hilarionra's blog

i love you.

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please dont try to achieve any state of consciousness, ie enlightenment,
so as to liberate yourself from the feelings of bondage. any
attempts to free yourself from any feelings of bondage, will infact
become your very shackles. this includes dealing with thought,emotions
feelings, all internal experiences, and dealign with everyone elses
interactions with you as well. simply breathing is effecting , its
through the simple act of breathing that you free yourself from all
attempts of becoming free from bondage. this includes tension within
yourself, and tension with others.

all thats taking place on our planet, the safegaurding of specific
information, and in detail, is done so as to ensure that a massive
riot or protesting in the streets doesnt take place, however
even with this knowledge and actions being taken, as far as i know
isnt stopping beings from taking a stand in specific areas on the planet.
this again is a part of the plan. their actions to protest and so on
is not only the acting out of conditioning, but also the beings stepping
out of their complacency, and into their passion for an ethical life.

all beings have their place on this planet, whether theyre conscious
or unconscious about their place, even those beings questioning their place
and searching for the truth and such, is their place. and all in between.

What isnt taught in schools , but is spoken about in books, but not as far
as i know, spoken about in proper detail, is what it is like to truly
experience being the love we are. those desires that one have about being
psychic, read beings energy signatures, their thoughts, their desires and
so on, is actually a natural occurence, the desire to even have that experience
comes from the souls calling to the being within that is unaware that
theyve been conditioned to think,feel,speak, and live a life that isnt

geniune inquires lead to geniune discoveries.

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so the use of an anti gay image, and the banning of gay marriage
is an outrage to those who "are gay". Yet its okay for their to
be adoption agencies for these "gay couples" so that they can
raise a child of their own right? Meanwhile theyre failing to
see that it takes 2 straight couples who arent truly in love
to even have a child in the first place, for the manifestation
of an adoption agency to even be in place on the planet.

i know im not the only one who sees the point being missed here
by those who feed their ego, in turn actually believe that theyre
gay in the first place, and the fact that theyre truly devoid
of living a truly loving life in the first place, yet meanwhile
they tot around how theyre in love and thats its okay to be gay
because hey look around man, theres a lot of gay's on this planet
and we all support each other woo woo! go gay pride all the way!

what ive noticed is that when you even speak against someone who
lives that lifestyle, they show their intolerance towards you
in return for you showing your intolerance, yet meanwhile if you
tell them that theyre actually acting out a conditioned reactive
unconscious response from identifying with their ego, that from
where they sit with you saying this, they get completely irate
with you, and ask how dare you ? who are you to judge? and so on.
its from their selective awareness, that they fail to even see
what exactly you just pointed out.

what they also tend to lean on, as a means of defending their behavior
is the fact that even the misunderstanding straights, and bisexuals
also support this behavior, heck even beings who are in the know,
like joe biden and obama for example, support gay rights, yet
simuleantously, they also support the ruling of admiralty law
amongst the population that bans gay marriage here, and supports
it there. whats also being not seen is their support for the

in emptiness there is form

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knowledge about creation, and all the sets of consciousness within creation,
shared with specific beings. these beings were groomed completely in this
knowledge of not only themselves, but creation, and all life as it is.
applying this knowledge to symbols in the physical manifest realm,
yet simultaneously not speaking it abroad for all to have conscious knowledge
of what the symbols mean. through these actions, one can say hello to that
which gave birth to unconscious conditioned responses on this planet.
you can also say hello to the contracts that each being has contained
within their essence, as to the role they are to play.

from identifying with the unconscious conditioning, the being identifies
with the ego, and the fear contained within the ego, which is resistance
towards the being and all beings, towards being the enlightened or
illuminated, being that they are. there are two styles of coming out of
this unconscious state as far as im aware, that is either abiding, which
is you got it, and thats that, and you continue on knowing that you
are awake and aware and learning forever. The second one is non-abiding,
which is you got it and you lost it. in the non abiding variety, the being
is driven by instincts completely. in the abiding variety the being is driven
by their instincts also, but at a conscious state of being, so they know
why theyre feeling the way they are and so on. which is the opposite of
the non abiding. The non abiding experience, has spaces between it, an equational
sequenced experience where you got it for a while, and then suddenly you have
just this acknowledge of not knowing whats up at all.

the blessing within the non abiding is having to deal with the fear at an
unconscious level, not only that, but you also have to deal with the fact
that you know what you are dealing with, and you can pickup on what others


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the only information that you will pickup here now, is that which is already
arising within your awareness as you read this. all else will be understood
as you go.due to that, we experience consistent energy downloads which
uplift us, these downloads are encoded with information pertaining to
our personal lives, and all life and it is sequential, the codes are
mathematical in nature, and geometrical. They are also frequencies as well.
these frequencies are steps/building blocks that support the truth of
you, and all life as it is. the vibration that each being is, will always
be what that, and it will also always transform into higher frequencies
too, through conscious understanding of the self and simultaneously
the all.  

these energies support the destruction of the ego, thus the ending of
the perception of how you see the ego percieving reality as it is.
the energies also support your ever growing perspective of you and
reality as it is.through the destruction of the ego, the golden age
of humanity on this earth and the earth itself, will arise. the energies
also effect our brainwaves as well. from feelings of stress, to complete
and total relaxation. each category of brainwaves are completely
necessary as they are. you can find information on brainwaves here,however
be aware  and please discern truth from fiction, as you would anywhere.

throughout all religious texts, and non religious texts, you can find
when you geniunely read, not just the words in the paper or screen
but also what you are going through yourself as you do this, not only
the reference points, but also the guidance on using ones natural
moral compass within the heart. you can also find rules and regulations


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there are beings on this planet, who are not bridges of creations effortless flow.
this is due to the fact that they themselves have never had anyone around them to
geniuenly assist them in learning the difference between egoic selfish love
and true heartfelt soul self centered being a bridge for creation to move
through you love. this stems from the fact that as i just stated, they didnt
have any proper role models, and were never given the thought thus far within them
to geniunely and consistently look within and learn from their own heart knowing,
their unique connection to god, how to be a bridge of creations flow and in turn
how to truly live an ethically fulfilling lifestyle.

they identify completely with their ego, which can only mirror true love back
to itself, now i feel that since love is everywhere present, there is love
contained within the ego, but im not saying that due to this fact that one
should act on their egoic unconscious impulses, for this is NOT the way.
again those whom identify with their ego, do not know what its like to experience
true love as it is. they only know egoic love, which is selfish and greedy,and
completely misunderstands love = truth = true reality as it is. i again feel
that in the center of the ego, and all throughout it, one can find and experience
true love, but only when they first understand the nature of the ego, and all of forms
that is shows up as. upon this inner reflection of experience, one will find that
they themselves are challenged from within, by the ego that they have, and the ego
contained within others...the challenges arise in many variations, but the energy
of challenge itself, is none the less, still the same.

i dont recall thus far, stumbling across any information that puts it into words
in the way that i do. we are not taught this in school right now. we arent

sales pitch 2

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the pharmaceutical industry, thus far has perpetuated another crime against humanity.
so do the psychological DSM books that are used by "professional doctors".
manufacturing substances that can kill you, or permanently, alter your brain chemistry,
because they say it will help you heal. thats a direct contradiction if ive ever seen one
and violates a code of conduct, called ethics. so is using animals for these tests
to discovery brain ailments for humans. humans and animals, may be in unity, but the
concsciousness in a human is not the same as an animal, so this again violates ethics.

another bullshit find i cant ignore, is the fact that only if its by law, or seen as
acceptable by a practicing medical doctor, can you get marijuana in certain states.
if you cant get marijuana, then youre either given other medications which have
horrendus side effects to them, (if you feel that they dont have any horrendus, side effects
what about withdrawl? and having to clinically be weened off them? hm?) but also that
youre handed medication to curb the first medications side effects , in turn still
dealing with side effects anyhow. still look worth it to you? if yes, then youve
successfully identified with your ego's thoughtforms, in turn being convinced that
ingesting these substances is ultimately for the benefit of your health.

now im not saying they arent, because truly those who feel the need for medication
some stop taking them over a period of time and feel that they served their purpose.
this is true, they stop taking them because they have an energetic understanding
of what it means to be who they really are, and not their ego. alas theres always
the downhill spectrum of what im speaking of, those who become psychologically
dependent on these medications. albiet pot, or alcohol, tobacco, or any substance.
even eating in excess, now im not talking kriya, theres another subject matter

sales pitch

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hereditary, indoctrinational conditioning of the youth, generation from generation
for thousands of years. all who were chosen to step out, have done so throughout
human history. ostrosized by majority, accepted by minority. however
the tables have turned now, and for the betterment of all. you can see it everywhere.
the healing of all is backed by the unstoppable momentum of the laws that
govern creation = all. these laws flow. "going with the flow" they are magnetic
in nature. in order to heal one must go through themselves, and all that has
ever been surpressed by the will of god, is now having its reversal process
where the surpression is no longer working.

the root energy of surpression, is not only one of complete resistance in the
here now, but is also is a fear tactic of the ego's control center, in ones
identification with their ego, they also agree with all of the ego's compulsions
to project thought unto others. for those whom are deeply engrained in their
conditioning by contract, theyre responses right now, to this kind of
information, is seen as one of complete and utter bullshit, inevitably
theyre responses are that which show theyre resistance from within
by resisting you and what you represent.

if you are in their house, they will throw you out. if you refuse to leave
you will have the authorities called on you for harassment. this is
due to them feeling persecuted so in turn, they persecute you.
there are also those who are instinctively aware of this and work
behind the scenes in awareness, and always appearing to have a positive
attitude towards those who are not consciously rooted in true love.
and there are beings who are publically known, and work both
behind the scenes, and with the public's eyes. "theres something about
them, i just cant place my finger on it." which is the being who
identifies with their conditioning's response one way or the other.

and another....

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when you forget about the ego, the mind, you in turn identify with it. in this you will unconsciously
use realizations as excuses for your unconscious behavior. you will also forget that the tension
and pain you feel anywhere, stems from the ego,mind's resistance towards being here now, which
is our natural state of being. the resistance stems from fear, im not saying that youre in fear
or that you may be experiencing yourself being in fear, but just that fact that if you are
this is your identification with the ego itself. and you may throw a fit you may not. or you may
even enjoy yourself throwing a fit and laugh at yourself hysterically for even doing so.

one way or the other, you will get it in the long run. whats being spoken of by me
and from others who are further along in their experience of being enlightened. comes
down to not just what im bringing to the table here , but whats been brought to the table
many times before by many others before, and by me not just in this life, but in past
lives also.
and again, the tension you feel is the fear and resistance of the ego, attempting to keep
the being from being here now, ultimately this is impossible to be an eternal experience.
 and being conscious of what theyre going through, the ego will also try to stop that.it will
also try to entice you into analyzing and interpreting ALL experiences, and will also
try to entice you into identifying with its nature. when that happens, youll be stumped because
youll identify with its inability to comprehend whats going on period. you will
also notice its desire to get you to discount your experience,and resist completely
what others have to say about your experience as you are, for taking all energies in
is our natural way of experiencing life as it is. it doesnt mean you wont resist those
whom are in resistance, it just means, that your response will be one of understanding


hilarionra's picture

youre so full of shit. you dont see yourself the way i do, and you dont see me that way
i see myself, and you see me from your unconsciously conditioned perception. and i see you
from that perception, and you tell me im in denial and have psychological issues
that need to be addressed. you tell me i need help, which is true because we all rely
on one another. you come at me from a place of egoic delusional superiority. telling me
that the way you perceive reality to be IS the way it is. you tell me that i need
to take a look at myself in all totality. you look into the books of old, for the
answers to your questions, you look to the books of old to uphold your perception.

you tell me im scared , im socially anxious, or suffering from panic attacks
or anxiety attacks. you in short tell me that youre seeing me as yourself
from a totally unconscious awareness. you never had the thought to question yourself
because you grew up having support of your unconscious perception of yourself
thus the way you perceive others to be and reality to be. you spin around
in circles unconsciously inside yourself, spewing your perception as the truth
at everyone around you, and only enjoy being around those who support your
current stance in the world.

you verbally persecute others who completely disagree with you and point out
how they see you. some of you not only verbally persecute, but intentionally
hurt others for them pointing out what they see taking place within you,
and this is because youre the one whos denying the fact that youre in denial,
because you identify with your unconscious, reactive, conditioned, egoic,
perception. youve even told me that i need to be put on medication
because my perception is deluded, crazy,insane, and not right. you read
these sentences and break down the words , so you can see where it is
that im coming from.


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its such horseshit that you cant even get a job because of the person you have to go through
is afraid of the new. that theyre consumed in their thoughts, and their emotions, and less
with their actual feelings. they identify with their thoughts and emotions of how they
perceive you. oh the human condition as it stands today. yes its changing, but theres
also others who are contracted to be in resistance for a while.

does it bother you that i swore? good. get offended. maybe itll wake your ass up a little.
im sure everyone who likes reading from the enlightened perspective prefers it to be
curse word free, you know, like a cloud! but, if you focus on the cloud, you miss the
fact that you even understand the beauty that resides in the cloud, from the fact
that we deal with accidents, or even anger, that life isnt this pretty
cloudy, floaty , cuddlebug existence that you like to paint for yourselves.
or the fact that you like to focus on the future events, that you hope for a better life
someday, somewhow. im not saying that we arent going to have a better life in the long run
because we will, but first we have to deal with all the turmoil, the muddy waters.
have to go to the abyss of being  and deal with all the SHIT that lies in there.

for example, the reason why marriages fail, why boys and girls breakup. we beings
get into arguments in the first place. identifying with the egos fear of death
being the root cause of all of this turmoil in the first place. im not saying that
you the reader are in fear, but i am saying that the conditioning itself,
the fact that beings identify with their unconscious reactive state of being
or their conditioning, their egomind , is the reason why were even having to deal
with all this upheaval in the first place, its stuff like this, that keeps
me awake at night, or even for days.


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