Jon Rappoport – The Vaccine Empire Collapsed – 9 October 2012

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Jon Rappoport – The Vaccine Empire Collapsed – 9 October 2012

You may not have heard the explosion, but it happened.

A review from The Cochrane Collaboration, a widely respected research-analysis team, went over all the evidence, and entered its conclusion:

In healthy adults, no flu vaccine delivers protection from the flu. Boom!

It doesn’t protect against transmission of flu viruses from person to person, either.


Leo Kent – Cymatics: The Art Of Visualising Sound

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Leo Kent – Cymatics: The Art Of Visualising Sound – 10 October 2012


When you play music at high volumes or with a lot of bass you will notice the cone of the speaker moving in and out. In a sense, this can be construed as the visualization of sound.

What is fascinating is that the vibration of sound according to differing frequencies can cause the most beautiful and intricate patterns in mediums such as sand or water.

Cymatics, which is the study of visible sound, was a term coined by Swiss scientist, Hans Jenny, in the 1960s whilst experimenting with the visual display of sound.

Sound would have had an influence on the core skeleton or building blocks of first cellular life

Anrita Melchizedek – The Tenth Initiatory Gateway Of Light

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Anrita Melchizedek – The Tenth Initiatory Gateway Of Light – 10 October 2012

Allah Gobi

You Tube

Mp3 download


On October 10th, 2102, we enter into the tenth initiatory Gateway of Light, through the tenth ray of Divinity and the Overlighting of Allah Gobi and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light.

The tenth ray of Divinity holds the perfect balance of the three-fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom, allowing us to become the Divine, Holy Light of God that we truly are as we experience a new balance and equilibrium through the Will of God, the Wisdom of the Higher Mind and the Cosmic Heart of all Creation.  Under the influence of this ray, we are able to lift all remaining veils of illusion, and experience a synthesis of all past, present and future probably realities in this Now through the merging Christed timelines. As we experience the infinite and eternal Now for longer periods of time, we are further able to view our Life lessons and perceived challenges, integrating into our Beingness all aspects of ourselves through this beautiful pearlescent Flame of Divinity, and the knowing that our Divine Self within recognizes the Divine Self in all those around us.

The Man Who Changed Iceland’s Message To The World – We Can Too!

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The Man Who Changed Iceland’s Message To The World – We Can Too! – A Sheep No More – 10 October 2012

Arrest the Banksters! from the man that started the revolution in Iceland

The man who forced the government of Iceland to resign and kicked out the IMF representatives from his country, Hordur Torfarson, is now teaching meta-modern democracy throughout Europe. The rest of the world would benefit from following the example set by Iceland: Arresting the corrupt bankers who are responsible for the current economic turmoil.

#! Here is his amazing story

Full employment contributes above all to achieving human dignity.
”It’s nice to be important, but is more important to be nice.”

The true measure of the leader is not how many followers he has, but how many leaders he creates.

Heavenletter #4338 The Little Things That Bother You, October 10, 2012

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Heavenletter #4338 The Little Things That Bother You, October 10, 2012 


God said: 


The little things that bother you, the little things that drive you up a wall, that drive you bonkers, that seem to assail you, why doesn’t that other person change his ways so you would not be so annoyed, you ask yourself.

Beloveds, better to ask yourself: “Why do I persist in being so annoyed? What makes me get hot in the collar because someone else has ways of behaving, habits that I do not approve of?”

Ask yourself: “What business is it of mine what someone else does or doesn’t do? Do I think I am the metronome of the world? Am I giver of commandments? Do I think that my immediate world is mine to command?”

What awaits your awakening is utter joy

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What awaits your awakening is utter joy

October 10, 2012 by John Smallman

We are all rooting for you here in the spiritual realms – which truly are not a series of mythical realms set apart from yours in some alternate universe or energy field – as we watch you heading firmly and vigorously towards the moment of your awakening.  As you have often been told, there is only Reality, in which all of creation (which includes humanity) has its eternal existence.  You have just temporarily closed your eyes to this truth and therefore to your awareness of it.  But eternal sleep is not part of the divine plan for anyone, so you will awaken into the joy that is your birthright.  And the moment for that awakening is almost upon you.

Saul: It demands great strength not to be drawn into the drama of egoic ambitions

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It demands great strength not to be drawn into the drama of egoic ambitions

10/10/2012 by John Smallman

The divine energies enveloping the planet continue to strengthen and intensify as increasing numbers of humans start opening their hearts to receive what they have been seeking for eons, namely a sense or awareness of the fact that they are eternally loved by their infinitely kind and generous Father.  As you open your hearts further and further this awareness, this certainty grows, and the divine energies respond by expanding and extending.  Your determined intent to be aware of God’s Love for you is recognized by Him, and so He strengthens and intensifies the energy field enveloping you, and it is this that is moving you forwards towards your inevitable awakening.

~ Brilliant Quotes of Truth from The Celestine Prophecy By James Redfield

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Dreams come to tell us something about our lives that we are missing

We can become inspired to shape a higher, more ideal future, and when we do, miracles happen.

Each of us is the next step in evolution along the lineage created by our two parents. Our higher purpose on earth can be found by recognizing what our parents accomplished and where they left off. By reconciling what they gave us with what they left us to resolve, we can get a clear picture of who we are and what we are meant to do.

Knowing our personal mission further enhances the flow of mysterious coincidences as we are guided toward our destinies. First we have a question, then dreams, daydreams, and intuitions lead us toward the answers, which usually are synchronistically provided by the wisdom of another human being.

By seeing the beauty in every face we lift others into their wisest self and increase the chances of hearing a synchronistic message.

We can increase the frequency of guiding coincidences by uplifting every person that comes into our lives. Care must be taken not to lose our inner connection in romantic relationships.

The Galactic Free Press Update: Incoming 10~10 Portal Birth Visions Activated

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Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~

Thanks to thebiggerpicture2012 for this Photo


Greetings Love beings, we are one day away from a Huge Portal of the 10~10. This Portal is going to Bring a Whammy of Energies with a Multi~Dimensional Series of Happenings, to set us on a Clear path towards our Galactic Alignment. This will also open up the final cleansing of all denser energies on this Planet. We are in for an Interesting ride till the remainder of the Year, when it will become even more exciting.

Quoted from Irma Kaye "The Keepers tell us that the next Stargates will be about: 10:10 – Consciousness, 11:11 – Transcendence, 12:12 – Realization.

It's later than you think

David Porter's picture


Indepencence Missiouri, (sub-Kansas City) 10/09/2012. This is the day before more energies and connections happen and peak, and wouldn’t you know it. When I went outside this morning I saw chemtrails crossing the sky, I paused and considered what I just read yesterday, it said "send love" to them. So I aimed my view at the two planes leaving very thick trails and sent them Divine Love from the heart. I am still prossessing what took place within seconds after doing this. I am sitting here at the keyboard, waiting for words???


I certainly know the truth but the other day as I watched videos of those trying to convince themselves that what they videoed were chemtrails dissipating due to unseen forces that are so to speak on our side assisting with this. The trails were dissipating, but very slowly and it didn’t seem to me in either video that anything was prompting it, it simply looked to be wishful thinking?


However, I will tell it like I saw it to be. The jet to my right, and first one I gave my attention to, with the thickest trail-clouds, approximately 20 seconds after my little prayer, as I began to notice that far behind it, the trail was breaking up, and just at that time my attention was brought much closer to the tail of this jet due to the fact that the entire trail was quickly dissipating, more so that even a contrail!!! This I have never witnessed and I have been watching chemtrails since alerted to them be a friend that I worked with named Mark back in 2007.


There were several trails in the sky when I walked out and next to none when I went back in just a little later.


Update form Sheldan Nidle: The Fall of the cabal is Imminent~

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6 Manik, 15 Tzotz, 9 Eb


Dratzo! We return! Many events are preparing to happen quite shortly. Your world is at a point where the collapse of its economy is imminent. The status of your global economy is dependent on an illegal flow of cash from accounts that were plundered by the Federal Reserve over the past year. These accounts were illegally seized as part of procedures to monitor the exchange of funds from one account to another. Our associates are now rerouting these daily international movements of large sums of currency. As these fiscal sources of revenue begin to dry up, the US Corporation and its minions are desperately searching for a way to keep afloat. This sudden lowering of 'true cash reserves' has caused the central banks of your world to panic. This comes against a backdrop of a series of ultimatums recently issued to these banks by our sacred associates concerning large debts to be repaid only in gold. These still-covert developments are expected to create what can be called an early 'Halloween' for the dark cabal. Meanwhile, the various holders of the world's known and 'dark' gold supplies continue to add to their totals.

Cosmic Weather ~ Energy Update & 10:10 Stargate Report

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Oct 9, 2012 by Irma Kaye

10 Stargate Report

Cosmic Weather – Energy Update & 10:10 Stargate Report ~

Well well, we’ve certainly had an interesting mix of things lately! We are in the middle of a significant Geo-mag storm and the sensitive folks are feeling it for sure. We are in a powerful period astrologically with many TRINES between planets bringing *flow* and grace, and also with the Yod pattern activating us, possibly in deep ways. This is all right on time for the 10:10 Stargate tomorrow.

What specifically is a Star Gate?

Absolute Proof of Nibiru, Planet x...Comets Do Not Lie!

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Commentary from Before its News~I personally am not convinced of the existence of Nibiru, Planet X… yet I must ponder the questions; Why is it that all of the recent sun diving comets have come in from the same general location? Why have earthquakes and extreme weather increased upon the planet Earth? Why is it that so many astronomers who have been working upon deep space exploration have recently met their demise? One must ask the questions in order to receive the answers…


There is Simply no getting away from this....It's time for Disclosure. This is this channel's last Nibiru video... we will not post any further videos.

Music by Gregorious....covering Metalica....Nothing Else Matters


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