
"You Shall Not Pass!"

SophiaLove's picture

Yesterday, I experienced a moment of “really?”  It happened while reading the latest message outlining catastrophic earth changes for the planet this year.  For a moment or six, I forgot how this works, and believed the “rubber suit” was real.


Remember the earliest of monster movies?  The ones where, if you wanted to step into the action, you had to forcibly suspend your disbelief in the reality of the creature – EVEN THOUGH YOU COULD SEE THE ZIPPER ON HIS COSTUME?  For the full experience, you’ve got to buy the “rubber suit”. 


It’s not that yesterday’s messenger was unreal.  It’s that reality is subjective.  Reality depends on what you expect.  Reality for each of us is created by each of us.  WE ARE THAT POWERFUL.


This 3D world is mesmerizing, overwhelming, thrilling and yummy.  It is easy to forget who made it that way.  It was, and is, us. 


We are the most powerful beings in our worldYOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS CREATING YOUR LIFE.  The reason we’ve become so popular with the celestial and galactic beings is because of our power.  We are doing a really cool thing here, and we are doing it together; without even knowing it.


The "Closet Ascender"

SophiaLove's picture

We are becoming more than we’ve imagined ourselves to be.  It is not so much that we are changing; the potential has been here always.  We just didn’t know.  We know now.


It’s all I think about and yet, not something I speak of often, if at all.  There are a few of us that can speak to it, yet most of my talk of ascension and transformation happens right here.  I wonder how may “closet ascenders” there are amongst the people in my daily life.


Sometimes, when on a street or in a store, I look around and think “Does he know?” “Is she waiting for the spaceships to land?” “Are they participating in a group channeling session later?”  Mostly, I think not.  It feels as if I reside in two very different worlds.


In this one I am an infinite being, poised to usher in this incredible new age for humanity.  It is exciting, fulfilling and sort of wild.  I am part of the greatest show in the galaxy.


In that one I am a mom in the U.S. suburbs who just took her cat in to be groomed and went to the grocery store and made a doctors appointment for her son.  I love this life I have created, yet it is feeling surreal.  No longer is it my only focus.


We’ve all heard the prophecies and channeled messages, telling us “soon”.  This is because we have not yet combined both lives into one life.  Until we merge ascension and galactic citizenship with cooking and car repairs, it won’t happen.


The Motor Within

SophiaLove's picture

It is windy today.  I watch the outside drama in the yard - there are the gentle bendings of the trees as they move with the currents, and the violent back and forth banging of the deck umbrella as it refuses to alter its vertical position.  This shift is played out everywhere.


We are all feeling it and responding physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually with gentle flexibility, rigid resistance or something in between the two.  This change is a physical one, and we are used to having concrete explanations for our symptoms.  Not so now.  That dizziness you feel may be a subtle frequency shift you’ve yet caught up with.  There are 7 billion ways to interpret this change.  You are watching them play out every day, while you are feeling it within. 


Patience and love will help your shift to be more like the tree than the umbrella; beautiful, gentle movement rather than noisy, disruptive, banging. 


I feel a motor within.  It began last week.  It is a rumbling that emanates from my root chakra.  It reminds me of the quiet vibration of a very large motor on a cabin cruiser.  When you are on such a boat and the motor starts, everything feels it, yet it is difficult to determine from where it springs.  There is no sound to my motor and I suspect when I catch up and vibrate in tune with it I will no longer feel it.


Message from Yeshua ~ Be in the Now ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 3.7.12

franheal's picture

Everyone on this Earth is feeling to some extent the Shift that is occurring and it is no small matter, dear ones. For many there is a feeling of anticipation, and for some a slowing down of their energy. For many there is a quickening, or speeding up of energy. Each is feeling the Shift in their own individual way, but be assured it is happening.


Take a moment now to consider your state of mind. What is your overriding thought or feeling? What is ruling your inner state, your inner sense of being? What is your priority at this moment, each Now moment? Break it down to a feeling right now. Is it Joy? Is it Allowance? Is it Surrender? Is it Happiness? Is it Peace? Is it Love? Is it Acceptance? You choose.  You choose, and then embrace it totally and fully so there can be no room for anything else.


Moving from these Now Moments to the next is how you are creating your new world. Let nothing interfere with the Bliss you are feeling in this Now Moment. And if you are not feeling it, why not? It is your natural state. Embrace it. Everything else is just like grains of sand being blown about by the wind. Just observe, without attachment, the many thoughts circulating around you that are not of Bliss. Do not let them stick.


Breathe in the Golden Light being offered to you now. Absorb it fully and completely and with abandon, dear ones. Fill yourselves up with it and let go of anything else that is not of that Light. Allow the Light to push out any remaining debris from old patterns, thoughts and feelings that no longer serve you or humanity towards the new consciousness of Unity and Love.


St Germain & Sanat Kumara Ignite & Recalibrate Sphere of Remembrance & Flame of God U

Esta Lior's picture

source material: http://www.nasrinsafai.com/2011newsletters/august-2011/

Dear Friends,

August is an extremely important month, as there are many landmark dates where the energies are intensified. We will gather on 8/8 Portal Day to raise the energies and create a platform for the special portal days in August and the remainder of 2011. 8/12 is a special landmark point each year where Divine Mother and the Masters pour down energies to achieve critical mass for whatever the intentions for that year may be. Harmonic Convergence on 8/16 is yet another major Landmark Point. Please see more on these dates below.


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