Heavenletter #4144 Travelling Together

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Heavenletter #4144 Travelling Together




March 30, 2012 

God said: 


When you can just be, and, of course, you can, then you will not know tenseness, anxiety, fear. No longer will they overtake Being. When you can just be, you just are. Being, which is pure consciousness, isn’t under the rule of world propensities. And you are Being. You are under no rule but the rule of love.

It is in the world that tenseness exists. Where could tension exist but in the world? Certainly not in Heaven. Tension is not the purpose of your being.


AnaShyNa's picture

You are thinking: Silly question?... Where you can buy awareness, anyway?... Why to buy it anyway?... Do we need more of this, awareness, and for what reason?...

We like to live in ignorance and doubts, so please, do not ask me such a silly questions any longer.. You are just wasting our time...


Pst... hey, you.... come over here... Where do I order some awareness?... On line?...


There was a sign: "If you need more awareness, God Luck, and be safe... we run out of all the supplies, as the big wave of online orders came and swipe our store... Try our competitors... You know... CNN, Fox, CNBC... They have it plenty...


Maybe a bit stale, yet still eatable, and fully approved by FDA... "


Exactly my answer... First, how much you need for two kilos of pure awareness, and can you charge it on Visa or MC?...  Second, which quality grade you are looking for, real deal or some fake knockoff?...

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-29-2012 – Close your eyes ~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-29-2012 – Close your eyes ~




by ANdReA


Greetings Beloved Humanity, today I have a single, simple, prayer to All of You: find 10 minutes breack, go out into Nature, sit down, on our Beloved Mother Earth=Heart's skin... close your eyes... Breathe... Feel... Breathe... Feel... Listen to Your Heart Beat... Listen to our Beloved Planet's Heart Beat... and LOVE. BE LOVE. Breathe LOVE, Beat as ONE with HER... and Feel.






~In Transition~

Lia's picture

~We are Moving at The Moment, and will have our internet turned on at 2pm Tomorrow~ Our Team Will Be handling The Press and The Updates will return tomorrow~ So, there will be No Update today~


All our Love Mother and Father God~ Humanity's Earth Allies

“Manifesting is no Longer Work”

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 “Manifesting is no Longer Work”



by GLR Brenda


Dear Ones,

Many of you are in awe of those who channel, heal, see or sense information that seems to elude you. Rather than being jealous, please give yourself accolades for helping create the New Age/new earth despite the difficulties.

Let us address your jealousy for not performing as you would like with the spiritual realms.

~Update on Ascension~

Lia's picture

The most beautiful dream of being alive and well can only be created when the energy of man's thinking has negated control. The predominant dynamic in this moment is death of the aliveness needed to create the New Earth. When the ascension occurs, an awareness of the number of choices man actually has can correct this dilemma. We do not anticipate any dramatic alterations happening in the next days that will stop ascension from being the catalyst for aligning to divine will.


DailyOM ~ Love Shows the Way

Lia's picture



  When we open our hearts in love instead of closing them in fear, we serve the divine process.

We are living in a time of great change. Many thinkers and seers agree that humanity and the planet Earth
are evolving at a quickened pace, and that this evolution will necessarily be severe and seemingly chaotic
at times. It is natural for people to react with fear, because these changes will doubtless bring some level
of difficulty and loss to many of us. However, it is essential that we all remember that our souls chose to
be here at this time and to be part of this process. Every movement in the universe is a movement toward
love. This is true even in situations that appear on the surface to be the opposite of loving.

Since we chose to be here, we are capable and ready to rise to the challenges in which we find ourselves.
It is helpful to reflect on our own lives and make any changes necessary to fully support humanity and the
planet into the state of love. When we open our hearts in love instead of closing them in fear, we serve the
divine process. We are all powerful spirits who took form at this time in order to serve our fellow humans,
our planet, and the universe.     



glr_Andrea's picture

I hear from people all the time that simply do not believe anything will really change. Some point out that there have been promises of change in the past that never came true. Pockets of people have believed they lived in the end of days and were on the verge of entering the eternal now when good would finally arrive; but it did not happen. This is true. It has happened many times according to what we've been told. Who, though, has been doing the telling? Is that part of our conditioning, our programming that keeps us in repeating the experience of impoverishment and dis-empowerment?

"You Shall Not Pass!"

SophiaLove's picture

Yesterday, I experienced a moment of “really?”  It happened while reading the latest message outlining catastrophic earth changes for the planet this year.  For a moment or six, I forgot how this works, and believed the “rubber suit” was real.


Remember the earliest of monster movies?  The ones where, if you wanted to step into the action, you had to forcibly suspend your disbelief in the reality of the creature – EVEN THOUGH YOU COULD SEE THE ZIPPER ON HIS COSTUME?  For the full experience, you’ve got to buy the “rubber suit”. 


It’s not that yesterday’s messenger was unreal.  It’s that reality is subjective.  Reality depends on what you expect.  Reality for each of us is created by each of us.  WE ARE THAT POWERFUL.


This 3D world is mesmerizing, overwhelming, thrilling and yummy.  It is easy to forget who made it that way.  It was, and is, us. 


We are the most powerful beings in our worldYOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS CREATING YOUR LIFE.  The reason we’ve become so popular with the celestial and galactic beings is because of our power.  We are doing a really cool thing here, and we are doing it together; without even knowing it.



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