~ Mike Quinsey ~ Salusa

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As we survey your world we find that your personal awakening is growing stronger, and people are more ready to speak amongst themselves about Ascension. There are obviously difficulties in conveying what it is going to mean to each individual, but at least a seed of knowledge is sown and it will grow. Naturally there are plans to give out information on a wide scale, to ensure that people understand what a wonderful opportunity is being given to every single soul. There will still be some disbelief or fear amongst those learning about Ascension for the first time, but when they see others greeting the news with open arms, they will feel more assured about their future. In reality people tend to herd together and your instinct tells you that there is safety in numbers.

Benjamin Fulford ~ The Oligarchs Of The West Keep Churning Their Wheels But Only Manage To Get Deeper Into The Mud ~

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Full Update 15 October 2012


Last week 20,000 bureaucrats, journalists and government officials descended on Tokyo for a WB (World Bankrupt) and IMF (International Masturbation Fund) meeting and accomplished exactly nothing.

The meeting was a total waste of time because neither of these two Western controlled institutions are willing to hand over control to the people and countries of the world. As a result, the 180 or so countries that are kept out of the control room naturally refused to hand over any more money to these defunct, unlicensed institutions.

Although this writer was in Tokyo and even walked within a few hundred yards of the festivities, he did not bother to go because having attended many such meetings over the years, he knew this one was doomed to be a dud. The Chinese made their feelings clear by not sending anybody senior.

As usual, the real news was happening under the surface where a titanic battle against the old world order continues to rage. In one development in that battle, at least $1.3 billion that went missing from the Japanese AIJ pension fund was traced to

Sophia: Push me Pull you

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Push me Pull you



Fear vs. love.  What does that even mean?  I’m reminded of the “Push Me Pull You” of Dr. Doolittle.  Internally I am stretched and yanked from one extreme to the other.  Neither direction is permanent; the tussle is continuous.  A sign from someplace else would be nice.
Do you feel that way?  Looking up to the heavens this morning, I whisper “A little help?”  The overwhelming conditions of my 3D life are screaming, daring me to love in spite of them.  How will I respond?  I don’t need a calendar or anyone else to tell me we’ve arrived at a choice moment.  With every cell of my body; I know.

16 Foods That’ll Re-Grow from Kitchen Scraps

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16 Foods That’ll Re-Grow from Kitchen Scraps

15th October 2012

By Andy Whiteley

Co- Founder of Wake Up World

Looking for a healthy way to get more from your garden? Like to know your food is free of the pesticides and other nasties that are often sprayed on commercial crops? Re-growing food from your kitchen scraps is a good way to do it!

There’s nothing like eating your own home- grown vegies, and there are heaps of different foods that will re- grow from the scrap pieces that you’d normally throw out or put into your compost bin.

It’s fun. And very simple … if you know how to do it.

Just remember … the quality of the “parent” vegetable scrap will help to determine the quality of the re-growth. So, wherever possible, I recommend buying local organic produce, so you know your re-grown plants are fresh, healthy and free of chemical and genetic meddling.



Eight of the Most Inspiring Quotes from Buddha

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Eight of the Most Inspiring Quotes from Buddha

16th October 2012

By Casie Terry

Guest writer for Wake Up World

The Buddha’s teachings just might be the gold standard in living in the now.

In fact, it is thought that Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha was so unconcerned with dates and chronologies, that very few of his works are dated — there is even uncertainty surrounding his date of birth and the date of his death.

This detached-from-time outlook is very much reflected in ancient Indian teachings. As a culture, they believed it was more important to stress the meaning behind the Buddha’s great philosophies.

Today, many of Buddha’s quotes provide us with a calming sense of direction and meaning. They have a unique ability to inspire creativity, drive passion or encourage new ideas. Here are eight of our all-time favorite quotes that we think will really brighten your Friday. Do you have a favorite?

Compassion as a Key to Ascension

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Compassion as a Key to Ascension


16th October 2012

By Trinity Bourne

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World


St Francis, was an incarnated angel of compassion, and has had a special place in my heart throughout the aeons. When I immerse myself in nature, walking in the woods, he’ll frequently appear. He’ll transform into an earthly presence, as if breathed into being through the breath of the trees. We’ll walk together, delighting in the vibrations of light as it flickers through the trees. We’ll feel the Angels’ chorus singing the birds into life, whilst an ethereal pulse enlivens a gentle breeze that ignites the whole forest with Love. In these moments, time ceases to be.

That moment is eternal…

Oracle Report - Monday, October 15, 2012

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Monday, October 15, 2012

New Moon Phase - Moon in Libra

As the New Moon in Libra opens, the Sabian symbol tells us what the month's energy will bring: 23 Libra - a chanticleer's voice heralds the rising Sun with exuberant tones.  The New Moon at 23 Libra directly opposes Eris at 23 Aries. Geocentrically speaking, the Earth herself is located at 23 Aries - with Eris.  That's some serious feminine energy.

Visionkeeper: What lies ahead for us?

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What lies ahead for us?

Posted on October 15, 2012 


I guess the true answer to the question what lies ahead for us is, whatever we desire to manifest! And boy, manifesting is coming ever so quickly now! It is so crucial for us all to be very careful about what we wish for, think before we speak. I believe the times we are headed into will become magical in so many ways. I think the one thing I dream for most aside from Peace is free energy because it will change the entire world in so many ways, cascading down into just about every aspect of our day-to-day living. I like dreaming about this particular thing because it does affect so many facets of our lives. Free energy will, in the end, bring about peace as we all shift into a new way of thinking and being. Seems like with free energy you get your most bang for the buck so to speak. It is a glorious topic to dream about and brings much joy within. What are you dreaming for? We should all be putting it out to the universe.

Lisa Gawlas - We Are Now In An Accelerated Green House Of Growth: What Does Your Seeds of Creation Resonate With??

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It is interesting to watch the field shift and change so rapidly now.  it is almost a feeling of… ok, you got this, now to the next thing…. sometimes, before a full day is even done!!  What I am hearing, it does not null and void what has been seen, we are now keeping up with the rapidly changing/enhancing landscape of our lives.  (Ya know, I don’t know that I feel like I am keeping up all that well!!!)

But there is no doubt something important happened these last two days (truthfully, every day… but hey, you know what I mean!)  The day before yesterday, the last reading of the day started to show a shift, or maybe, an addition to the landscape we call October.  The imagery was so incredibly beautiful and so funny to witness.  There was this lady standing on her cylinder facing the north (which is also the direction of the future) doing this sultry dance back and forth on the cylinder.  It looked half like a dance from out of Egypt with a lot of super slinky sexiness added to the movement.  (Imagine the video to the song “dance like an Egyptian.”)  As I tried to figure out what on earth she was doing… obviously very well tuned to her own core energy music… suddenly these big globs of golden energy balls started shooting out of her heart and solar plexus area towards the future.  What really surprised me was, as I followed the energy globs they seemed to hit an emerging covering at the end of October.  Whatever this covering was, started at the end of October and was moving in a dome-shaped energy over the field of October.

Yesterdays readings started to baffle me even more.  Not one was even close to the same as the other.  It is only today that I see the inter-relatedness of all three readings and how super energized, highly important these next two weeks are.

The manuscript of survival – part 209

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The manuscript of survival – part 209



•October 15, 2012 • 

As of today, many will feel the need to stand a little bit taller in the role as carriers of the light, because now, the level of energies has reached a plateau that will be important for the next phase in  this unveiling process. Let us explain.

As we have said again and again, this process will be taken in increments, and the timing of each sequence in this program of downloading energies not only into you, but into your planet as well, has been carefully planned. Each stage is carefully sequenced, both in timing and in intensity, and together, it will become a structure so formidable there is nothing like it in the universe. You have been builders for a long time, and now, the structure you have all been busy putting together is becoming more and more visible. For some, they have already gotten their first glimpse of the totality of it, but for others, all they can perceive so far is just some of the foundation blocks that are making up the lower parts of this structure. 

Lady Portia ~~ The portals have activated the manifestations, just like they have activated you ~

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Lady Portia ~~ The portals have activated the manifestations, just like they have activated you ~~ by Love Reporter Méline Lafont 15/10/2012


I greet you all most cordially, my beloveds and loving hearts. Once again I express my gratitude and my appreciation to all of you granting me this opportunity to step forward in this Now moment. I love you all so deeply.

Let’s talk about the recently activated, very important portal of the 10-10-2012. A lot has been said about that portal through numerous other souls, so I don’t have to go much deeper into it. Suffice it to say that you all know and feel that this was the most important portal activation to date. No doubt, you begin to feel that all is reaching a climax point and all that lingers around you is a feeling of wellbeing albeit coupled with extreme fatigue of the physical body. Never before has such a tremendous change happened on a broad scale in as little of time as this has occurred recently.


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