KP:Notes About the 10-10-12 Mission

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It was clear to my Higher Eyes, during the 10-10 10:10 ceremony, that a “large” number of new portals were generated at Halemaumau, which then “dispersed” themselves throughout the planet. These portals are really more like “windows of opportunity” for people, and appear as if they were generated to give as many as possible the opportunity to wake up.

The day after (namely, yesterday, I was totally “zonked” out. Which was a sign to me that I had done my job, and that these new energies were indeed brought in through the 10-10 10:10 ceremony.

What a bugger, some might say, to have to go through all that. But there are many many many many many others who participated in their own way in this.

Some are energy holders, stabilizing the platform of the planet for these missions to take place.

Some are point people (which I consider myself), who travel to certain planet points, to assist new energies or transformations to enter. Or to help dispel unnecessary energies (shadow energies).

Reaching a New Stage ~ The Legions of the Divine Mother

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Received on 12 October 2012, by Tazjima.

We are the Legions of the Divine Mother.

We come in peace, with tidings of great joy for lightworkers. The first ranks of wayshowers have begun a new stage in the ongoing process of ascension. While the process to reach this new stage has been physically and emotionally difficult for the persons involved, their sacrifices will hold open, as it were, the gates of Ascension for other lightworkers to follow, as well as members from the general populace who are beginning to awaken now.

While some lightworkers expect to leave the planet in the process of physical ascension and then returning as Ascended Masters, our scribe in aware that she will be remaining on the surface in order to continue to anchor the light. She was told this by several ascended beings during the last week, while suffering through several restless and sleepless nights as a result of these etheric visitations.

Transcript: The Universal Mother Mary on Parenting and Children in the Fifth Dimension – on Heavenly Blessings

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Transcript: The Universal Mother Mary on Parenting and Children in the Fifth Dimension – on Heavenly Blessings

2012 OCTOBER 13

Posted by Graham Dewyea

Transcript: The Universal Mother Mary on Parenting and Children in the Fifth Dimension – on Heavenly Blessings


How to Take Your Dreaming to the Next Level

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How to Take Your Dreaming to the Next Level

Posted by admin on October 13, 2012


Dreamscape Awakening

We sleep for one third of our lives, and as such, we should make the most out of the mind’s nightly journey into our personal dreamscapes. From the exotically absurd to the mundanely routine, the infinite multitude of experiences we can have while sleeping act as gateways to accessing encoded whispers of our hidden psychical contents.
Those that pay heed to their dreams are rewarded with subtle, and at times screamingly overt, cosmic intimations corresponding to the on-goings of our own lives, almost as if the mind were trying to figure itself out within the recursive loops of our imaginal plane. The art lies in the remembering of our nocturnal expeditions within those first few minutes of awaking as they can dissipate quite quickly; luckily, there are certain foods, herbs, and supplements that can help boost our ability in capturing these seemingly ephemeral experiences.

Suspense Around NESARA Continues

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2012 October 13

 by Steve Beckow

Let’s review the bases for our optimism that the announcement of NESARA is only days away. NESARA predictions have been the graveyard of lightworkers. We’re torn between reporting the indications from our sources that say it’s in the immediate offing and not wanting to disappoint those who have waited so long.

But we’re assured by our sources that we’re very close to it. I know it’s been frustrating for people to hang on so long, for any major announcement.

Archangel Michael said on Oct. 8, 2012:

Archangel Michael: It will be in place very shortly. No, I do not mean soon, I simply mean shortly.

SB: What’s the difference between shortly and soon, please, Lord?

AAM: Days.

SB: Days. Okay.

Welcome to Now in JOY and Enjoy the Day! Follow the Wave

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Father God Speaks~ Love The Earth Allies



The Oneness is filling Everything with it's Being Present, and the Oneness doesn't miss anything at all. It's bigger than their little understandings of what they think is going on, far Bigger, for it includes Everything. It even includes 2-dimensional thought, but Everything's much Bigger.


What is it? in order to create an illusion you have to believe so strongly in the illusion that the illusion is all you understand? Ever seen what Love does?


Love is not something you think you know. Love is something You Are. When You're Being Love, You know Love.


How in the world can you respect ignorance? Ignorance wanted to teach Creation how to be ignorant. We just laugh.


We've seen many people with a blank look in their face, their eyes far away, distant. Next thing We saw was heels and elbows. Not sure who they're running from,WEI hope they catch them.


Beloved Council of Light, why do I feel so raw, discouraged, defeated and just plain old fed up?

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~Shhhhhhh…Love is Calling~


Because you are! Because it is. Because the old no longer works. It is time for a new way and it is being born, so you have to be patient. You have to keep believing, even in the darkness, that the dawn is coming. This is the essence of faith and of participating in the creation of your New World…it requires strength, stamina, trust, perseverance, vision and conviction. You’ve got that, or you would not have made it this far! So call upon the horse, the camel, the bat, the ant, the hawk and the lion to be with you to help you through, for they exemplify these characteristics by instinct when you have had to earn them from yourself over and over again until you did not doubt they were always yours.

Important Message from The Earth Allies~ Ignorance are the minions and they have lost the game

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~The Score was Tied Between Love and ignorance[ the illusion]~ Love is Up to BAT~





It's the bottom of the ninth, bases are loaded, score's tied between Love and illusion, and Love steps up to bat. Ilusion looks around the field, the bases are loaded. Illusion throws a ball and Love just stands there. The umpire says ball one. After 3 more balls, since illusion can't find the plate and the bases were loaded, it's now 3-2. Love is Everywhere Present, so Love steps up to the bat again. Ignorance[ the illusion] says, "Ah... Love has two outs, we'll just take Love down now". Of course ignorance is getting a little excited because Love has already won the game. First one is low outside, ball one says the umpire. The catcher says, "Hey come on guys, the bases are loaded".


Aisha North The manuscript of survival ~ part 208

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Time is speeding up, and much is starting to fall by the wayside because of this. To many of you, this is mayhaps not too apparent in your daily life, but if you go into this with your eyes and hearts wide open, we think you will all see and feel much change already. As always, the mass media is above all focused on trying to keep you all into thinking that everything is as before, or maybe perhaps a little bit worse. But again, we implore you not to get lost in the millions of unencouraging words and images they continue to spew forth. They are only meant to discourage you all from seeing the truth, namely that this world is indeed changing, minute by minute, one soul at a time. It may sound like this whole process is going excruciatingly slow, and for some, it seems unbearably so. And so they have all but given up, not only on themselves, but on your whole planet. To them every day will seem to bring you all closer and closer to that final darkness they dread, and so, they will lash out in their desperation and feeling of despair.

~ Space Weather Update~ GEOMAGNETIC STORM

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QUIET SUN: With no sunspots actively flaring, the sun's x-ray output has flatlined. Solar activity is low and likely to remain so throughout the weekend. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A G1-class geomagnetic storm broke out during the early hours of Oct. 13th, igniting bright auroras over Canada. Colin Chatfield sends this picture from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan:

"This is from my backyard around 5:00a.m. this morning," says Chatfield. "Never have I seen the auroras so bright, especially from within the city. They were astounding, with purple visible to the naked eye."

The source of the storm was a knot of south-pointing magnetism from the sun. The knot drifted past Earth, bumping into our own planet's magnetic field. This caused a crack to open in Earth's magnetic defenses. Solar wind poured in to fuel the auroras.

You did not come here to suffer. ~ by Ron Head October 13, 2012

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Good morning, dear friend.  We are happy to confirm for you that the subjects, clarity, and recall of your dreaming consciousness have changed dramatically over the last days, as they have for many.  This will continue as long as you make it a priority.  Congratulations.

We urge all those who read the messages and writings of lightworkers to realize that they are merely showing what is possible for everyone.  As you feel your awareness changing, do not hesitate to try new things that seem attractive to you.  That attraction and intent, coupled with your trust, will enable wonderful things for you.  This is what the shift in awareness is all about.

Look again at all of your I-wish-I-coulds and I-would-love-to-be-able-tos and pick your favorite ones.  Perhaps they are what you think of as spiritual.  Perhaps they are not.  Of course, since you are a spiritual being, everything you do is spiritual.  But give those things new interest and effort, dear friends.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – Turn Away From The Dark

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Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – Turn Away From The Dark – 13 October 2012

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

We know you are loving beings. We know that, given an ideal world you would treat everyone with kindness, dignity, and respect. We know that this kind of treatment is what you desire from others as well. At this time on your earth while there is beautiful energy streaming in and fantastic opportunity for those willing to clear their minds and hearts and focus on creating, there is also incredible chaos for those unwilling to take charge of their minds and hearts in this fashion. Whatever is unhealed is being revealed, and thus you are seeing not only great wonder and beauty in the hearts of humanity, but also an acting out of the wounded child within many others.


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