
Girl, 5, Collects Hundreds Of Dollars For Peace Selling Lemonade Outside Westboro Baptist Church

Rain's picture

Huffington Post - , 6/15/13

westboro baptist church lemonade

"As we all know, the Westboro Baptist Church puts a lot of hate into the world," Jackson told HuffPost in an email Friday. "Since we cannot stop them, the next best thing is to smother it with love. That is what 5-year-old Jayden accomplished today! Jayden set up a lemonade stand in front of the church. Not only did she quench the thirst of a lot of loving supporters, the money she raised was donated to Planting Peace so she could help Planting Peace promote a more peaceful world."

Embracing Change and Opening The Heart: June 14, 2013 Update

AmethystLight's picture

We have moved so far in the ascension process yet I feel in many ways it may not seem for some that this is so. We are asked in many ways to let go of old beliefs or ideas that no longer serve us yet at the same time this is not really the Truth. Why is this not really the Truth? Well, it is the Truth because we are in fact being asked to do this but in a way that really we have not ever experienced before upon the earth by very heightened processes of clearing.

Clearing can mean many things to many people. I am humbled by the beautiful souls and lightworkers in the world who come both together in this world and the inner planes to create harmony and balance for existence. It is so beautiful how we all have our own path and Truth.

Clearing to me is a vibrational experience in which lower more dense ideas and energies are elevated to their highest aspects which in many ways can appear to us as wisdom. Wisdom to me comes forward in both great love and compassion yet is also an energy that is based off our past experience in such a way that it allows us to navigate the earth.

I got the impression from several sources that there were some lightworkers who very much wished to "clean the slate" and in some ways, that is a very beautiful thing. Yet, to me it is not so much that we are "cleaning the slate", but clearing old energies and integrating the wisdom we have achieved.

Many of us have been lightworkers upon the earth for a very long time. This means that we have a huge akashic experience on many different levels. Not only on the earth levels, but also on the inner planes as we move up in dimensional awareness. It can take an incredibly long time to integrate such wisdom and I would go as far as to say that we have not ever really integrated our wisdom to such a degree on so many levels.

Divine Light transmission to harmonize and integrate the Real You!

ryan_just_ryan's picture

Good morning! I am looking forward to a Divine Light party. Come join us in person or stay where you are, no problem. All you have to do is "tune" and receive. Buenos dias ! Estoy feliz de anunciar la fiesta de Luz Divina , unanse con nosotros en persona o desde donde esten , todo lo que deben hacer is relajarse y ser habiertos a recibir Like this post or comment to be added to the list or shoot me an email at Para agregar su nombre a la lista dale me gusta a este post o manda un email a I am very fortunate to be able serve the Source and totally enjoy the opportunity. Soy muy afortunado de servir a La Luz Divina y disfruto estas oportunidades Remember beyond all else that the effects come from you doing this for you. You are connecting with Source via You. So all the benefits should be honored from the Source as gift of harmony. Consider me as a witness at most :-) Recuerden que mas alla de todo los efectos de esta transmission son debido a sus propios esfuerzos . Ustedes mismos se estan conectando con la fuente de esta energia , entonces todos los beneficios deben ser honrados como regalos de esta fuente como un regalo de harmonia . mi trabajo solo es de presenciar estos milagros. Love you all, see you tonight. 7pm-10pm EST los amo a todos , y los veo esta noche ryan

Pure Love Alignments

Jane Butterworth's picture

Powerful Pure Love Alignment - A PURE NEW Frequency Transmission.


**STOP PRESS** Get Your Information Pack!!


A Trinity of Pure Love Alignment Keys are now available to YOU!! Three Powerful Keys born from advanced ascension frequencies of Purest Light.


Experience the frequency in this video and see what your heart says. If you like what you see then contact us for information on the Pure Love Alignment Keys.


They are the vital missing links needed to connect Humanity back to our True Essence.


Time is of the essence, the new frequencies coming to the planet are here to help you re-connect in ways not possible before.


The New Earth is here, raise your vibration and connect to these PURE frequencies.Take your place in The New Earth.

Contact one of us for information. - -

We Want YOU to Declare Peace on Earth!

Rain's picture

 We want you to declare Peace on Earth! And, we want you to become Peace Reporters, too.


If you haven't already sent in a clip declaring Peace on Earth, please do so today.
If you've already done that, then please get out and start filming your friends, family, neighbors, and people you don't know yet!

It's simple. Just create a short clip like the one below

and then email it to


If you can't make a video clip, you can submit an audio clip or a written statement. You can include photos if you like.


Daily Tarot Reading: Queen of Wands ~ 4/27/13

yourgypsysoul's picture


Yesterday's Reading (posted late)


Today’s card is the Queen of Wands. Sitting on her throne, holding a sunflower with a black cat at her feet, she is the picture of composure. The energy of the wands flows outward and makes you want to get involved in physical things. Typically the wands carry an energy which makes you want to go out and get involved in a physical project, etc. However, the Queen represents the embodiment of the qualities of her suit. She is able to find joy just by being who she is in the world.

Daily Tarot Reading: Knight of Cups ~ 4/24/13

yourgypsysoul's picture


How are we all feeling? Are you still feeling a little bit magical from yesterday? I don't know about you, but I could certainly feel the electricity in the air. To quote a favorite movie of mine "It's all happening."


I'd like to talk a little bit about how I choose the card for the day. I go through my normal routine of shuffling and cutting the cards. Then, I flip over eight cards. The eighth card is the reading for the day. Then, I go back through the "kitty", the other seven cards I flipped, and see if there are any opposing or reinforcing cards for the day.


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