11 - Eleven's Coming Down

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Hello Ground Crew

Dr Moe here.  I just created a new music video playlist on YouTube featuring 10 great rockin blues tunes to ascend by.  I know, I know - who's he kidding?  Well really, it's what I do and you're the only audience I can find right now so please humour me.


The playlist is titled: "11 - Eleven's Coming Down"

I characterize the songs as a) Laments; b) Messages (usually incoming); and c) Prayers (from us to Them)


Comments are always appreciated.


Song Titles; 1) Phoenix is Rising; 2) Be Prepared for Love; 3) 11 - Eleven's Coming Down; 4) Bridge to Hope; 5) Forget About It (with a Jersey accent); 6) My Vision of Heaven; 7) On My Way to Heaven; 8) Twilight Time; 9) Now Is the Time; 10) Dreamer





Visualizing First Contact! Meeting Our Family Half Way~

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~We As A Collective Consciousness Are The Ones Who Will Determine When We Are Ready To Forever Change The Vibratory Nature of Planet Earth Through Connecting With The Universal Christ Consciousness! We Are The Ones Who Are Awakening And Changing The Mindset of Those Around Us! We Are The Ones Who Are Creating Changes Within Time-Space Continuum! We Are The Ones Who Together Create The Ripple Affect In The Cosmic Waves To Bring About Our Galactic Family To Us, So We May Meet Them For The First Time! Our Energies Have To Coincide In Unison As ONE, In Order For Mass Changes To Happen! Believe In The Power of Your Mind[Heart of Love]! Project A Visual of First Contact! Keep Doing This Everyday, And You Will Bring About Positive Changes On Earth!


Changes ARE Happening At A Rapid Rate! Time Is Being Altered,Through Changes In The Auric Field of Gaia! You Are Being Watched And Studied By Numerous Ships As They Change Your Material 3D Human Substance From Carbon Based To Crystalline! It Is Up To Each Individual of What Your Reality That You Choose As Your Life Path, In Order To Manifest Which Path You’ll Take!


Wayne Dyer: Seven Steps for Overcoming the Hold of the Ego

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Here are seven suggestions to help you transcend ingrained ideas of self-importance. All of these are designed to help prevent you from falsely identifying with the self-important ego.

1. Stop being offended.

The behavior of others isn’t a reason to be immobilized. That which offends you only weakens you. If you’re looking for occasions to be offended, you’ll find them at every turn. This is your ego at work convincing you that the world shouldn’t be the way it is. But you can become an appreciator of life and match up with the universal Spirit of Creation. You can’t reach the power of intention by being offended. By all means, act to eradicate the horrors of the world, which emanate from massive ego identification, but stay in peace. As A Course in Miracles reminds us: Peace is of God, you who are part of God are not at home except in his peace. Being is of God, you who are part of God are not at home except in his peace. Being offended creates the same destructive energy that offended you in the first place and leads to attack, counterattack, and war.

2. Let go of your need to win.

You are ONE great nation, not many small ones ~ Hederon from Venus through Isabel Henn

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My beloved inhabitants of the earth, as an emissary and a member of the High Council of Venus I bring greetings of the Venusian people.

We also send still more energies to you. The way is short and so they are strong and full of love. It is an ever growing beautiful vision of how the light and love continue to spread among you. Love is something wonderful, there is nothing better in the whole universe, no matter where you find yourself in it.

Unconditional love is the material from which the whole universe was created and it is spreading still further. This can only be as Prime Creator, the Source of all Being, the purest form of unconditional love, is the primary source from which love flows so great and encompassing and creates. You are love too, for you are like everything else, that is, created from Prime Creator, from his everlasting benevolent love. It does not matter what race you belong to, what the color of your skin is or what religion you belong to. This is only superficial. From the matter of Being-All you are all created, without distinction, without classes, the same value, every single one among you, as is the entire universe. You are all equal as human beings, but as an individual unique and loved without distinction from All-That-Is.


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by Carrol A Doyle

I became very ill in 1989 - my body was betraying me. I had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and the doctors said I had the WORST case they had ever seen. My entire body seemed to be degenerating.  Optical nerves degenerating, and more. Then I developed ruptured discs (docs said due to spinal degeneration).. It was a very hard time.. I was only 39 and had 3 young kids. I had tried everything, but no hope. Docs wanted to do surgery on my back, because I could no longer walk. After about 3 months of severe depression, and not walking.. just being able to crawl out of bed.. I had just about given up.

I was on the phone with my Mom, she wanted to come to see me (we lived in different states). I told her No, I didn't want my parents to see me like I was. My Mom said to me "Carrol, don't you know you can heal yourself".. "You did it as a child"...It was a light bulb moment.. So, that very night I decided to Heal. I started meditating on my spine. I would first see my spine like it looked in the MRI,,,then I visualized a perfect spine. I had two ruptured discs. I would see those discs shrinking by a hair.. just a hair each night. I did about 20 minutes each night and then went to sleep. On the 14th night, I felt, heard, and saw them (in my minds eye) pop back into place... then I went to sleep like I normally did.


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Are You worthy?... Are YOU?... 

With Love and worthiness to be here on Earth









We ARE bringing forth The True Divine understandings of Equality for All….So yes our messages of Divine Understanding of the TRUEST of LOVE to the ego is conflict…because in this Real Love We are offering ALL of Humanity the Greatness, THE BEST, THE HIGHEST THOUGHT UNCONDITIONALLY in so it produces highest thought for the GREATEST GOOD OF ALL~ THE ego simply cannot go there because its not Real~

Jennifer Hoffman ~ Archangel Uriel ~ You Invite Your Teachers ~

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Your soul embraces a human path for the purpose of ascending energy into higher frequencies. The karmic path can be viewed as your soul’s work in the third dimension, to shift energies and create an energetic space for ascension.  Ascension is not a single point or time when all of humanity is in agreement and ready. It is the free will choice to move energy into higher dimensions of being. The movement into ascension is made through your teachers, whom you invite to participate in ascension with you. Some of these are invitations you have forgotten or regret, but it is through them that you achieve ascension.

It is by your invitation that your teachers are present in your life. They have come to assist you in healing the fears, limitations, beliefs, emotions, frequencies and experiences that represent the density you have embodied within your emotional, physical, and etheric bodies. Their participation is essential because it is through them that your energetic imprints are mirrored back to you. All of your emotional experiences are presented to you through your teachers so you know what you can heal to allow your ascension to occur.

Suzanne Lie ~ Trip To The Mothership ~ Part 10 ~ Mytre And The Arcturians ~ Mytre’s First Experience Of Mothership’s Oversoul

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I had not been on the Ship very long when I had my first experience of the Mothership’s Oversoul. I had been there long enough to understand that the Ship was a living, multidimensional being. I had a vague understanding of the sixth dimensional areas of the ship. However, the seventh dimensional portion of the Ship is not an “area.” It is a formless Soul that overlooked all the Souls who resided on the Ship.
The Super-subconscious frequency of the Ship automatically observes, repairs and updates the basic structure, which is always changing. Therefore it holds the basic form of every component of the Ship. On the other hand, the Oversoul Consciousness is a formless, yet tangible, energy that feels like an electrical field filled with love and cohesiveness.
These feelings usually are most predominant on the upper areas of the Ship, such as the Bridge and all command centers.

~ Problem on Planet Earth=Heart~ Why the Delays have Occured

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Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ Yesterday, we had a Brilliant Interview with Cobra which will be released shortly! One of the things he said several times was about why we had delays. He shared that we have key Lightworkers who became spiritual egos instead of following their mission for Unity. This is a little discouraging and at the same moment empowering. So the hunt is on now.... all egos and all spiritual egos are toast on this Planet! No more delays lets get er done! Thank You for Playing Your part and mission in UNITY!

Love The Earth Allies


Earth Ally Will Harader speaks about the spiritual ego...


Eventually a person has a moment of clarity. In this moment, they see the inherent emptiness of all the things they thought were so important. This causes a person to reevaluate their whole existence and look for a deeper meaning in Life.


What can I do to help?

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We have had some Family Members offering to help us and asking what they can do to help.


We do need help. We also need for you to tell us what you can do to help - not the other way around!


What I mean by that is that YOU are the best judge of what YOU are here to do. For example, we could ask you to report news stories of UFOs but that might not be what you are here to do. You might not find any Joy in it.


It’s time for you to step into your Divine Role. You define your Divine Role by looking at your unique gifts and talents and determining what activities bring you Joy. Maybe you enjoy making music videos or taking photos or talking to people or looking up the latest archaeological discoveries online.


~ Flo Aeveia Magdalena, I Remember Union ~ Extract from Chapter, "My Passing."

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~ Flo Aeveia Magdalena, I Remember Union ~ Extract from Chapter, "My Passing."


As I stood on the mountain
the Earth continued to teach me,
and I listened through the pores of my toes and my heels
and the arches in between, standing with my feet firmly
planted on her back.

And she was exultant!

For we had ended an era and were beginning another,
and all was for the purpose of the coming together of all
ages, as yet 2000 years in the future...

I faced the mountains,
the mountains of Tibet,
sending out the call to all humans
and all kingdoms and all animals and elements
to guard the coming and going of all souls from this point
of reality so they would be guided into the truth easily...
could allow for the shifting of consciousness easily ---
as a drop of rain merges again with the Earth in spring to
foster the growth of the green Earth,
dying, as each raindrop does, for the higher good.

Christine Hoeflich ~ Trusting Your Inner Guidance ~ What I Learned In The Last Decade ~

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 16 October 2012


In my last article I discussed that when you trust and follow through with your inner guidance, projects become easier to successfully complete. In that article, I also mentioned how my inner guidance had changed over the years, becoming less conspicuous and more subtle.

I understand why the guidance I receive now is more subtle. It’s because several years of recognizing, trusting and following through with my inner guidance in the moment (and the amazing and favorable synchronicities and new insights that occurred as a result) have gotten me to a place where I no longer need “clear signs from the Universe” to point me in the right direction. Let me explain.


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