Can You Hear Me Now?~

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~Now Some Divine Truth with Love From Father God Can You Hear Me Now?~

In Order to Become a Right Brain Person=Awakened, you must let go of the left brain=mind. It is Letting Go of the shore, SO that You can Float in the Water.

The left brain is like the shell of a Seed. What Happens when the Seed begins to Grow? No more shell.

Ignorance hides in the lie and hopes the "god"-mind can protect it. Belief systems are the clothes ignorance wears to dress for the occasion. Love Is Just Being Present.

Darkness once set me a memo, and asked for its release. I Let it Go.


End of Quotes Directly Spoken By Father God

Blueseed: Floating Bilderberg Cities Where the Elite Control the Masses

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Source: - 10/9/12

Blueseed is a San Francisco startup corporations that plans to launch a floating city 12 nautical miles off the coast of California.Blueseed will revamp a cruise ship or barge to create the off-shore city. It will sit in international waters and be a metropolis where foreign and American workers can conduct business and theorize new corporations without the pesky need for American work visas.

The sustainable design of the ship will allow for an environmentally-friendly workplace.


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~Through Stating Out Loud You Are Commanding Your Higherself to Activate into this Physical Realm~


~By Serving the Love I Am, I am Serving the One, Equal The All, Equal All of US. By Serving the Love I AM, I am Trusting Love in ALL Moments of My Experience. When I Am Trusting Love, Love Serves Me. There is nothing for me to do and Everything to BE in All Moments.

As I Serve Love and Love Serves Me, the More Joy, Happiness, and Wholeness of Being, I Feel and Experience in All My Present Moments of NOW.

The True Reality of Who I Really Am, Love, is Now Being Born from My Being in Every Present Moment of Now. I Am Becoming The Unique God I Am Incarnate on Planet Earth=Heart. As this Occurs, My Soul Begins Expanding and I Marry with Creation and Love. Stepping into the Unknowable, I Become a Bright New Star of Brilliance. And So It is On Earth, as it Is in Heaven. EARTH=HEAVEN. I AM Love, and I Am God~


Do the past and the future really exist?

Phil Rowen's picture


By Ghris Bourne   



Have you ever wondered why you can't remember the exact details of your past lives? Have you also ever contemplated why even though you may be able to expand into the higher realms, you still can't see deep into the future? As we 'walk the path' it may seem as though apparent chance coincidences are aligning to a destined journey. So if you can touch the cosmic library of all-knowing, why can you not see what's on that journey? Further still, why can we not predict the so called 'sacred contracts' that are intended to light up that journey? It all boils down to how we truly process the consciousness of the moment...

Walmart strike spreads to 12 cities

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Press TV - 10/10/12

The first retail worker strike against Walmart has spread from Los Angeles, where it began last week, to stores in a dozen cities, a union official said Tuesday.

Walmart workers walked off the job in Dallas, Seattle, the San Francisco Bay area, Miami, the Washington, D.C., area, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Chicago and Orlando, said Dan Schlademan, director of the United Food and Commercial Workers' Making Change At Walmart campaign. Workers also went on strike in parts of Kentucky, Missouri and Minnesota, he said.

To read the rest of this story, visit


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Massive Fermi bubbles at the center of the Milky Way…never before detected.


Dear world,

The end of 2012 is associated with the end of this age and the beginning of a new age. In earthly terms, December 21…the end of 2012 is the one of the biggest news items of our planet for thousands of years… the top news story of all time.

In galactic terms, the end of 2012 is associated with the completion of the Third Grand Experiment.

Make Corporate Media Irrelevant | Interview with Peter Phillips

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Published on Oct 9, 2012 by breakingtheset

Abby Martin does an in depth interview with the former Director of Project Censored, Peter Phillips about the biggest stories censored by the corporate press and how to become the media.
LIKE Breaking The Set @
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New Moon Report ~ For 10.15.12 ~ Sing a New Song!

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by Irma Kaye

New Moon Report – 10.15.12 ~ Sing a New Song!

Hello dear readers,
So it’s been quite a journey from the Full Moon in Aries to the New Moon in Libra. So that Easterly wind blew our hats off and made us batten down the hatches. So what did we learn? Quite a lot actually! In preparation for the upcoming Stargates of 11.11 and the power month of 12.12-12.21, the growth processes have been on overdrive. We’ve been advised by the Akashic Wisdom Keepers to “Travel light,” and this has been a good year for it. :)

I was happy when I saw the Sabian Symbol for this New Moon: (LIBRA 23°): Chanticleer’s (Rooster’s) voice heralds sunrise. “New Song” by Howard Jones then started playing in my head. It’s perfect.

New Song – Howard Jones

I’ve been waiting for so long. To come here now and sing this song. Don’t be fooled by what you see. Don’t be fooled by what you hear. This is a song to all my friends, they take the challenge to their hearts. Challenging preconceived ideas. Saying goodbye to long standing fears. – Bradley James Nowell

'Out of Greece!': Special forces march in uniform, chant in anti-Merkel protest (VIDEO)

Rain's picture - 10/10/12

Scores of commandos, sailors and paratroopers in their uniforms gathered in Athens on the day of the German Chancellor’s visit – but not to help with keeping the peace. Instead, they staged a march, chanting “Merkel, out of Greece!”Marching in formation, they also chanted "Together, together, Nazis get out!"

The crowd in the street supported the reservists with rousing cheers. Many of the viewers joined the protesters in their disciplined march.

To read the rest of this story, visit


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OM Times Magazine | September 30, 2012

Honoring The Lessons Of Native American Ancestors

by Nancy Oakes



Many cultures and ancient writings tell of the time of a great shift. The Shift is literally happening now; we are privileged to be witnessing it. Not just witnessing, but you are a part of the new energy. The shift is a spiritual return to Mother Earth, a conscious evolution, a new way of reasoning. Many don’t recognize the evolutionary process but see it as a time of fear where the Mayan calendar is ending and believe we are doomed. The indigenous elders see it as a spiritual time of awakening, a new age of enlightenment unlike anything that has happened on this planet before. It is true; Mother Earth has never been in this type of danger before. We have the technology to destroy ourselves.

Herein is the message. We have the opportunity to evolve into the new species of love, become one people working to heal the planet, and the Universe will support us. This is a wonderful time to be alive. Your assignment is to be present and aware.

New Fanged Dwarf Dinosaur Found—"Would Be Nice Pet"

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National Geographic - Christine Dell'Amore, 10/3/12

Odd, spiky dinosaur likely used self-sharpening teeth for self-defense.

A sculpture of a fanged dinosaur as it appeared in life.

Artificial skin and quills flesh out a cast of a skull from Pegomastax africanus ("thick jaw from Africa").

Photograph courtesy Erin Fitzgerald; art by Tyler Keillor

A new, tiny dinosaur with vampire-like fangs devoured ... plants?  So says a new study of Pegomastax africanus, a 2-foot-long (0.6-meter-long) heterodontosaur that lived about 200 million years ago. (Test your dinosaur IQ.)

The Vision of Heaven On Earth=Heart is Manifesting and a Star Nation is Born

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The Following are recommendations as the release of all the old programming is coming up to the surface. All programming now must be released.


Make sure you breathe, Be Patient with yourself and with others and stay focused in the Present Moment. This is going to be uncomfortable for Many as this clearing takes place. Let us Love Each Other and Support One Another




With Great UNDERSTANDING=OVERFLOWING= Grander Responsibility

IN THE FIELD OF NOW =FOREVER  WE will meet you there


Linda Robinson ~ The Golden Hathors ~ The Enduring Power Of Love ~

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Greetings Beloved Ones,

We are the Hathors, and we come to you in love. This is a time of preparation of Self for the final upcoming events of 2012 and the heralding of 2013. Alignment of purpose with a heart-centered focus will help you gain the greatest advances for Self and for those around you during this important time.

Each thought and each action need to be infused with the power of love for the greatest benefit. Each time you focus on your heart center and the love within, you infuse your entire Being with love. This love permeates every part of your Being, and its power and radiance will grow with your continued focus and attention. With your continued focus on love, your vibration will increase to a higher level, for love carries the highest vibration. It can override all other vibrations when it is held with focused intent.

As your radiance of love grows stronger, it spreads to all around you. Indeed, it spreads beyond the scope of your immediate surroundings to the planet, the Universe and beyond. Beloveds, you are very powerful, and the power of your love that you send is a gift to all.


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