Laura Bruno – Are You Sure? – 14 October 2012

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Laura Bruno – Are You Sure? – 14 October 2012

As Life churns around us, even those of us who’ve committed to a peaceful, loving, joyful, Earth-harmonious existence continue to receive little blasts from the Universe: “Are you sure you want to give up all the old ways? There’s still time to bail out of the New World you’ve said you desire. Are you sure you want the new?”

Over 43,000 Portland Citizens Seek to Stop Rat Poison Fluoride in Drinking Water

Lia's picture 13, 2012

PORTLAND — Of the 19,858 signatures required, Clean Water Portland leader Kim Kaminski collected more than 43,000 in an attempt at stopping the city from adding fluoride to the water supply by putting the question to the voters.

“Our goal was 30,000 and the signatures just kept coming in,” Kaminski said. “In the last few days it was like an avalanche.”

That’s right, citizens in Portland, by the tens of thousands, have stood up and demanded that fluoride NOT be added to the water supply.

If adding fluoride to the water does go to a public vote, opponents of the plan will be able to spread major awareness of the dangers of fluoride and the reasons to vote no on adding any amount of toxic fluoride to any water supply.

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The Statesman Journal wrote;

First Ever Etruscan Pyramids Found in Italy

will's picture

The first ever Etruscan pyramids have been located underneath a wine cellar in the city of Orvieto in central Italy, according to a team of U.S. and Italian archaeologists.

Carved into the rock of the tufa plateau --a sedimentary area that is a result of volcanic activity -- on which the city stands, the subterranean structures were largely filled. Only the top-most modern layer was visible.

"Within this upper section, which had been modified in modern times and was used as a wine cellar, we noticed a series of ancient stairs carved into the wall. They were clearly of Etruscan construction," David B. George of the Department of Classics at Saint Anselm, told Discovery News.

As they started digging, George and co-director of the excavation Claudio Bizzarri of the Parco Archeologico Ambientale dell'Orvietano noted that the cave's walls were tapered up in a pyramidal fashion. Intriguingly, a series of tunnels, again of Etruscan construction, ran underneath the wine cellar hinting to the possibility of deeper undiscovered structures below.

PHOTOS: Open House: Etruscan Site Reveals Domestic Treasures

After going through a mid-20th century floor, George and Bizzarri reached a medieval floor. Immediately beneath this floor, they found a layer of fill that contained various artifacts such as Attic red figure pottery from the middle of the 5th Century B.C., 6th and 5th century B.C. Etruscan pottery with inscriptions as well as various objects that dated to before 1000 B.C.

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Hilarion's Weekly Message, October 14~21, 2012

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Beloved Ones,
Many of you are in the process of the further simplifying of your lives in all of its facets. As more Light enters your personal energy field, you are finding yourselves leaving behind all that would hinder or bind you to the past and the letting go of all that no longer serves your higher purpose becomes much easier. This process of evaluation and letting go is most prevalent at this juncture of the Ascension process, for all of your habitual thought patterns which you have carried within your minds from early childhood to your present moment come up for review.

It has been a difficult process for you to get to know yourselves and what is truly important to you in the healing and reclaiming of your state of wholeness and personal power. This is the current step for most of you – the realization that you are indeed the creator of the reality that you are experiencing at the present moment. It has or is, requiring of each of you to look deeply within to observe the patterns of thought that you have, for the most part, subconsciously carried and which have manifested in your reality, perhaps in ways that have created events, situations or circumstances that continue to bring into your lives that which you do not want or envision for yourselves.


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Between Orion and Venus. (Near Hydra and Sextans) 4am to 5am. Look for bursts of light.


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GEOMAGNETIC STORMING: Earth's magnetic field is unsettled on Oct. 14th following a lengthy G1-class geomagnetic storm the day before. While the storm of Oct. 13th subsides, another may be in the offing: NOAA forecasters estimate a 55% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Oct. 14-15 in response to an incoming solar wind stream. High-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for auroras tonight. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

During the past few nights of storming, auroras with rare pulsations, colors, and shapes have been sighted all around the Arctic Circle. In Lofoten, Norway, the lights formed an exquisite green butterfly:

If this picture confuses you, turn it sideways to see it the same way photographer June Grønseth did. "I took more than 400 pictures last night," says Grønseth. "The butterfly and the heart were my favorites."

The Power of the Energy Worker

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 by Chris Bourne  


Transforming the field. 
These are difficult and confusing times for evolving people. We see what's going on and feel in our hearts the misalignment of humanity in so many ways. There's a natural tendency to want to fix the problems and bring mankind into a higher harmony. Indeed there are many thousands of people who've been seeded here by the Law of Attraction. Some will have a very obvious physical impact, whereas others have a different role. They see and feel the energy field to which humanity is connected. They have the inherent ability to bring their consciousness to bear in a particular situation, bring light into it and initiate realignment with the divine flow. These are the 'Energy Workers'...

Owen K Waters ~ Destiny And Free Will

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Owen K Waters ~ Destiny And Free Will

Posted on October 14, 2012 by Gillian

Infinite Being | October 14 2012

In the Old Reality, things were seen as opposites – hot or cold, black or white, good or bad, this way or that way. In the expanded view of New Reality consciousness, life is seen in a unified way. Opposite sides of the coin are viewed, not as polar opposites, but rather as just being different aspects of the one coin.

In the New Reality view of the world, the opposite extremes of hot and cold become variable degrees of warmth. Black and white become, instead, endless shades of gray. Good and bad become different shades of human nature and these can be viewed without the judgment and fear that comes with Old Reality, polarized thinking.

Rupert Spira – The Path Of Love

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Uploaded by stillnessspeaksvideo on 11 August 2010 Rupert Spira and Chris Hebard discuss, “The Path of Love.” Rupert Spira is a renowned ceramic artist who examines the relationship between consciousness and form. You also download this video from

Lisa Gawlas - Welcome To The Masquerade Party: A Multidimensional Party!

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I sit here staring at my computer screen trying to figure out how to start this sharing.  There are a million things I want to share all at once, but even that feels like untangling a ball of yarn.  So what I will do is give you an image I do see so consistently as I sit here and stare (for the last hour!)

We have entered an elaborate ballroom, everyone in here is dressed to the nines.  Some of the women have those eye masks on a stick.  The lights are not fully on, yet, and it feels like everyone is still orienting themselves to this new environment.  There is such a strong feeling with this scene I am viewing that most of the participants of this grand ballroom event have no idea why there are there.  However, that does not take away the fact that YOU ARE THERE!!

What I am feeling as this visual continues… we are the ones who arrived early.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ El Morya It is a time of purification

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Sunday, October 14, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ El Morya

It is a time of purification

It is time for a cleansing and detoxification of your body, heart, mind and spirit. Doing this regularly allows for an increase in you intuition, energy, and your ability to receive and give to others. Cleanse yourself and your energy each day and more often if you are in a toxic environment. As lightworkers awakening, you have a tendency to absorb the energy, emotions, and or feelings of those around you. It can be overwhelming in the moment and so remember to cleanse your energy before you shield yourself in particularly harsh situations as it often gets locked in with you when you feel you n


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