Greetings from Galactic Heart ~Today I'm feeling goood

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Today I'm feeling goood! Most often I do not remember my dreams. This week, however, for three nights in a row I not only remembered my dreams, I was conscious that I was an observer of my dreams.

The first two dreams were clearing dreams....dealing with personal conflict with two individuals in my life. After the dream, I felt a burden lifted from my soul. Forgiveness had been achieved. Afterall, we are all doing the best we can in every given moment.

Now the third dream was FUN! Sheldan and I were in our kitchen chatting when the doorbell rang. I went to the door and when I opened it, I saw a man standing there. He was casually dressed in bluejeans and a blue plaid open shirt over a navy blue t-shirt. In his hand, he held a clip board with several manilla envelopes. There was something very familiar about this man and yet.....I couldn't place his face with a name.


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If you choose to use the Daily Practices, these may very simply be used without the recorded meditation like this: -
1. ‘I call Light to myself now!’ — so that you feel the streaming bright white Light of Spirit encompass your body and aura, moving straight down through the body of Gaia below you.
2. ‘I open my Cosmic & Earth star portals now!’ — opening those portal chakras at the top and bottom of your aura, that you may receive the highest energy available from Mother-Father God and from Gaia herself.
3. ‘I ground myself into the heart of Gaia now!’ — from your belly you send a grounding cord down through your root chakra, down through the bottom of you aura, anchoring into the core crystal which is the heart of Gaia.

These 3 steps alone — calling Light to yourself; opening the cosmic & Earth star portals and grounding yourself into Gaia — will place you in a state of vertical alignment with all that is above and all that is below, that you may be a channel for the Divine energies of Heaven into Earth, and for the Divine energies of the Goddess Gaia into this planet and onto Her surface and Her creatures.

Cosmic Awareness: Remain Calm, Focused, Positive and Pure in These Tumultuous Times

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Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff |

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness has a message for those seeking information from this Awareness – an update if you will, into the energies of these times. At this particular moment in time there is an energy afoot that is akin to the holding of one’s breath, but this is a collective holding of the collective breath. These times are such that there is an apprehension of the unfolding energies and what they entail. The majority of the collective have no idea of what is coming, and yet still there is apprehension and high levels of anxiety. Many think that this is the result of negative markets and a downturn in the economy.

Solar Genesis and the New Galactic Human and the Preservation of the Ecosystem of Earth

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(***The Sun is in Genesis 11. The Arcturians and the Galactic Councils of Light request the assistance of the Lens of Ibis to to be a bioenergetic solar diffusion device to diffuse the accelerated solar frequencies, as we prepare to become Solar Beings.***)

trans. by Sean and Sandra, ed. by M.

Judith in Denver and Sean in Salmon Arm, B.C. 8 am PST

I was awakened at 3 am and had telepathic contact with the Arcturians, Galactic Councils of Light. I was told that the star councils on Earth, myself and those of us who are star beings, are being asked to download.

Drake’s Mid-Week Update & Confirmation that “It’s Real”…

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Written BY [MAC]2012thebigpicture

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We feel drake is slowly getting on the same page with us, so we are posting this Summary of his last show. We still are unable to completly verify drake, so Please use your discernment. All Our Love


This isn’t the minutes of the meeting, just a quick heads up that  Drake put some hints as to what we can expect to see/hear about that is underway or soon will be is posted on his Facebook page.

He says there is a list of about 25 – 30 operations that began on Monday of this week and will be ongoing until complete.

He wouldn’t elucidate, BUT, if anyone has their ear to the ground and notices some changes or indications they believe are part of the activities underway to take out the cabal and dismantle the Corporation of the USA, send him any snippets by email and he will confirm or deny. So there’s your challenge.

The things going on this week are to prepare for NEXT WEEK. He says, “It’s Real.”

He asked us to get the word out that the military is most definitely supporting us in this and ready to go.

How to Open Your Third Eye and Awaken Your Pineal Gland: Two Simple Practices

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Note: Original article edited for formatting and clarity

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Below is a technique which could assist. Also Being Present In the Moment of Now is A Way as Well!! Love The Earth Allies


Please read all of the following. If you wish to perform this exercise, you need to understand what you will be doing. It is important to follow the instructions as this is somewhat advanced:

The Third Eye is directly related to the 6th chakra — the psychic chakra, located on the middle of the forehead above the brows. It is closely associated with the “pineal” gland. The pineal gland is dormant in most people, as is the true Third Eye.

THE DIVINE PLAN: 2012 & BEYOND ~ An Interview with Caroline Cory

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1. Who is Caroline Cory and what does she do?
I am a teacher of Consciousness and Spiritual Studies. I am the founder of the OMnium Method of Learning and Healing, which is an experience-based method that allows information to be transferred organically into the cells rather than being processed by the human mind. (That is how it is really done in the outer universe). I am also the author of 3 books and a multitude of guided meditations and radio webcasts. I am now working on a new film and a variety of other projects for 2012.

The Keepers commentary on the next Stargate periods (10:10, 11:11, and 12:12.)

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by Irma Kaye


Beloveds, here is a bit of commentary about the next upcoming primary Stargate periods in your world.

10.10: Consciousness. We see that this Stargate opens the door further into higher frequencies and consciousness that have been contacting Earth since 2010-11.

11.11: Transcendence. We see that these energies (being also while the Sun is in Scorpio,) provide great potential for healing and transcending the limitations of the past; using the tools of shamanic, dream and “Shadow” work.

If we lack the courage to carry a torch into the heart of our own fear, to face the illumination of our deepest fears, we have no business calling ourselves “lightkeepers.” We are being called to open to all that we are, and birth ourselves through the womb of our own darkness. – Reconnection teaching, 10.10.12 (via Alyce Walker)

Major Incomming Energies Oct 11th ~ by James Gilliland

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Major Shift



Many are feeling waves of consciousness and energy often coming in between 3 and 5 in the morning. This is a great time to be creative and receive inner guidance due to the psychic turbulence at an all time low and the creation energies at an all time high. This is orchestrated and assisted by Masters, Saints and Sages as well as spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders and ultradimensionals. There are energies coming in as we align with Galactic Plane affecting the Sun, which have a major impact on humanity and the Earth. These influxes of energy affect the bioelectric fields around the human and Earth body, initiate weather changes, earthquake and volcanic activity. There is a lag time as these energies move down the vibrational continuum to the denser physical matter. It could be 2 to 5 days.

Lucas – I Got A Feeling – 11 October 2012

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Lucas – I Got A Feeling – 11 October 2012

It  is a great day for me.  I got a feeling. I feel laughing and smiling all day long, just remembering all is Now and is Now changing.  No more waiting.  I see it all going on. Talking with friends over what is going on.  Seeing more and more the things as they are. Even a radio interview scheduled for a second time did not go through without notice, but  I do not care, I am still smiling and seeing all is just like it is and it is fine.

Reality Check on the Declaration of World Peace

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Written by Steve Beckow


I wanted to know whether I’d captured Archangel Michael’s intended words in the Declaration of World Peace. (1) I’ve only channeled twice formally (I’m aware that my guides send things through me informally) and I had no idea whether it had gone well.

So I asked Archangel Michael in a personal reading I had with him through Linda Dillon on October 10, 2012, whether I had come close.

I do believe – I have to say – that the Declaration of World Peace, will travel around the world. It’s a beautiful expression of the longing for peace.  I don’t say that for myself.  I have everything I need and want and have no connection to the document outside of literally “lending a hand.”

But I say it because it’s a beautiful expression from a very eloquent speaker and writer, whose amenuensis I was permitted to be for a very few minutes.

You are at no time alone ~ Lady Maria through Isabel Henn

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October 11, 2012


My beloved children, as you could all feel now, the 10-10-Portal brings enormous amounts of energy to Earth. Even more than with the previous portals. Your bodies adapt and can cope with so much more than you would have been able to only one year ago. Your bodies wouldn’t have coped otherwise. Now you have an idea what you have achieved so far.

Even those of you who still sleep can feel these energies, but don’t know how to identify it. They feel different than before and are confused about it. My beloved lightbearers please support them when they address you for that. Explain to them what these energies mean. Let your glorious light enlighten their hearts and ignite the spark. Share your love and your light with them. Don’t impose on them but help if you are asked. I know that you will comply and fulfil my desire with pleasure my children.

You are such wonderful people and have done great so far. It now takes not much longer and then you can rest a little. After your Ascension it will be easier for you. So many helpers are waiting to build your new society together with you. The increased vibrations will help you.

Navigating October: The Grand Clearing, The Great Silence, The Deep Listening A Word from the Masters

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  by Giselle Koy

  • Posted on October 11, 2012


Yes, it is I, none other than the almighty friend to the family. Yes, I am orchestrating things in your lives; aligning, redirecting and sourcing. Putting energy lines where they best serve and infusing the heart power to make the shifts. I have been known to work as a cosmic chiropractor and help restore the flow by re-aligning all that life pushes out of balance. This is constant work for life on Earth is an on-going series of maladjustments and corrections, obstacles and overcomings.

So much so, that many of you lightworkers are now struggling with smooth energy lines. You are used to the dramatic shifts and when calm seas arrive, there is a misinterpretation. For the calm seas appear to be flat to you but they are not, they are just calm. However, adrenalin and emotional highs and lows as well as contractions and expansions have been the norm, so much so that one must now learn the way of equanimity. Balance as a joyful state; no drama as a desired state. Literally, the state in which nothing is happening is good and the new way.


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