John Smallman

Messages from John Smallman

~An enormous boost will be applied to your individual energy fields~ 11~09~2011

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~An enormous boost will be applied to your individual energy fields~




November 11th 2011 is of great significance, as an enormous boost will be applied to your individual energy fields to mightily assist you with the process of your awakening. Many on earth who have been focusing purely on the physical or material environment that the illusion provides will receive a sharp shock or jolt that will bring to their awareness a realization that there is much more to life than they had thought. There will be a large increase in the numbers of people embarking on spiritual quests as they experience “aha!” moments, giving them a sudden intuitive sense of the vast realms that exist beyond the physical and that, until now, they had thought were the unreal imaginings of the mentally unbalanced.

When their surprise eases they will experience a feeling of pure joy and excitement as they discover a hidden inner knowing that tells them that life is far, far more than a few decades of bodily existence followed by death and extinction.

JESUS ~ Taking sides only divides

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JESUS ~ Taking sides only divides



~November 6, 2011 by Love Reporter John Smallman~



The moment of awakening is almost upon you as the last few preparations for your divine homecoming are completed, and you again enjoy your God-given natural state as all-loving, all-knowing, and fully alive beings of great wisdom. That is how you were created and so that is what you are because it is the divine Will, and your will is inseparable from God’s. All that remains is for you to awaken, know yourselves as you truly are, and enjoy the celebrations that have been laid on for this magnificent event.

~A most sumptuous banquet has been prepared~ 11~02~2011

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~A most sumptuous banquet has been prepared~





These are exciting times for humanity, as old attitudes of judgment, mistrust, and conflict are released by large numbers of you, allowing you to reassess your thoughts, words, and actions in the light of the loving attitudes that are replacing them. It truly is wonderful to observe the positive and uplifting changes occurring all over the world – look for them, recognize them, and be uplifted – which are in large part due to the untiring and persistent efforts of all you light-workers.

As the changes continue to flow inexorably across the planet, affecting all governments, all religions, all ethnicities, all institutions, in fact all on Earth at this most significant era in humanity’s evolution, a spirit of light, love, and compassion is intensifying and brightening the entire planetary environment.

~10~26~11~~You actually have your existence in Heaven~

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~You actually have your existence in Heaven~


10~26~2011 by Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman



All you light~bearers ~ and if you read this you are a light~bearer ~ have been working diligently to help humanity to awaken, and your tireless efforts are bearing fruit. All over the world, people’s attitudes are changing. More and more are making the choice to address and resolve problems and disagreements through peaceful means – transparent negotiations, discussions, and harmonious cooperation – even though mainstream media reporting avoids focusing on these growing areas of brightness and hope.

~You are going Home!~

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~You are going Home!~




Your divine connection is permanent, unbreakable, and incorruptible, but you can restrict your access to it or block it off completely, as the vast majority of humans have done.  This results in your sense of separation and aloneness, and reinforces your sense that your illusory reality is the only reality, and that you are an individual body within that reality.  This experience is frightening for you, and so you construct defenses to enable you to obtain a feeling of security, but your feelings of vulnerability and insecurity continue to haunt you, and so you continue building ever more elaborate defenses.  However, within the illusion, where it seems that you have your existence, your defenses keep failing to provide the security that you seek.

~Sink thankfully into that loving energy field~

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~Sink thankfully into that loving energy field~




Your awareness of the divine energies enveloping the Earth is growing daily and enabling you to strengthen your intent to be visible bearers of the light. Your presence and the intent that you hold are essential aspects of humanity’s awakening process, and are the reason that you are on Earth at this most significant moment in her history. Do not allow any doubts or anxieties about your worth or abilities to distract you from your light-bearing task – because it is essential. The effects that your prayers and enlightened intentions are having all across the planet are extremely powerful, even though you probably have no personal sense of this. Just accept that what you are doing by holding the light could not be done by anyone but you. Your energy signatures, expressed through the lives you are leading, are brilliant, beautiful, and quite remarkable to behold, and you are greatly respected for the choices you made to be incarnate at this point in Earth’s evolution.

~Jesus: The Illusion will be Blown from Your Minds~

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~Love Reporter John Smallman~

With a Message from Jesus~


October 16, 2011


~Jesus: The Illusion will be Blown from Your Minds~



Humanity is approaching the end of its homeward journey towards awakening, after eons of confusion and struggle, and the supreme joy of that moment eagerly awaits you. It is to be an occasion of breathtaking magnificence when the illusion dissolves and you recognize one another as you truly are – divine beings created by God in His own likeness, brilliant and glorious reflections of your heavenly Father in a state of eternal and harmonious Union. Reality – Heaven – is your Home, and that is where you have your eternal unbroken and uninterrupted existence in a state of constant joy.

~10~16~11~~An enormous planet~wide heart~opening~

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~An enormous planet~wide heart~opening~



10~16~2011 by Love Reporter John Smallman~



As is becoming very clear, economic and political changes are happening all over the world that the mainstream media can no longer avoid reporting on. However, on top of all that, much more is occurring secretly of a far more dynamic nature, and news of some of that is leaking into the alternate media. This is indeed the start of the awakening process towards which you have been working with great fortitude for so long, and even in your illusory environment it is quite apparent that it is unstoppable. All that you have been hoping and praying for is to be delivered as divinely promised.

~10~11~11~~This explosion of love among humans worldwide is remarkable~

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~This explosion of love among humans worldwide is remarkable~

by John Smallman

Your progress toward awakening is accelerating as you approach that momentous event, and almost everyone is feeling restless while at the same time experiencing a strong sense of expectation.  You are feeling the approach of the moment of your awakening.  It does feel strange, uncertain, even uncomfortable, and yet you cannot truly express or understand what it is that you are feeling because it is unfamiliar.  To be moving from the unaware state that has sustained you for eons in the illusion into full conscious awareness is disconcerting because it is unfamiliar.  But that sensation will not last because you are to awaken, and then all doubt, all uncertainty, all discomfiture, and all unfamiliarity will dissipate as you find yourselves once more in your joyous and familiar Home.  It is a state which you have forgotten, and yet, from which you have never departed.

~Changing your beliefs can be painful~

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~Changing your beliefs can be painful~


10~09~2011 by Love Reporter John Smallman


Many of you are finding life very trying at present as various issues that need your attention rumble around just below your level of conscious awareness, stirring up your emotions and making you feel sad, depressed, irritable, and plain angry. Maybe you have tried sitting with those feelings in an attempt to identify their underlying cause, and then release them. And it is quite likely that you have had difficulty making any progress because the feelings, the inner discomforts, remain, even though you cannot identify any issues that might be causing them. Just relax as best you can and accept the moods as they flow through you, and intend to release them. They may last a day or two but they will pass, and when they do, you will feel lighter and more buoyant.


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