~Life is Changing Rapidly...Movement Has Begun in Earnest~ ~10~21~11

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To say we are in the most extraordinary of times would be an understatement! I have been given one of the greatest seats to the greatest show on earth... You!!

I look back at the last 6 years of my own work via massage... I have connected to humanities deepest wounds and yet, one common theme remained no matter who was on my table and what their illness may have been. This was their grandness beneath their hurt, their pain. I had watched so many people over the year being given the greatest opportunities to change their life, to heal their pain, to live life fully, yet... 95% of the time... people just lived within their familiar space, even if it was eating them alive.

~~Weekly LightBlast: Being One With Life~

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~Weekly LightBlast: Being One With Life~




~Galactic Love Reporter Jamye Price~



We are moving into alignment with our Fullness. This is a process of expansion; expansion of knowledge, expansion of perception, expansion of compassion. The middle road expands to contain All. This could be called integration, inclusion, understanding or Oneness. We are opening to see the Whole picture, the unseen, the potential, the unity that contains the separation. The Divine Balance, the Sacred Marriage. It is within you, it is all around you. You are unique, whole unto yourself and united with All Life. As we progress the expansion, the connection through time, we are culminating to specific markers, like a graduation or a marriage is just a ceremony, yet it has effect and all that leads up to it progresses through steps. It is the way of nature, and we as Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Starseeds and most importantly, humans; are becoming our True Nature.


~The Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa: “We are Sending you the Logos in Increased Purity”~

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The Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa: “We are Sending you the Logos in Increased Purity”

Posted on October 20, 2011 by Wes Annac

Our Loving Creator has blessed you all with many purity increases of the energy being sent to your world. This energy is manifesting through various different plants and stones. Some of these plants are arriving as new species that your current mainstream science is scrambling to identity as so many new species continue to pop up. This is a Divine manifestation of the energy at work on your world, and this energy is what has been brining you up dear souls. We notice many of you wondering what this energy that is so frequently talked about actually is, and we would like to clarify that now. This energy is pure Love and Light, and is in fact the energy that creates and maintains your reality and your bodies. This energy is being sent to you in an increasingly pure resonance, which is something that has been discussed before.

~Ascension: Staying Focused on the Now~

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~Ascension: Staying Focused on the Now~

by Love Reporter Caroline11~

During this time, as we approach two very significant dates, Oct. 28th and Nov. 11, 2011, many of us are wondering what will happen with the Ascension process.  When will it happen? Will I go, will I stay, what about my family?  Who will take care of my pets? Will I be ready?  What if I can’t resolve all of my issues in time?

The questions and opinions around this subject are endless.  But the more we dwell on “what will happen and when” by nursing our fears or worries, the more we drain our energy and lose our focus on the big picture, the goal and the overall perspective of the ascension process itself.   In short, the more we lose our focus on “now.”


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  SaLuSa  21~October~2011

The worldwide uprising continues to grow and will result in gains for the people. Not too long ago such demonstrations would have been quickly put down by force if necessary, as governments are scared of situations where you have mobilized yourselves into powerful groups. We have always advocated peaceful demonstrations, as violence begets violence and in such situations you are inevitably the loser. However, we understand that there comes a point when you cannot take anymore, and anger takes over from reasoned thinking. This battle for your future will help to create the energies for change, and not everyone needs to be in the front line, as just by sending out your thoughts of support you are adding to it. This is where the world as a whole has the upper hand if they come together to support a common cause.

~OCCUPY TOGETHER~When enough people consciously agree, that is when things change.

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~When enough people consciously agree, that is when things change~




As soon as we take personal responsibility, everything seems to improve. When enough people consciously agree, that is when things change.


The more people move in a spiritual direction, the more things will change. We communicate by presenting a model to others, if it is a positive model, it then becomes contagious and produces positive changes. The opposite holds true also, when we present negative role models, others begin to copy that role model and we create our own problems by devolving. Children are especially sensitive in their formative years to the models presented to them.


We need to begin expecting miracles that will reveal our true mission in life. If we stay true to our life mission and do the inner work necessary to allow us to get out of our own way, opportunities will present themselves to help you with your problems.


A Critical Mass: The Coincidences That Shape Our Lives Part 1 ~CELESTINE PROPHECY~

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A Critical Mass: The Coincidences That Shape Our Lives 11:07 AM





The Mystery Begins

In The Celestine Prophecy the main character has an unexpected meeting with an old friend jusst at the moment in his life when he is feeling disenchanted and thinking about changing directions.  Charlene, newly arrived from a trip to Peru, where an ancient Manuscript has been discovered, is able to shed some light on the cause of his restlessness.  Our character, who remains nameless, is introduced to the First Insight: becoming conscious of the coincidences working in his life.  Skeptical of the idea of a Manuscript explaining the secret of human existence, he is nevertheless intrigued by the mystery.  That night, after returning home, he has a ddream about the nature of coincidences and how they always involve the appearance of a person with information.  Buoyed by his inceasing interest, he books a flight to Peru.


The First Insight

AA GABRIEL ~ Weekly message ~ October 20, 2011

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October 20, 2011

Beloved Ones,

I would like to have discourse with you on the quality of love known as trust. Now trust involves many of the other attributes and qualities of love and nobility. Trust implies the keeping of the sanctity of one’s relationship with self, with others, with Creator. One gives all worry over to their higher Presence and extends that trust, that Love to others. This quality of Love is most important in a personal relationship, for without this quality, the relationship flounders in insecurity and doubt and the relationship cannot be sustained without trust as the foundation. It is the cornerstone and key in life.

~Occupy the World ~ today's Global Time Frequency!~

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Hello Lightworkers, our voices will become quite cohesive as we move step by step in the natural processes towards our desires, but we still need this initial process of shaking the tree to get the fruits of our collective objectives!

Today on 7 Global Day and for the next few days, the Collective particles are beginning to get their antennae aligned with each~other....and a bit closer to the same ENERGETIC Page!
Arrow Occupy the World today ~ Peace Meditations 10-20-2011


~For One Day [October 28] We Shut The System Down!~

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~For One Day [October 28] We Shut The System Down!~

Original Post by Steve Beckow with a Commentary from Steve Beckow~

An action to shut down the “entire system worldwide” on Oct. 28, 2011 is growing. I haven’t been able to find the action advertised on OccupyTogether.org so I can’t say that the impetus comes from them. But the call may end up sweeping everyone along with it so I publish it whether or not it has come from the OccupyTogether.org.

Readers will recognize the date as the day Carl Calleman says the Mayan Calendar ends, which I think is also a Friday.  Great choice of days, Great way to end the cycle. Thanks to Milna.


~Leaked Memo: The corporate boardrooms fear the Occupy Movement targeting individual executives~

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~Leaked Memo: The corporate boardrooms fear the Occupy Movement targeting individual executives~

Oct. 19, 2011


Nation of Change: As the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protesters are hitting the streets worldwide, another movement is quietly unfolding online: OccupyTheBoardroom.org (OTB)

Below is a memorandum leaked to the Freedom Plaza occupation of Washington, DC that comes from a corporate consultant and shows the fear they are developing of the Occupy Movement.  The memorandum from Fay Feeney, a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors, describes how corporations should prepare to combat the Occupation Movement.

Corporations fear their leaders being held personally accountable for the actions of concentrated corporate interests.  They especially fear their names and addresses being known and their board rooms being invaded by OccupyTheBoardroom.org.


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