Good Health

The Power of Leafy Greens – 5 Green Nutritional Heroes

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By: Christina Sarich, 09/27/2013

spinach greens 263x164 The Power of Leafy Greens – 5 Green Nutritional Heroes

Leafy greens are some of the most important super foods we can put into our bodies. The nutritional content of leafy greens are like adding the power of Iron Man, Super Man and Wonder Woman all into one. When we fortify our bodies with the power-packed nutrition in greens, we can enjoy elevated energy levels (just like a super hero), a quicker mind, and most importantly, protection against disease. Greens do everything from mitigate cancer cells to keep us from dying of a heart attack. In fact, ‘the optimal Primal plate is overflowing with mineral-and-antioxidant-rich plant matter.’


Leafy greens can be eaten from so many different types of vegetables and plants. When you make sure they are organic and not GMO, they will sustain your body and mind in incredibly surprising ways.


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5 Baffling Vaccination Facts

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By: Lisa K. Jillani, 09/22/2013


Exposure to illness is an occupational hazard for the medical community. Doctors are among the highest risk population groups and most hospitals and practices make it mandatory for physicians to be vaccinated. Researcher and author Neil Z. Miller reports that approximately 66% of pediatricians and obstetricians refused the MMR shot in one study.[1] An equal percentage of doctors refused the Hepatitis B shot, mostly citing safety concerns because of rumors of animal DNA contamination in the shots.[2] The American Medical Association’s (AMA) Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine cite a 1994 study where approximately 1/3 of doctors were working without mandatory flu vaccines.[3] Yet the doctors blindly follow national recommendations to vaccinate every child they can round up (sometimes with as many as five vaccines in one visit).


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How to Make All Natural Vitamin Water

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Prevent, By: Natasha Longo, 09/23/2013


Although health experts have publicly questioned the bogus claims of Vitamin Water for years, people mysteriously continue to pay good money for what is essentially sugary, flavored and colored water. The vitamins added are also the most synthetic and poorly absorbed. So why buy this poison instead of making your own natural and healthy version with real nutrients from living foods?


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11 Reasons to Grow & Eat Sunflower Greens

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Naturalsociety, By: Christina Sarich, 09/19/2013

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In just seven days after planting sunflower seeds, you can munch on some of the most beneficial micro-greens around. Sunflowers offer incredible health benefits, and you can eat many parts of the plant. Finding fresh sunflower sprouts is very difficult, but it is so simple to grow your own. You can also allow a few of the plants to grow into mature sunflowers which will then yield thousands of new seeds for you to grow again – an entirely sustainable way to feed your body and mind.


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How to Optimize Turmeric Absorption for Super-Boosted Benefits

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Naturalsociety, Elizabeth Renter, 09/17/2013

turmeric in bowl1 263x164 How to Optimize Turmeric Absorption for Super Boosted Benefits

When we talk about eating foods for their specific health benefits, many people think simply eating the food is enough. For instance, if you struggle with inflammatory bowel disease and have read that turmeric is effective in healing many digestive issues, you may simply get a turmeric (curcumin) supplement to start taking. But you would be overlooking one crucial fact about turmeric that could mean the difference between simple consumption and full-absorption. That fact: turmeric is fat-soluble, and you want to be able to absorb is magnificent food to experience all of the health benefits it has to offer.


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Confirmed by Science – Strawberries Provide Outstanding Protective Benefit Against Cancer, Diabetes and More

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By: Carolanne Wright, 09/12/2013


With the bounty of organic summertime strawberries currently available, there’s no time like the present to appreciate all the exceptional health benefits of this remarkable fruit. As a mighty guardian against a host of chronic disease, strawberries are a delicious way to fortify the body. Researchers agree: Strawberries might be common in widespread availability, but are far from ordinary in their valuable properties.


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Detroit Hospital Takes a REAL Step toward Healing, Builds First Organic Hospital Greenhouse

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By:, 09/10/2013

The Detroit suburb of West Bloomfield is home to Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital, which recently made news headlines nationwide with the opening of its new million-dollar organic greenhouse and garden, which is believed to be the first of its kind in the United States. Boasting five types of kale, 23 kinds of heirloom tomatoes, strawberry plants, microgreens, and five varieties each of squash, eggplant, hot and sweet peppers, basil and more, the greenhouse features an extensive hydroponics system and an exquisite lobby for entertaining, teaching kids and hosting events.


The greenhouse’s manager and gardener, Michelle Lutz, sat down for an interview with to discuss how the project began, the state of hospital food in America, and what the natural health community can do to affect change in other parts of the country.


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Study: Eating Berries can Slash Heart Attack Risk Significantly

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Naturalsociety, By: Elizabeth Renter, 09/12/2013

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Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Things like a healthy diet, increased exercise, and low stress levels can keep our hearts healthy. But did you know there are some very specific foods that can be eaten to prevent a heart attack? One study from Harvard School of Public Health indicates strawberries and blueberries are able to slash the risk of a heart attack in women by a significant amount.


According to the study published in a recent edition of Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, women who eat three or more servings of these healthful berries each week are able to reduce their risk of suffering a heart attack by up to one-third.



4 In-Season September Superfoods

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Naturalsociety, By: Elizabeth Renter, 09/06/2013

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The days are getting shorter and the nights slightly cooler—signs that summer is on its way out. We’ll be wearing sweaters and eating soup before you know it. But before you say goodbye to summer, we still have September and the healthful foods that are at their peak this time of year.


When you make it a point to eat foods that are in-season, you are able to get fruits and vegetables when they are at their best. They taste better and are better for you when they are not made to travel halfway around the world or sit in a freezer for months on end. The easiest way to buy your September superfoods is locally—at a farmer’s market or stand. Talk to the farmer and ask which of his wares are best and which are almost “done” for the season to get a good idea  of where your money is best spent.


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Top 8 Supplements to Boost Your Pineal Gland Function

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GFP Commentary: We highly recommend the use of raw garlic to detoxify the pineal gland.


Waking Times, By: Anna Hunt, 09/05/2013


The pineal gland, an endocrine gland located in the brain, is said to be the seat of the soul. Also referred to as the Third Eye, this small gland is believed to be involved in reaching higher levels of consciousness, acting as a gateway to dimensions beyond our brain-created reality.



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