Good Health

Dirty Thoughts: The Healing Qualities of Dirt

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Organic Connections, By: Daphne Miller, MD 12/19/2013

I’m even beginning to wonder whether Hippocrates was wrong, or at least somewhat misguided, when he proclaimed, “Let food be thy medicine.” Don’t get me wrong—food is important to our health. But it might be the soil where our food is grown, rather than the food itself, that offers us the real medicine.


You would find little to support these assertions within the medical literature. Enter the terms “soil” and “health” into a PubMed database and the top search results portray soil as a risky substance, filled with pathogenic yeast, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, radon, heavy metals, and pesticides. But move past these grim reports, and you will uncover a small, but growing, collection of research that paints soil in a very different light. These studies suggest that soil, or at least some types of soil, can be beneficial to our health.


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5 Hot Benefits of Hot Peppers and Capsaicin

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 12/21/2013

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Containing a compound known as capsaicin, cayenne peppers have been found to aid in weight loss, lower blood pressure, and reduce inflammation, all while giving your food a spicy kick. So, what’s the evidence of cayenne pepper benefits? Read on.


As mentioned, the compound credited with the health benefits of cayenne peppers is known as capsaicin. It’s also the compound that makes the peppers so spicy. Capsaicin has been found to reduce inflammation, which can aid in the treatment of arthritis and even the prevention of serious conditions like heart disease and cancer. But the capsaicin benefits don’t stop there.


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Ten Reasons To Buy Local Food

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Waking Times, By: Brenton Johnson, 12/16/2013

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Food grown in your own community is usually picked within the past day or two. It’s crisp, sweet, and loaded with flavor. Produce flown or trucked in from Florida, Chile, Mexico, or Holland is, quite understandably, much older. Several studies have shown that the average distance food travels from farm to plate is 1,500 miles. In a weeklong delay from harvest to dinner plate, sugars turn to starches, plant cells shrink, and produce loses its vitality. Studies showed that fresh produce loses nutrients quickly. Locally grown food, purchased soon after harvest, retains its nutrients.


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5 Tips for Naturally Staying Well and Flu-Free this Winter

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 12/16/2013

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In addition to producing no vitamin D since the cold season keep us indoors, we are more likely to spread germs among one another. It’s in these winter months—when we also seek comfort in carb-heavy foods– that a cold or the flu can easily take hold and make your daily existing very unpleasant. While there is something to be said for treating the symptoms of such illness with natural remedies, the best way to fight a cold or the flu is to prevent it from ever happening.


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Top 4 Health Benefits of Pomegranates

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 12/11/2013

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They are definitely delicious, but for many people, the taste alone isn’t justification for all the work that goes into selecting, peeling, and eating pomegranates. If the taste doesn’t draw you in, however, there are numerous health benefits that should. Good things are worth working for and the pomegranate is one example of this.


Pomegranates are loaded with antioxidants known as polyphenols and, in my opinion, have certainly earned the label “superfood”. They are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin K, and potassium. But of course it doesn’t end there.


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Making Your Own Medicinal Cannabis/Hemp Oil

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By: Christina Sarich, 12/06/2013

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The US government labels cannabis a ‘schedule one narcotic’ along with heroin and LSD; they also say it has no medicinal value. This is quite laughable considering the government itself holds US patents on cannabis constituents (namely marinol synthesized from THC), showing how it plans to capitalize on the plant’s known healing qualities just like pharmaceutical companies. In fact, one patent filed in February of 2001, #6630507, is entitled “Cannabinoids as Antioxidands & Neuroprotectants.” Sounds pretty ‘medicinal’ to me. More than 77% of American agree.



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Assaulting Cancer: 5 Natural Ways to Boost Natural Killer Cells

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By: Christina Sarich, 12/04/2013

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Natural killer cells are white blood cells (lymphocytes) that seek out and kill cancerous or otherwise mutating cells that can harm the body. Also known as NK cells or just K cells, these natural killer cells are a natural part of our immune systems. Considering that 1/3 of the population is expected to get cancer in their lifetime, it would behoove us to boost our body’s natural ability to reduce cancerous tumors and virally infected cells.


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The Hippocrates Health Institute Demonstrates How Food Can Be Used as Medicine

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By: Dr. Mercola, 12/01/2013

The Hippocrates Health Institute, situated in southern Florida, is one of the world's oldest complementary health centers. The Institute was founded by a woman named Anne Wigmore who, in 1952, was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer. Her doctors told her she had about three months left to live. “Well, thank goodness for her history,” Dr. Clement says. “In Europe, her grandmother was a village doctor. She saw her grandma, a natural doctor who used herbs and plants. She adopted that, healed herself, and reversed her cancer.” Upon her return to Boston, Massachusetts, Wigmore decided to share her experience and help others who were suffering debilitating and lethal diseases. And so the Hippocrates Health Institute was born in Boston in 1956. Today, six decades in business, the Institute is at the cutting edge in terms of using food and other lifestyle strategies as medicine.


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5 Foods for Healthy Teeth and Gums

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 11/16/2013

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How do you care for your teeth? Hopefully, at the very least, you keep them clean through brushing and flossing daily. Cleaning them can help get rid of food particles that pairs with bacteria to cause plaque and eventually decay. But brushing and flossing isn’t all you should be doing. What you eat can have a major impact on your dental health too. In fact, there are foods that can help promote healthy teeth and gums.


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