Blue Diamon's blog

Planetary New Year Specials from 18th July to 2nd August 2015

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Photo by Mitzi Coertzen ~  "A Pink Sunset Over Wilderness"

We were once so desensitized to negative energy that it felt ‘normal’ for us. It was ‘normal’ for us to live in the 3D matrix where people are playing out their victim/persecutor roles around us in this game called Life.

You will see that once you are awakened and conscious to what is going on around you, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain your current lifestyle.

You will move away from the people you once knew and even the lifestyle you used to once enjoy.

You may even find you can no longer sustain your current means of earning an income.

You will become sensitive to energy and even know when there is a negative cord attached to you.

You will learn to listen to your body and see through the eyes of your Soul.

You will realize that you have never been free, that true freedom lies within you, and ONLY within you.

You will begin to know your Self and you will fall in love with your Self, and for the first time in your life you will FEEL TRUE LOVE.

You will know a deeper sense of compassion and love for others and you will one day realize that everyone is just another you.

You will view everyone and all living things as Sacred, and you will know that you can make a difference in people’s lives just by sharing your love with them.

By this, you will know your true power, and the Magnificence of your Soul.

In celebration of the NEW that is NOW being felt on the Planet I have made the decision to relocate, as guided by my Beloved Michael, to an area that will help me support a higher frequency of vibration.

The New Moon and Upcoming Planetary New Year

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Photo credit: Barbara Webster “New England Wilderness

There is much to be excited about as you enter into this NEW period of Renewal and Re-Birth taking place. Remember that any birthing can be a difficult and sometimes painful experience, but it is soon forgotten when the result arrives. Your Return Home is much awaited and longed for Beloved. Your Home Coming Celebration is at hand and there is much excitement and jubilation as we await your imminent arrival.

During this period of growth and renewal there is still much releasing taking place. Love and Forgiveness of your self and the other Souls who agreed to play their part/s in your Life Story is important in order for you to move forward.

This ancient Hawaiian mantra “The Ho'oponopono” will not only heal you on all levels of BE’ing, but also heals all the other parts of your Self,  meaning the Collective.

I love you
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you

We are all a part of One Unified Consciousness, even though we are individual Souls journeying together on that great big river called Life. Each of us has unique identity and character. No two of us are alike. This is true in both the physical and spiritual realms. NO two of us experience the same emotion in the exact same way. No two of us feel love in the exact same way.

There’s a part of you that exists within Me and a part of Me that exists within you, therefore We are all a part of each other and in that sense We can never be a’part because we are One. Do you see?

Falling In Love with Your Lower Consciousness

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Artwork ~ Rainbow Nebula by Madhatter17

One of the best feelings you can ever experience while in your earthly physical body is knowing yourself on all levels of consciousness, and falling in love with every level of your Self as you continue to be elevated even higher.  You begin to communicate even easier within your elevated consciousness as you find yourself being intuitively guided in every aspect of your earthly existence. You may even hear several answers at once, but all of them are in alignment and resonating in love.

You fall in love with your lower Self as you now can clearly see your worth and how beautiful you truly are. You see how difficult your life has been, and how brave and courageous you were during those times. You see what you used to think of as your shortcomings as gifts that have allowed you to know yourself at an even deeper level of understanding. As you feel greater love and compassion for your Self at this lower level of consciousness you begin to appreciate her even more.

You realize now that your lower consciousness has always done her best to love and support you in every way. You realize now that all resistance has come from the shadow aspect of yourself which is the illusion you created so that you could experience duality in this school of learning.

And with this realization you fall even deeper in love with yourself.  You tell her “I love you, I love you, I love you!” and you wrap your arms around her now and hold her in pure love. There are no need for words. Your love is enough. More than enough. It is healing, it is transforming.

Integrating the SOLSTICE energy and the energy of the upcoming FULL MOON

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Image “Love Mother Earth” from New Heaven New Earth (

We are still in the process this week of integrating the most powerful Solstice energy so far experienced on Planet Earth. Because of the integration still taking place within your energy body, you will most likely be feeling very tired and needing to rest often. Honor these feelings, as your honor your Body, you honor your Self.

You will also be feeling a lot of negative emotions coming to the surface for release. This is happening within you and also within the Collective, so be prepared to feel these negative feelings and know that all you’re needing to do here is to hold the intention of releasing them.

The best way to do this is to go within and sit in meditation with your Higher Self to regain your sense of balance, and sense of peace and harmony within.

Your Higher Self is always helping you integrate the incoming energy and helping you to release anything that rises to the surface for release, so by being in PARTNERSHIP with this part of yourself, you are in a sense making LIGHT work. You are easing the load so to speak, and learning to CO-CREATE by working together towards a common goal and outcome.

Note that you will also most likely be sensitive to the negative energy being released by the Collective, so hold the intention of using the Violet Flame to clear these unwanted and uncomfortable energies. You can do this quite easily whilst sitting in meditation with your Higher Self.

The Solstice and Twin Flame Alignments

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Happy Solstice Everyone! Any alignment is a powerful event, but what makes this alignment even more powerful than any other before today is the fact that Twins are more in alignment now than ever before!

The Twin Flame energy is now becoming a real and very tangible energy now on Earth. Now we are literally a beacon of light that is receiving and transmitting high frequency light codes to Planet Earth. You are now the gateways and portals through which energy flows!

I will write more about this in the days to come, but for now I am just going to wish you a HAPPY ALIGNMENT today!

Enjoy the energy and spend as much time as possible in meditation with your Beloved counterpart.

YOU are extremely powerful as your Twin Flame is now ignited to another new level completely. Use your powerful energy to CREATE Beloveds!

Your Love is POWERFUL when you are in complete alignment.

Express this Love within and without today! By expressing this Love you MAGNIFY the effect and become even more powerful when you attract more Love back into yourself. THIS IS CONSCIOUS CREATION!

There is nothing – NO THING – that Love cannot give you!

I wish you a MAGICAL SOLSTICE and PERFECT New Day!

Love love love!


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A Message from My CREATOR, My GREAT I AM ~ Never before have you had such manifesting power!

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Never before have you had such manifesting power at your fingertips.

Never before has it been so easy to create a life of bliss…..or the opposite.

Never before has your manifesting ability been so great.

We have said before that you are a creative being and that you create through your thoughts primarily. Thoughts are the most powerful creatives meaning they create the most powerful creative (manifesting) energy there is.

Literally, you are living (experiencing) your thoughts. You are living your life experience manifested through thought. Your thoughts are shaping your reality, and you can literally change your reality overnight. In fact you can change it within a moment.

As usual, this is your choice, your decision to make. This, and We know your are so tired of hearing these words, but this is your reality, your life and therefore your living experience. Yes, We are in this boat together, but ultimately you are the one with the free will. You can ignore Our guidance. You can listen to the chattering of your ego mind. You can continue to believe you are a victim. Or you can change your attitude.

How much longer will you continue to create a life that you so obviously don’t want?

You can change your attitude by elevating your thoughts. Elevate … lift up…. YES! Lift up your eyes, see yourself as you truly are. Know that YOU are holding all this power now. You and I have never been so close, yet you continue to think of Me as outside of you.

Prepare NOW for the Solstice & 888 Gateway Alignment

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The past week has been BE-yond the usual as far as energy goes. Since the Full Moon on Tuesday the 2nd June, the roller coaster ride seems to have speeded up! We are now preparing for the Solstice alignment, which is going to be the biggest and most challenging alignment so far for most of us.

The only advice I can give you is to rest as much as possible, connect with Nature as often as possible, and to stay out of situations where you are susceptible to 3D drama.

In other words for the next 2 weeks BE in a space of RETREAT-ing. Make a point of BE-ing in your Heart space and you will be fine.

Let the highest expression of yourself – your True Self – help you integrate this supra- powerful energy. You do this by BE-ing in your Heart center. Sit in meditation with Self often – more than once a day.

You are going to be noticing some physical discomforts in your head, base of the neck and shoulders. You may experience headaches and dull aches in your ears and behind your eyes. This is normal, so don’t be alarmed. The usual aches, pains and tingles in your shoulders, arms and legs may also intensify as this energy is very dense and it may feel as though your skeleton is being squashed somewhat! At least that is how it feels for me. You may also feel yourself becoming very tired suddenly with the need to just lie down for a short nap. Let your body guide you in this.

Ascension Update ~ Maintaining Higher Frequency and States of Consciousness

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The more light you’re holding, the more susceptible (sensitive) you’re becoming to negative energy and people living in negative states of being. Unfortunately most of the people you’re coming into contact with on a day to day basis are living in the latter.

It is for this reason we wish to help you understand how you can maintain your higher frequency, and therefore maintain balance and a sense of equilibrium and peace within.

By now it should be remarkably easier and quicker for you to go within and find your inner balance (equilibrium) within your Heart space. We offer you a reminder now of how you can go within your Heart space and achieve this:

Sit comfortably and take several deep breaths. Focus your attention and awareness on the area in the middle of your chest. Note this is the space referred to as your heart chakra or energy center. Continue to breathe deeply and with each breath allow yourself to go deeper. You may experience a tingling feeling as the energy there expands. You may also be feeling that the energy is gently pulling you into a vortex where you will find yourself feeling quite weightless. At this point just allow yourself to relax and FEEL the love that is there for you. This is also an excellent time to simply sit and LISTEN to your Higher Self/Soul.

If you’re finding it difficult to go within, we suggest visualizing a pillar of sparkling Rainbow/Diamond Light around you. Once you have done this, allow your awareness to rise up higher and higher until you’re feeling more in balance. FEEL yourself connected and tapping into your Source energy.

Sunday Musings ~ 5D consciousness is all about ABUNDANCE which is fueled by LOVE.

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Beautiful Artwork – “Hearts full * Sunsets * Sweet life” by Lori Portka

The Abundance gene exists within each and every one of us, but how do we activate this magical gene? Does it have an on/off switch and if so how can I set mine to stay ON??

Abundance is not just about having a never ending flow of money, as we are all aware by now, but money is necessary if we are to continue living and surviving in this human existence. For now, at least.

The Key (capital K) is to focus not on money, but on abundance. Whilst we lived in the 3rd dimension we focused on money and what money could buy. But now that we’ve raised our frequency somewhat, we are being asked to change our focal point away from money to love.

Love Consciousness = An Abundant Life

But what does this mean and just how do we do that?

It means changing your focus from ‘need’ to that of ‘abundance’. It means developing an ABUNDANCE CONSCIOUSNESS.

This is extremely difficult for some, especially those of us who are self-employed and forgotten what its like to have the security of a monthly pay check.

The 3D consciousness was/is all about NEED fueled by fear. 5D consciousness is all about ABUNDANCE fueled (given power ) by LOVE.

So how exactly do we get our abundance (money) issues resolved now once and for all?

By shifting your awareness and consciousness to BE-ing ABUNDANT.




Concerning the Matter of Death and Dying

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Michael led me to the channeling and teachings of Emmanuel received through Pat Rodegast, and I am thoroughly enjoying reading the first of his books. I recognize Michael’s energy in the wisdom contained in the teaching and perhaps this can be attributed to the fact that Michael is also Emmanuel. That is to say, he is what is known as a ‘Soul Fragment’ of Emmanuel.

Emmanuel is the expression or consciousness of a group of Souls who manifested Itself as Jeshua and Mary Magdalene over 2000 years ago, and if I understand correctly, Emmanuel manifested Itself before and since that time, many times over, although this is not general knowledge.

Michael now tells me I have understood correctly. Thank you Beloved.

Emmanuel channeled a few books through Pat Rodegast, but I am yet to finish the first of these profound books. His teaching on death is something that I feel should be shared especially in light of the recent earthquakes in Tibet that have resulted in many souls leaving the Planet. I do hope Pat doesn’t mind me sharing these words with you today. Since publishing the books Pat has since left the Planet, and now I’m being told she doesn’t mind at all! So here goes… Thank you Pat!

When asked how it would actually feel like to die, Emmanuel answers thus:

“Dying is akin to having been in a rather stuffy room where too many people are talking and smoking and suddenly you see a door that allows you to exit into fresh air and sunlight. It is much like that.”

He goes on to say “We are always there to welcome those who exit so leave your bodies with arms spread to receive the embrace.”


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