John Smallman

Messages from John Smallman

10~5~11~You will begin to get glimpses and premonitions of the wonders that await you~

Lia's picture

~You will begin to get glimpses and premonitions of the wonders that await you~





The density of physicality is diminishing as your frequencies rise in preparation for your move into full consciousness. This is demonstrated by the sense of impermanence that many are feeling as they move through relationships, jobs, places that they call home, and as contact with old friends and family is lost or much reduced. Everyone and everything seems to be on the move, and in a way that is the case, as you move into position to take on and fulfill the new roles awaiting you when you awaken.

You are not going to be sitting around in awe and wonder! You have planned very creative and satisfying roles for yourselves that will keep you very busy – and most enjoyably so. You all have huge creative potential of which you are basically unaware as you plod on through the illusory environment in what may well seem to be a rather meaningless and, perhaps, boring fashion. And this is because, as you have lost your memories of Reality, your search for meaning – the significance of life on Earth – often seems quite misguided or pointless.

Jesus: The Times of War and Struggle are Drawing To a Close

Lia's picture

Jesus: The Times of War and Struggle are Drawing To a Close



Waiting creates anxiety: “Will what is waited for arrive?  Will it be late?  Was it early? Did we miss it?”  So don’t wait!  Get on with living, and pay attention to each moment as it occurs, accepting it and working with it, so that you learn the lessons it brings easily and quickly.

You all have lessons to learn before the grand awakening, and they are being presented rapidly and clearly so that you may deal with them and move on.  As you do so, you will feel an increasing sense of lightness and well-being as though a heavy weight had been lifted from your shoulders; and your zest for life will intensify as tiredness and depression fall away.

~SAUL~10~2~11~~That is what is meant by “the end times”~

Lia's picture

~That is what is meant by “the end times”~





God’s Love for humanity and for all of His creation is limitless, eternal, and indiscriminate, He loves all with equal intensity, and so called “sins” are no barrier to His Love. Without His Love no one can exist, so no one is without His Love, ever, and that is divine truth. Those who judge anyone as being unworthy of God’s Love, or separated from it, are themselves misguided, confused, or hallucinating – remember, your human condition is illusory; it is a nightmare in which loveless situations are constantly occurring; it is not Reality – and so they too will awaken, because all will awaken, into the divine wonder that is Reality.


Lia's picture








Humanity is waiting with a strong sense that something of immense importance is about to occur. It is a very unsettling feeling because you have been locked into the experience of an unchanging environment in which disagreement, fighting, and war are endemic. And yet you sense, and deep within yourselves you know, that this is all about to change.

~Jesus: Hate and Anger are Incompatible with Love~

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~Jesus: Hate and Anger are Incompatible with Love~



Waiting can seem interminable if what you are waiting for is intensely desired, and yet time itself is but a further illusory concept within the illusion that you experience as reality. And, due to this concept, waiting does seem interminable, even though you have been confined within the illusion only momentarily. This is a very good reason to be happy! For the illusion is but a momentary excursion into an unreal state of existence from which you will withdraw, instantly, and forever.

~9~17~11~~Enormous changes of attitude enable you to look with love instead of fear on your sisters and brothers everywhere~

Lia's picture

~Enormous changes of attitude enable you to look with love instead of fear on your sisters and brothers everywhere~


The divine moment for which all have been waiting with such zestful enthusiasm draws ever closer. The energy preceding it, and leading the way, is intensifying and affecting all of humanity; everyone feels it, even if they are in total denial of anything that cannot be seen, heard, tasted, touched, or smelt by their physical senses. And so the sense of excited anticipation grows. People everywhere are sensing that something of great significance for humanity is about to occur – and they are not mistaken.

9~13~11~~It is to be an event of unprecedented significance~

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~It is to be an event of unprecedented significance~



We – all of God’s divine creation – are almost euphoric as we observe the moment of humanity’s awakening approaching rapidly.  The “we” includes you, because deep within you, where you know that you are divine beings, you too are well aware of the momentous event that has been meticulously planned and whose time is almost upon you.  To understand this with the limited sentience that you have available to you in the illusion is impossible.  But your awakened Selves – at One with God – fully understand, and are filled with joyful anticipation as we wait for the divine dawn to break and awaken you all.

9~7~11~~You are love, you are peace, you are stability~

Lia's picture

~You are love, you are peace, you are stability~




As you approach the end of your journey, which has taken you to the farthest reaches of your imaginary reality, rejoice! Because at last you are coming Home. . . Home to the magnificent divine welcome that awaits each of you when you complete the journey – a journey that has been long, arduous, stressful, and at times very painful and confusing. Many of you have frequently wondered if it had any meaning, if there was any point in continuing onwards, if in fact there truly was a destination where you would eventually arrive. Your hope and your faith have been severely tested, and yet you pressed on. . . because from time to time you caught glimpses of the Light within, beckoning you forwards.

~Jesus: The Moment to Move to a Whole New Level of Consciousness is at Hand~

Lia's picture

~Jesus: The Moment to Move to a Whole New Level of Consciousness is at Hand~




Humanity is on an evolutionary path of spiritual growth that is approaching a point at which it will experience a great expansion of awareness, enabling vast new realms of knowledge to become available which will be of enormous benefit to you all.  This is no random event, but one which has been carefully planned and toward which you have been making slow but steady progress for eons.  The moment when all the work that lyou have done over those eons to reach this point in your evolution and to move to a whole new level of consciousness is at hand, and it will bring you great joy.

Many of you are now becoming aware of the call to awaken – a call that has been serenading you for some considerable time – and are enthusiastically responding to it by starting to release attitudes and behaviors that can only be described at best as offensive, and at worst as quite unconscionable.  Your world history is filled with instances that have caused untold conflict, wars, and suffering.  That you are finally coming to understand the absolute futility of such ways of interacting is indeed a great step forward on your path to awakening, and brings joy to those in the spiritual realms who have been watching over you with deep love and compassion over the eons.


Lia's picture








You will awaken from the nightmare, the illusion, because it is your divine destiny to live eternally at one with God, your loving Father and Creator.  That you chose to construct the illusion and hide yourselves from God within it was but a momentary attempt to cut yourselves off from your Source – and that is impossible.  Nevertheless, you did manage to convince yourselves that you had succeeded, by imagining an environment that was not particularly hospitable to the bodies in which you chose to undergo that experience.  Consequently, your lives as humans have been very demanding as you find yourselves focusing almost ceaselessly on obtaining what you perceive as the essential necessities of life.  And it is a constant struggle for you to provide these basic necessities for yourselves, so much so that the vast majority of you have very little time or inclination to give serious consideration to the true meaning of your existence.


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