mars

SEEKING ANSWERS, as many of us are, I of course look to astrology. In recent history, we have had more than a few dramatic and explosive events happening in mid- to late-April. Seeing a pattern like that makes us wonder if we can find clues “in the stars.”

It is true that every year around this time, the Sun is completing its month-long transit of Aries. The first sign of the zodiac has many qualities that can be used in positive ways — confidence, initiative, leadership, instinctive action, courage, enthusiasm, etc. And yet, taken to the extreme, we can also see how those same positive qualities can become anger, combativeness, impatience, resentment, rashness, and even violence.


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AmericanKabuki ~ It is Contagious? ~ 21 April 2013


Is it contagious?
Posted on April 20, 2013 by sojournerbe

I received this in an email this morning. It is a great way to start my day!! Thank you Saskia. The insight emanating forth from your Eternal Essence is inspiring. It fits right in with all that is unfolding in a new paradigm these past few weeks. Let’s keep the Light shining!

by Saskia Davis

Be on the lookout for symptoms of inner peace. The hearts of a great many have already been exposed to inner peace and it is possible that people everywhere could come down with it in epidemic proportions. This could pose a serious threat to what has, up to now, been a fairly stable condition of conflict in the world.


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Cobra~ Short Situation Update


Many people are wondering what is the situation regarding the Event and what is the reason for all delays.
As I have said many times, the Event can not happen until the non-physical negative forces are dealt with. Removing them requires a lot of hard work without immediate spectacular results that many are expecting. The Light forces had a plan to trigger the Event in 2012 inside one of the Windows of Opportunity. That would require conscious cooperation and a degree of unity inside the Liberation movement on the surface of the planet. As you all know, that unity did not manifest and in addition to that, certain key individuals made wrong decisions in crucial moments, as it often happens within the surface population.

The Light forces beyond the surface of the planet have thus chosen a more waterproof approach that does not rely so much on the surface population.  They are removing obstacles one after the other until the situation in ripe for the Event to occur. This approach takes longer, but it is much more certain to be successful.


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Denise Le Fay ~April 2013 Message From Cosmic Awareness


denise_lefay_header2Below is a channeled message from Cosmic Awareness that explains the trans-dimensional ‘Smash and Grab’ technique, to borrow a Lisa Renee term, that the nonphysical and physical Team Dark beings and humans use on humanity for multiple reasons. They intentionally create the problem(s) which is the attack or derailment or smash part, then they (the nonphysical beings) feed and fuel off of the lower frequency emotions humans radiate from having been attacked, derailed etc. which is the grab part of the intentional ‘Smash and Grab’ maneuver that, in these cases, covers at least two dimensions. The Team Dark humans utilize this technique to not only create more fear, more chaos, anxiety etc. etc., but by doing so it enables them to quickly and easily remove more human rights and change laws etc. all with the intent of gaining even more control over the masses. Same old, same old negativity in other words. Do not buy into the con; do not let yourself be emotionally sucked into these types of deliberate and carefully crafted multidimensional ‘Smash and Grab’ derailment and attacks and then further parasitic theft of your consciousness, focus, and emotional energies.


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“Trust Your Vision.” Mini-Reading For April 22, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi.


Cupcakes and Angels Posted on April 22, 2013 by bella7xoxo


You are so much wiser and more intuitive than you ever could imagine!  This is the message that is coming through to me for today’s reading.  You are powerful and brilliant and limitless-a truly multidimensional being.  And (surprise, surprise), most of the time your instincts are 100% right!  But as we wear the Human bodysuit, we have a tendency to second guess ourselves, and to not trust what we can’t perceive with our five physical senses.  Which is perfectly natural. Such is life behind the veil.  But now the veil is crumbling like like cookie-crumbs, dissolving into nothingness, evaporating like water on a hot day-right along with the old and decaying ways of the third dimension.  Before we know it, it will all be nothing but a part of our history, an incomprehensible bedtime story that we tell to our grandchildren.


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Big waves... not a good time to surf


Weatherzone, By: ABC, 04/22/2013


There are continued warnings about dangerous seas on the New South Wales far south coast. Although most swimmers, fishers and boaters avoided the five to six metre waves at the weekend, one 13-year-old surfer did not heed the warnings.


He was winched to safety by the Rescue Helicopter at Narooma early yesterday morning. Far South Coast Director of Lifesaving, Andrew Edmunds, says the teenager was rescued because he did not have the strength to swim to shore.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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Cyclone-prone community gets weather radar


Weatherzone, By: Matt Brann, 04/22/2013


The Bureau of Meteorology has installed a weather radar in the remote community of Warruwi on South Goulburn Island in the Northern Territory. Situated off the coast of Arnhem Land, the Goulburn Islands are a real hot spot for cyclones, and were severely damaged by Cyclone Monica in 2006.


However, the region has been a black-spot in terms of coverage and monitoring for the weather bureau - until now. Warruwi Elder, Bunug Galaminda, says the official opening has been a day of celebration for the community.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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Students help boost fundraising for flooded Bundaberg schools


Weatherzone, By: Frances Adcock, Monday April 22, 2013 - 12:06 EST


A Brisbane school is providing a much-needed boost to flood-affected Bundaberg schools in southern Queensland. About a dozen schools in Bundaberg were inundated by January's floods.


Three months on, Brisbane Grammar School, is still helping out. Community services coordinator Phillipa Douglas says teachers and students at the school have been collecting stationery, books and art supplies to send to Bundaberg schools.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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Press Release: “Sirius” Documentary



Controversial UFO “Sirius” Documentary

to be released theatrically April 24


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Heavy rain floods Adelaide houses


Weatherzone. By: ABC, 04/22/2013


Houses in Adelaide's north-western suburbs have been flooded during heavy weekend rain. By late Sunday morning, Old Port Road at Queenstown looked more like a river.


Police said about 10 homes in the area flooded. Buses and other traffic were diverted for hours. Residents said water collected at wetlands under construction across the road from them and was unable to drain away.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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Earth Day 2013: Waiting to Get Fracked


Wunderground- 4/22/13, Angela Fritz





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Are you Open to Change? ~ A Message from the Angels


Are you open to Change?

The rumbles of change, internal and external are currently reverberating across the face of the planet. Are you open to change happening in your life?

We are the angelic legions of the Divine Mother and speak as a collective. We are One with the Mother / Father God, one with Creator. We are one with you, also.

We come to you today to speak of the necessity of letting go of expectation and even of disappointment. Things have a way of working out when you least expect it, if you are willing to forgo the need to control the world outside yourself.

You have been told that the Universe loves you. It loves you so much that those things you place your attention upon will visit you, sometimes repeatedly, until you realize that, yes, you are the creator of your own world. It is how you choose to apply your attention that determines what you will experience.


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Ontario Flooding Hits Cottage Country


Accuweather, 4/22/13- Jim Andrews



Heavy rain combined with the last of winter's thaw to trigger destructive flooding in central Ontario.

Ontario's "cottage country," east of Georgian Bay, was hit hard, with dozens of people driven from their homes late last week, the CBC News website said on Monday.


For more on this story please see Accuweather.com


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Wes Annac~ Love and Joy in an Evolving Reality


Allow harmonious vibrations of the purest order to flow through every facet of your body and spirit. Allow pure bliss and harmony to pervade every fiber of your Being, and just when you think you can’t take-in enough of the good vibrations, affirm that your perception of them be expanded.

See, know and feel that you exist in a reality of pure spiritual energy. Understand that what you’ve known as physical matter is actually this energy, and is much more changeable than you would imagine. Understand that you can make the most profound of changes; in your personal Life and on the world stage. Feel this as you allow bliss to seep-in and pervade your perspective.

It seems as if there’s a lot to be worried about, but worry is an illusion. Therefore, to worry about anything is to cast illusion over it, rather than bringing Light to it.

We can truly feel the most intensely-wonderful perceptions within ourselves, but it’s important for us to make our efforts to attune to them and to allow balance to lead us to a place of understanding that everything, in every moment, is alright. Even if the world seems to be in a state of unrest, you are doing a magnificent thing by spreading the Light and happiness you can begin to find within and the more often you go out of your way to do so, the more often you will be helping yourself and the entire Earth.


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Clarity Concerning Matters of the Heart: Pleiadian Message


April 21, 2013 by Starlight


Channeled by Caroline K.A.

Dear ones, we come to you today with a message of clarity concerning matters of the heart.

As you continue with your awakening, you are urgently asked to look deep within your hearts, and release the old ways of being, thinking and believing.  We say to you, trust what your guides, angels, and mentors are showing you at this time, for your greatest good is their absolute priority.

The outcome of your greatest good as individuals, also directly affects the outcome of the collective, and this is vital to the entire ascension process for all who dwell upon Gaia.

Do not let doubt and fear detour your journey toward further growth and learning. For some of you, trust remains your greatest issue as you stuggle to contend with uncertainties which may arise.


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Moderate earthquake near Dieng volcano, Java, Indonesia – 311 houses damaged, 2 injuries


The Extinction Protocol - 4/22/13



Contrary to earlier reports, no building collapsed due to the quake. But at least 311 houses were damaged. 34 of them with severe and 27 with moderate damage. Besides to the damage, 2 people were injured by the quake. A woman and her child suffered fractures and were taken to a nearby hospital. Evacuated people are gradually returning to their villages due to a decrease in volcanic activity of the Dieng volcano complex. At least 3 buildings in local villages collapsed due to the shaking. 9 additional buildings were affected with major damage. Nobody was injured. It is expected that this quake was tectonic nature, but with probably related to Deng volcano. 86 weaker earthquakes followed the main shock within 25 minutes. Cracks in walls and further damaged houses are the result of this Dieng earthquake which has also a volcanic basis.  1000 people have been evacuated to shelters provided by the Indonesian authorities. The earthquakes are part of the activity of the Dieng volcano. The alert level has been raised to Siaga on March 27. The volcano last eruption was in 2009.



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5.9 magnitude earthquake strikes west coast of Mexico


The Extinction Protocol, 4/22/13


Mexico 4 22



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Moon Hippie Mystic~ Our Purpose is to Heal…


Our Purpose is to Heal…

April 21, 2013


There’s much going on right now.  It’s easy to get caught up in the drama of it all.  It’s easy to raise your hands to the Heavens and cry “why?” or “where are you, God?”.  It’s easy to forget why we’re here.  Our Purpose…


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Large fireball lights up night skies over Argentina (video)


The Extinction Protocol - 4/22/13




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Barbara Hand Clow ~Getting Smart About Your Choices: Third Uranus/Pluto Square


During the first two Uranus/Pluto squares many people woke up, actually intensely feeling their real connections to others. This is the awakening of the human heart. Of course, with so many people lighting up, chaos is rampant in the world. Sometimes I wonder if we are right in the middle of the Second Coming! One by one, people sense that the fabled return is not Jesus coming again: the Second Coming is about awakening love in our hearts. I actually think this is what’s going on. No wonder everything is so intense.

Pluto turned retrograde April 12th, so the third square is quickly closing in now. At this point, many people realize that our species is in extreme crisis. If we want to survive, we have to balance human needs with planetary resources, only the very first step back into balance. Also, each person must remember what it feels like to be a sensitive and happy human. This is feasible because so many are integrating the negative side—befriending the dark. This involves seeing things that have always gone on in our world instead of just being nice. Some are responding very courageously to this polarity expansion, while others drop out because they just don’t want to see ugly side of life. I understand; I take a total break from it at least once a week.


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