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How to Get Out of a Coma

by Alan Cohen

I was honored to meet Morton Lauridsen, a genius musician considered by many to be the world’s greatest living composer of choral music. He is widely respected for his stirring opus, “Lux Aeterna” (“Eternal Light”). Morton told me that one of his dear friends, a conductor who often conducts Lauridsen’s compositions, fell into a coma. After several weeks, doctors could not predict whether or not he would awaken.

Morton went to visit his friend, who was lying inert in a hospital bed. After a minute Morton began to gently sing the chorus of “Lux Aeterna.” Then, to onlookers’ astonishment, the patient raised his hand as if he were conducting a chorus. This was the first time the man displayed any activity since he had fallen comatose. Eventually he was resuscitated. (For a moving journey into Lauridsen’s music, watch the documentary Shining Night, available at

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Stop Worrying and Start Living

By Jaden Sterling

How do we stop worrying?

We’ve all been there…lying in bed awake, staring at the ceiling and worrying about things we can’t change (especially in the middle of the night). Fleeting thoughts cloud your brain and wrench your heart, “If only I said this, or have done that…”

Second-guessing actions, decisions, thoughts, words and deeds burns the counterproductive emotion of worry deep into your mind and soul. We have become a society that equates worry with love. We believe that if we worry about people, places or things then we are being helpful.

Neh Neh!

Worrying isn’t the solution, it’s the problem! Ever take an exam, participate in an athletic event or give a speech while, worried? What happened? Did you get good results or not so good results? Turns out, the MORE you worry the LESS you accomplish. Yet… we still worry, why?

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Astrology Forecast for February 2015

by Kathy Biehl

Magical Mystery Tour is the theme song of the month. The Astrology Forecast for February 2015 shows we’re on a strange and wondrous journey of love, compassion and the otherworldly. The ultimate destination? A kinder, gentler relationship with ourselves. 

The gatekeeper at both ends of the month is Neptune, bringer of magic and transcendence and operator of the cosmic fog machine.  His involvement cloaks much of the month’s developments in a soft, wispy vagueness, at times magical, at times confusing, and generally bypassing rational thinking. 

The atmosphere is hardly conducive to completing tax returns. It’s tailor made — heaven sent, actually — for letting heart and spirit guide you. 

The channel opens wide as the month begins, when Neptune greets Venus, goddess of all we hold dear...

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Quiet Time Equals Soul Time

By John Holland

Recently for the New Year I wanted to do something positive for myself and decided to once again sign up for an 8-week group meditation class. It’s a chance to be committed to my meditation and I know that it will be my quiet time, which will be time with my soul. For many of us, meditation conjures up images of a guru chanting from the top of a mountain, or a monk sitting in quiet solitude in a sacred temple, surrounded by incense smoke floating in the air.

Others believe that meditation is as simple as closing one’s eyes and going into a trance, or at the most basic level, that you only need to let your mind go totally blank to enter some meditative state. What’s more achievable and realistic, is that you can train yourself to watch your thoughts come in, and go right out again through your mind, a bit like flowing water. Soon, these same thoughts will lose their power to influence your conscious mind.

Meditation is merely a state of being, in which the active mind slows down....

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The Effect of External Energies in Your Space

By Caroline Diana Bobart

From an intuitive standpoint, your aura or personal space is separated from the outer world by a permeable membrane of external energies. This turns you into a multi-dimensional, etheric telephone exchange of sorts!

For better or for worse, you are constantly receiving and transmitting spoken and unspoken communication with the world around you through the medium of energy. This, in turn, registers upon your sensations, feelings, and thoughts.

Most people are generally unaware of the inherent nature of their auras. This type of communication can run the gamut from past life memories and family karma, to the held beliefs, expectations, and fears of your friends, colleagues, and family members in present time. This feature also forms the basis of the universal truth that ‘all is one.’

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Follow Our Dreams Beyond the Mundane and Routine

By Steve Nobel

Our ego mind prefers safety, routine, and the status quo. It does not want us to step too far out of the front door into anything too new or different. On the other hand, our essential self wants us to stretch, grow, shed what is unnecessary or heavy, and explore this life more fully.

A transition begins with an impulse from the soul to see new terrains and new horizons. We grow, become lighter, and see the world afresh by taking a step into the scary unknown. In a smooth transition, the desire to experience the adventure eventually outweighs the resistance, and thus the adventure begins. We leave behind an old life and move towards something new: we resign from the job to travel the world; we leave a long-standing stuck relationship and let our hair down and explore being on our own again; we move out of the city and experience living somewhere remote and different; we give up the 9 to 5 rat race and start our own business.

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Color My World

By John Holland

It’s often said that every living thing is a rainbow of colors. Every color has its own meaning and affects you in uniquely different and profound ways. When it is Spring and I am able to be outdoors, whether it’s driving in a car or walking my dog in a local park, I notice and appreciate even more now the colors of nature that are vibrantly coming forth. The clear blue sky dotted with white clouds, the new green growth of the earth, the multitude of hues coming from blooming flowers, the different tones of browns and tans from the trees, even the many colors of the variety of birds that have arrived after a long winter, all have a positive effect on me as I take them in and let them blend with my own aura.

Many people don’t realize the importance of color in that each one vibrates to its own different frequency. We all have a main color in our aura, but there are many other colors in our aura that do change based on what’s happening around us physically, mentally, emotionally, and yes even spiritually...

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Astrology Forecast for the 2015 Aquarius New Moon

by Kathy Biehl

January 20, 2015

0 Aquarius 08

5:13 AM PST / 8:13 AM EST / 1:13 PM GMT

The 2015 Aquarius New Moon gives us a propulsive send off into the adventures to come. It’s a high-octane blend of fiery individuation, more tectonic plate shifting and cool, cool objectivity.

It may feel like a switch has suddenly flipped, especially given the diffuse, bittersweet energies and the flurry of startling departures in the week preceding We’re being outfitted for blasting out of stuckness and into a wild and wooly future. 

The 2015 Aquarius New Moon’s ruler, Uranus, is fueling the fire power and shifts. He’s moving toward two contacts that are scheduled to detonate in March: the easy flow of a trine to Jupiter, pouring flame accelerant onto radical liberation and actualization of the self, and the final, change-demanding square to Pluto, which will finish the restructuring of our foundations that has been in process since June 2012.

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Finding Self through Conscious Awareness

by Shelly Wilson

Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. ~ Oprah Winfrey

This journey into consciousness offers each one of us the ability to discover the truth of who we are. As spiritual beings having a human life experience, our human-ness deems it essential that we discover who we really are. Many individuals long to know their purpose. Who am I? Why I am here? What am I supposed to be doing? Asking these questions ignites the spark within us and offers us the opportunity to connect to our Higher self – the knowingness of our soul.

Suppose for a moment that the answer to these questions is simple – your purpose is to be you...

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Handling a Mercury Retrograde

by Kathy Biehl

If you’ve heard the term “Mercury retrograde,” odds are you don’t have good feelings about it. Take heart! Even if some people react to it as if the sky is falling, Mercury retrograde is not the end of the world. It’s a regular phenomenon that happens three or four times every year.

What does Mercury Retrograde mean?

First, the technicalities: Mercury is retrograde when it’s traveling backwards. That’s an optical illusion, of course, and comes from a change in that planet’s orbital speed in comparison to the Earth’s. (Think of it as the planetary equivalent of speeding up, passing a car and seeing it fall far behind after you in the rear view mirror.)

How this works: When Mercury is moving in reverse, the areas of life it governs do not play by the usual rules. Pay extra attention to anything related to communication and travel-including phones, computers and electronic devices, the mail (remember that?), cars, public transportation, and commutes.


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