John Smallman

Messages from John Smallman

Many events are set to unfold ~ January 1, 2012 ~ by John Smallman

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Many events are set to unfold

2012 will be a year of changes and surprises, some unsettling, but many uplifting and inspiring.  As the year progresses, many events are set to unfold which will demonstrate very clearly that a large number of people are successfully and effectively releasing themselves from the bondage of fear and from the unloving attitudes fear encourages.  Humanity cannot and will not now slip back into the old ways that led to repression, conflict, and war.  You are on a magnificent evolutionary path, motivated by love and compassion for all beings, and you will not be turned back or diverted from it.

Love works – Love encourages – Love inspires 01/01/2012 by John Smallman

AnaShyNa's picture


In truth all are one, and in the coming year this will become increasingly apparent as you continue purposefully onwards towards the moment of your awakening. It will be a moment of enormous significance, culminating in wondrous celebrations. You have, of course, heard this many times before but it needs to be repeated because, for many, daily life continues to be experienced as an exhausting and seemingly endless struggle for survival, which can easily distract you from focusing your attention on your purpose for being here – to carry the divine Light on high and show others the way.


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The moment of your awakening draws inexorably closer; be joyful and open your hearts in acceptance of the abundant Love that your Father is offering you constantly to embrace and share.  As His Love flows and envelops the planet, all can and are encouraged to open in acceptance of It.  It is what you all seek, regardless of what you may think you desire, and It is there within you waiting for you to become aware and accepting of It so that you may enjoy the exhilarating experience of being completely at one with your Father in a constant ecstasy of delight.



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By Love Reporter and First Contact Memeber John Smallman

The old ways are finished!
12/28/2011 by John Smallman

The moment of your awakening draws inexorably closer; be joyful and open your hearts in acceptance of the abundant Love that your Father is offering you constantly to embrace and share. As His Love flows and envelops the planet, all can and are encouraged to open in acceptance of It. It is what you all seek, regardless of what you may think you desire, and It is there within you waiting for you to become aware and accepting of It so that you may enjoy the exhilarating experience of being completely at one with your Father in a constant ecstasy of delight.

12~25~11 JESUS ~ There is no reason for the Christmas Season to end ~

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JESUS ~ There is no reason for the Christmas Season to end ~


December 25, 2011 by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member John Smallman

God’s Love for His children is total and without conditions of any kind. Let go of any beliefs you may have that suggest that only the good are loved, because God does not discriminate – no one is unloved or unlovable. Even those that humanity judges as mass murderers, war criminals, or guilty of any horrendous crime is a child of God and is infinitely loved.


12~25~11 ~Focus on the inspiring events happening all over the world~

Lia's picture

~Focus on the inspiring events happening all over the world~




~Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman~



The speed at which you are progressing along the path to your awakening is accelerating as more and more people raise up the divine Light they are carrying so that others may see it and do likewise.  The momentum of humanity’s intent to awaken is now so great that, as divinely intended, awakening is inevitable and cannot be prevented or delayed.  It is your glorious destiny, and the moment at which it will occur is rapidly approaching.



Lia's picture







Humanity is waiting with a strong sense that something of immense importance is about to occur. It is a very unsettling feeling because you have been locked into the experience of an unchanging environment in which disagreement, fighting, and war are endemic. And yet you sense, and deep within yourselves you know, that this is all about to change.


12~21~11~ ~ The illusion is as insubstantial as a soap bubble ~

Lia's picture

~ The illusion is as insubstantial as a soap bubble ~





~Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman with Saul~


Humanity is going to awaken, and you Light bearers know this.  Focus on this knowing, on this certainty, because you are making it happen.  It is God’s Will and yours that you awaken; consequently, that is the only possible and only available outcome.  When you focus your attention on reaching your divine destination, the Light you are carrying on high burns brightly, helping to show others the way. Living with love and acceptance in your hearts intensifies the strength of the divine energy field embracing you all and further undermines the crumbling foundations of the illusion.

Jesus: The Focus of Your Intent is Where You Place Your Attention

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Jesus: The Focus of Your Intent is Where You Place Your Attention

~Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman~



Waiting, expectantly, as you are doing, is important because it means that you are focusing on your intent to awaken into your natural and fully-conscious state. The focus of your intent is where you place your attention, and that is how you bring your desires into being.  In order to do anything you have to place your attention on it, and you do want to awaken.

However, many get distracted by the increasing stresses that the illusion presents to them in their daily lives, and they forget that they need to keep restating their intent to awaken.  If you do not keep restating your intent it changes, which is part of the peculiarity that is the illusion.  You are aware of this in your daily lives and many of you make to-do lists to help you ensure that things you consider important get done. Well, your intent to awaken needs to be placed high up on your to-do list, and not down at the bottom where it is all too easily forgotten.

~Love and compassion grow worldwide~ 12/18/2011 by Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman

Lia's picture

~Love and compassion grow worldwide~


12/18/2011 by Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman



All in the spiritual realms are watching with joy as, despite the difficulties and stresses that many of you are experiencing, you continue to hold your Light on high as you move purposely forward towards the moment of awakening. All across the world many are caught up in situations and experiences that are causing great suffering and are having difficulty in maintaining their faith in the Divine and in holding their intent to awaken. However, the divine energy field enveloping the planet is strengthening and intensifying the loving intentions that the Light-bearers are sharing and extending to all of humanity in every moment, and especially during those times when they are relaxing into that field and focusing their attention on bringing all into wakefulness.


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