It is who you are, resonating with All That Is

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It is who you are, resonating with All That Is. – by Love Reporter Ron Head

October 10, 2012 

Creator of All That Is

Dear one, there will be no need to speak with Michael this day.  I have an image I wish you to share.

I remind you now of an evening you spent almost forty-five years ago.  You were walking along a stone pathway through the quiet evening in a large temple complex at the foot of Mt. Fuji.  It was deeply and reverently quiet.  There was the murmur of water running over the stones in a river at your feet.  You could hear the soft chanting of the sutras by many monks in their quarters.  There was a feeling of deep peace.

Kauilapele's Blog The 10-10-2012… What’s it All About…

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That’s a catchy title. I put it up there as it will be my last post for today. There is a “catch” to that title as well. “What’s it all about?” The catch is, I’m not completely sure.

Some may be drawn to doing ceremony on this date. Some may be drawn to do nothing. Some may be drawn to meditating. Some may be drawn to dancing. Some may even be drawn to a cup of coffee… Hmmm.

There is an energetic something or other going on around this date, that’s for sure. And these “something or others” can be pretty emphatic. Energetically-wise. Gaiaportal mentioned something about “Inner Earth Light outflow will peak at the 10-10″. Others have said that this darn financial meltdown is pretty close to going down. And this post by Steve at 2012 Scenario even mentions (from AA Michael reading) that NESARA is within days of coming in (“White House Responds to NESARA Petition“).

~Making some Global Noise Cassarole March October13 Occupy

Lia's picture Activists involved in the Indignato, Occupy, #yosoy132, etc movements have begun a campaign to create GlobalNoise, a worldwide cacerolazo, or casserole march, on Saturday, October 13th, 2012. The hope is that local Occupations and Collectives will take up the call to march, using the method of a casserole march to highlight whatever issues are the most important to their community.

music 1000levels download at


Acclimating to Expansion & 10-10-10 Qualities Re~Visited

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Message from Sanat Kumara, with the Legions of Light focused on Earth's Ascension and the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light
Telepathic transmission 8 October 2012
Greetings Dear One,

It is so good to connect with you and have this time to share and be in communion. 

This meeting on the inner planes which we do with you, when you turn your attention to this, is a profound joy for us and also allows us to transmit to you, meaning, understanding, energy as information and attunements--all properties of accessing the gifts of larger contexts, or dimensions.

~Space Weather Update~ We are Active NOW

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ACTIVE SUNSPOT: A sunspot, currently located on the farside of the sun, is about to emerge over the sun's southeastern limb. It is crackling with M-class solar flares and could bring a significant uptick in solar activity. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY CONTINUES: For the third day in a row, geomagnetic storms are circling the poles. In North America, auroras have spilled across the Canadian border descending as far south as Utah, Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska. The best place to see the show, according to pilot Matt Melnyk, is from the window of an airplane:

"I photographed an unbelievable display from the cockpit at 21,000 feet while flying across Alberta Canada," says Melnyk. "Being the pilot we get a front row view of the amazing aurora and this display was nothing less than spectacular!"

Institution of Gaia Transform Protocols Begins

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Institution of Gaia Transform Protocols Begins…


Protocols for the final advancement stages of humanity are now beginning, in fullness. These involve completion of unveiling and de-hypnosis steps of the mass humanity, removal of all archonic programmings, and synchronizing of these steps with the final removal of dark political entities. All of these protocols occur within the 3D-4D energetic realms.

Visions of Gaia Higher Hue-manity are most helpful at this time to align removal protocols, discussed above, with replacement protocols.

Light Entities from Higher Realms are in full harmonic alignment with these transform protocols.

NESARA Coming “Shortly”?

Lia's picture
 by Steve Beckow

So much is being said right now about how close we are to NESARA.

Archangel Michael said on Monday, Oct. 8, 2012:

Steve Beckow: Are there any obstacles remaining in the path of the announcement of pre-NESARA and NESARA?

Archangel Michael: None.

SB: So, why is it not here today?

AAM: The worthiness issue that we have talked about is the only, and we are not calling it an, obstacle. Because the pieces are in place. This is going to unfold in ways that you do not anticipate. It is going to unfold with ways which have the assistance of your star brothers and sisters, the cooperation of the Company of Heaven. It will be in place very shortly. No, I do not mean soon, I simply mean shortly.

SB: What’s the difference between shortly and soon, please, Lord?

AAM: Days.

SB: Days. Okay.


toonewewillreturn's picture


words cannot describe how high the energy is today...

love is not just in the air today, love is the air today!


just breeeeathe, oh wowowowwww!!! can you feel that?!


vibrating more than ever, heart ablaze with a thousand suns!


wowowow! yee=haw, every=one!!!



SaLuSa ~ 10/10/2012 It is relatively plain sailing now

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SaLuSa ~ 10/10/2012


It is relatively plain sailing now, although you will have difficult periods to cope with. However, they will be short lived and having anticipated them we will ensure that they cause the minimum of inconvenience to you. Our allies are aware of how near they are to accomplishing their objectives, and as always we are behind them. You might reflect on the fact that the physical changes on Earth have been nowhere near as catastrophic as was prophesied. Some may point at the Fukushima incident, but that was not natural but a false flag attack. In fact although there have been numerous earthquakes which is quite normal, none have had what you would call really serious consequences. We have all along closely monitored such occurrences, and have minimized the after effects.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Creativity Nurture your creative attributes

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Creativity

Nurture your creative attributes


Your creativity is the seat of your creation. It helps you connect with all that is as it is a time when you let down your guard and let go. For each of you this is different, some are crafty, some dance, some draw, and some of you appreciate the fine arts, or put your creativity into the meal you serve your family. There are many ways to be creative and to indulge in your passion regularly to feed this part of you. There is great inner peace that can be found here. Seek it out and add more of this energy into your life.

10-10-2012 ~ The Tenth Initiatory Gateway of Light

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10-10-2012 ~ The Tenth Initiatory Gateway of Light ~
Mp3 download
Elders Message

On October 10th, 2102, we enter into the tenth initiatory Gateway of Light, through the tenth ray of Divinity and the Overlighting of Allah Gobi and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light.

The tenth ray of Divinity holds the perfect balance of the three-fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom, allowing us to become the Divine, Holy Light of God that we truly are as we experience a new balance and equilibrium through the Will of God, the Wisdom of the Higher Mind and the Cosmic Heart of all Creation. Under the influence of this ray, we are able to lift all remaining veils of illusion, and experience a synthesis of all past, present and future probably realities in this Now through the merging Christed timelines. As we experience the infinite and eternal Now for longer periods of time, we are further able to view our Life lessons and perceived challenges, integrating into our Beingness all aspects of ourselves through this beautiful pearlescent Flame of Divinity, and the knowing that our Divine Self within recognizes the Divine Self in all those around us.

It is in this Now that we start to access the hidden knowledge of our Self viewed through a Cosmic Lens. For the tenth ray of Divinity unlocks the Akashic Records, and allows the knowledge of our Highest Potential through the Hall of Records to be revealed. This sacred knowledge, which can be described as "a vision across the Abyss" is only given to a true Master; one who has transcended the limitations of this earth plane, removed the bands of forgetfulness, and one who remains in emotional detachment at all times. For the Master knows that all paths and all realities lead to One Unity Consciousness and this wisdom, Love and reverence for all Life brings with it the qualities of balance, justice, humility and truth.

~A message from Nibiru and the AnAnnUki~

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~A message from Nibiru and the AnAnnUki~ by Love Reporter Méline Lafont


Méline: This is a channeling that was one month overdue,before this point of publication has been reached. This has to do with the fact that I've really hesitated to allow them to connect to me. It started with incoming images of pyramids and the famous "heads" of them which popped in during meditation. Shortly afterwards they spoke to me, along with my Twin Flame and Michael at my side. I think I definitely asked at least a dozen times what their intentions were and whether they came of the Upper Light of Christ and served the Divine Plan, I asked this to themselves as well to Archangel Michael and my Twin Flame .. checked with my Tauk board and pendulum, checked and asked the I AM Supreme Creator of the Upper Light .. well, I have done so during a month before I've made my decision. They kept themself during the entire period of doubt, lovingly and kindly and have always had great respect for my own free will and decision. Every time they stepped aside when I asked this and gave me the time that I needed. On the other hand, I felt that they really did need to share this message, for it turned out to bevery important. It is very clear that no one really wants to allow them connecting, for the same reasons that I was stumbling with the entire time, and that is; by judging on their past and fear, not knowing what their intentions are. My final conviction came due the fact that Archangel Michael and others  ensured me every time that they are turned to the Light and have loving intentions (I searched for this on the net and examined it and it appears that they indeed turned to the light and have seen their mistakes), and if there is someone who I trust 100% it is Archangel Michael as he is my top protector and everything and everyone must pass through him to come to me for connection.


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