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10 Health Benefits of Conscious Breathwork

By Bob Sima 


We all want to be healthy, vibrant, disease and pain free. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an easy, free, and always available source to draw from to help us accomplish that? We watch what we eat; we exercise; we take supplements; we practice yoga. As obvious as it sounds, have you ever considered that one of the keys to optimal health is right under your nose? Who would have thought that controlling the breath (both consciously and intentionally) and breathing optimally could actually improve your health? The yogis of ancient India knew this. When we were young we were all told to take a deep breath when we got upset. Well, why did we stop at one? We innately know that it calms us down, but did you know that you could actually affect your entire autonomic nervous system with the practice of conscious breathwork?

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Transitions – A Question of Soul

A Question of Soul


Our soul, our true self, is the most mysterious, essential, and magical dimension of our being. In fact, it is not a separate reality, as traditional Western thought views it, but the cohesive force that unites our body, heart, and mind. It is not a ghost trapped somehow in the physical machinery of our body but the very essence of our being. ~ G A B R I E L L E  R O T H


A transition is a life-altering event, and although the content will differ from person to person, the context is generally the same. A transition comes to shake up our lives, open and move us, and shift who we are being and becoming in the world. It comes to help us, reconnect us to a sense of wholeheartedness, return us to a state of resourcefulness, and redirect us to a whole new track or orientation in life.

As perhaps you can appreciate, a transition is a major experience that leaves us transformed, both inside and out. Transitions are not random events...

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Make Ginger Beer for Your Health

by Dr. Paul Haider


Ginger Beer is a great tasting treat for the holidays. It has no alcohol and many health benefits.

Note: You will need to prepare this a few days in advance, and have a large bottle with a loose-fitting lid, such as a water or soda bottle.

Benefits of Ginger Beer

Ginger beer is better than over-the-counter drugs for nausea and motion sickness. It also works great for morning sickness for mothers who are pregnant.

Ginger beer contains powerful antioxidants that help to prevent and repair DNA damage, and helps prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer.

Ginger beer is a good anti-inflammatory, which is great for arthritis and to prevent inflammation in the body–often the first step towards creating disease.

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Dream Talk

By John Holland

Your subconscious constantly speaks to you in subtle ways, especially through your dreams. It’s just one of the many ways that your soul can forge that powerful connection and speak to you. We all dream to some extent every night even if we’re not able to remember the dream the next morning.

We remember some of our dreams with great clarity, but when we come to interpret them, there are some that we struggle to figure out, and there are others that just slip away as soon as the day starts. If you’re not working in partnership with your dreams then you’re missing out on a great resource for helpful advice, guidance, and direction.

Over the years, I’ve taught myself to acknowledge and listen to my dreams. For example, I know that when I dream about being immersed in water up to my chest, then it’s often symptomatic of the onset of bronchitis, so it’s a sign for me to take extra care and dose up with vitamin C. In other words, I acknowledge and act on the warning signs being given to me.

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5 Ways to Talk to Your Heart

By Jacquelyn B. Fletcher


When I decided to start listening to my heart, I found out it had a lot to say. Some of my heart’s messages were cranky. (Dear You, Wake me up when you’re done sabotaging yourself for the millionth time. Love, Your Heart)

Some were demanding. (Dear You, Get your ass to yoga. Love, Your Heart)

But the majority of messages were so loving and gentle that they brought tears to my eyes. (Dear You, Thank you, brave soul, for your willingness to keep showing up. Love, Your Heart)

Since the release of Dear You: Messages From Your Heart, many readers have asked me how they too can listen to their inner voice. Here are five experiments you can try to access the wisdom of your own heart.


5 Ways to Talk to Your Heart

#1: Ask your heart directly.

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11 Signs You Might Be an Angel in Training

By Kaya & Christiane Muller


Our lives on the Earth plane have been given as a sacred purpose, a true platform for evolution, and not a perpetual wheel of dissatisfaction and search for sensations. According to Kaya and Christiane, we can all “walk between both worlds” and become the highest forms of ourselves, an Angel in Training. As human beings, we are all, consciously or unconsciously, connected to the Angelic kingdom.

Each of us is an ANGEL in training, here to evolve and discover our true identity, which we really are, as well as the real reason why we are here on Earth. This is our spiritual goal, to discover and develop the divine powers we all have within.

Here are 11 clues that reveal you might be an Angel in Training and are on your way:

Angel in Training Sign #1 - You’re thirsty for new knowledge and you feel different from others.

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You Are a Miracle

By John Holland

Do you know how much of a miracle you truly are? Many people come to my events in the hopes of connecting to a soul on the Other-Side, but I always try to leave them with this reminder: To not forget you are also a soul in the here and now. The source that makes all living things in the universe is also the same source that’s inside of you. This Divine Source interacts and is connected with the whole of you, which means your body, mind, and soul.

To honor your divinity, to live a spiritual and physical life of happiness, serenity, abundant health, and to experience a loving and successful relationship, it’s important to understand and to get to know your true essence – your soul. You must begin to reach inwards to meet your soul, to move through all the layers of what’s been built up inside and around you over the years.

Once you discover and meet your soul-self, you’ll radiate pure light, confidence, courage, strength, and unconditional love...

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The Gifts and Benefits of Dance

by Snezhina Gulubova


“Dance is the hidden language of the soul” -Martha Graham

Dance is the outer expression of our inner perception of life and all its aspects. It is a non-verbal method of communication utilizing body movements, facial expressions and hand positions in tune with music. There are countless dance styles around the world, each representing a way of life, different cultures, ethnicities, belief systems, social structures, traditions and aspirations.

What is common amongst all these forms is that each of these dances is a representation of something that touches our individual soul-place, emotion, person, event, goal, nature and all else that life offers. As such, the individual and communal benefits of dance are far deeper reaching than the common perception of dancing for fun, and something to enjoy watching.

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Have You Become More Conscious? Don’t Go Back to Sleep

By Carl Studna


Have you ever been driving on a long-distance road trip and not listened to the signs when you’ve started getting drowsy? Before you realize it, you begin to hear and feel the vibrating thumping of your tires as they begin to cross into the dividing lane. Hopefully, you wake up out of your daze and course-correct your tires to stay on course to overt danger. Your heart immediately begins to beat quickly as you realize that you could have been seriously injured or crashed to your death.

You realize that you’ve just experienced a serious wake-up call, yet have you to continue to drive with the commitment to reach your destination regardless of the blatant signs to stop. How often do we respond similarly throughout our daily life experiences? Beginning at an early age, we’re so programmed in Western culture to bust through all barriers in order to accomplish our goals…..but at what cost?...

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Shift your Perspective: On Discomfort

by Diane Wing, M.A.


Are you comfortable in your discomfort? Have you found it easier to maintain your life in a way that perpetuates the need to complain, yet do nothing significant to address it?

Discomfort comes in many forms: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The resulting pain is there to bring your attention to something that is not serving you and that requires closer inspection. Everything is connected; physical pain is exacerbated by mental, emotional, and spiritual distress. For example, depression and anxiety can intensify or present as physical pain, while physical pain can bring about depression and anxiety.

To clear the discomfort, the root cause must be addressed. It will persist until you spend some time considering the source. It may simply be a physical issue that only a doctor can treat; at the same time, there are underlying metaphysical associations for most illnesses. Once the spiritual, mental, or emotional issue is resolved, the physical pain subsides.



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