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Living in the Ray of Love and Wisdom

by Judi Lynch


In the design of the Universe, seven is quite a significant number. There are seven tones on the music scale, seven colors in a rainbow and seven streams of consciousness for a soul to become aware in. As we raise our frequency in attune with these energy streams, we begin to understand how our roles here on Earth match the ray of our personality in this lifetime.

In spiritual terms, we incarnated here on Earth to evolve our souls through experiencing the light of the Source. This evolution seeks to end the divide between personality conflicts, to find atonement by shining a light on our best qualities. The inherent qualities from each of the seven rays of light consciousness combine to resonate a tone. This creates vibrant, amazing energy which meters our ultimate healing and ascension.

The second ray of awareness, or the blue ray, is described as the ray of love and wisdom...

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The Storms Of Uranus

Glad to see people starting to take Uranus seriously, it's been the butt of far too many jokes.

The Storms Of Uranus: Prelude To Revolution

by Salvador Russo

There is a great sign in Heaven shown through the sudden and extreme storms which are now raging on the planet Uranus. Scientists are baffled and this morning Spirit guides me to explore this subject with you. What does this extraordinary cosmic phenomenon mean for us in practical terms? Why should we think of the storms which rage on Uranus?

Consider that time is a natural context. These storms, the strongest in the last decade, have manifested during the active Uranus retrograde, a period which will end on December 22nd just as the Sun enters Capricorn and just prior to Saturn entering Sagittarius on the 23rd of December.

Here is the horoscope of the upcoming Uranus prograde:

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Is Buddha Angry?

by Eric Klein


Fear. Anger. Sorrow. Doubt. Overwhelm . . . All of those and more. The sages faced them . . . and faced them . . . and faced them . . . and through persistent compassionate facing (hint: meditation) they discovered something remarkable.

They discovered that every emotion – no matter how challenging – can be healed, transformed, and expressed as life-­giving energy.

They discovered how to experience freedom – not by suppressing, defeating, or avoiding emotions -­? but by transforming them. They discovered that freedom isn’t an escape from life but that freedom can be realized in the midst of life’s inevitable ups and downs.


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Meditation and Cognitive Development

By Catherine King

meditation_OMTimesMany studies have been done to determine how the practice of meditation affects both mind and body in humans. It has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, slow metabolism, and lower blood pressure.  Studies have also begun to determine how meditation effects serious illness such as cancer and asthma, and whether the effects of meditation are physiologically genuine or just a function of mind over matter.

 Meditation and Memory

Memory is the process by which we store information for subsequent retrieval. This is done through a variety of learned processes, like simple tricks we teach ourselves to remember things like names, locations, and instructions. Sometimes memories are retrieved easily and naturally, but as humans we’ve learned to train our brains to retrieve information through various games and tricks, like using anagrams and associative thinking.

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Thich Nhat Hanh is Passing Away

"People sacrifice the present for the future. But life is available only in the present. That is why we should walk in such a way that every step can bring us to the here and the now." -Thich Nhat Hanh

To our Dear Beloved Friends,

With a deep mindful breath we announce to the world the news that yesterday, the 11th of November 2014, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, experienced a severe brain hemorrhage. Thich Nhat Hanh is receiving 24 hour intensive care from specialist doctors, nurses and from his monastic disciples.

At present, Thich Nhat Hanh is still very responsive and shows every indication of being aware of the presence of those around him. He is able to move his feet, hands and eyes. There are signs that a full recovery may be possible.

For the last two months, Thich Nhat Hanh’s health had already been fragile due to his advance age. He was hospitalized in Bordeaux on the 1st of November.

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Healing Yourself through Breath

by Lisa Shaw

Breath gives us life. In Sanskrit, that life force prana, is considered the equivalent of “chi” energy or the “ki” in Reiki .. It is the breath of life that permeates our entire being and moves up the spine touching and vitalizing each chakra, healing by its very nature. Various systems concentrate on the breath as a healing agent, from yogic breathing to holotropic breath work (rebirthing) to the science of LaMaze childbirth or rebirthing, which uses a series of uninterrupted breaths to pitch one into an altered state of consciousness which facilitates release.

These modalities, potent as they are, require a master, therapist, or coach to guide you into the healing consciousness, but you can train yourself to tap into your own healing power by simply breathing with intention. You might want to record yourself reading the guided meditation with relaxing music playing in the background to keep your focus uninterrupted.

If you are disciplined, you can silently read along and follow the prompts line by line. Sit comfortably and be aware of all the sensations in your body...

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Shift Your Perspective: On Success

How Do You Define Success?

By Diane Wing M.A.


How many times have you looked around and felt that others were more successful than you feel you are?   Is it the amount of money they make, the large home, or the jet-set lifestyle they lead? Now look at them again.  Is it only the material things they have that you want?

I know many people in corporate jobs that make a lot of money, but who are unhappy in the rigid, political environment that is inherent in most large corporations.  Of course there are exceptions, but they are few and far between.  Climbing the corporate ladder or becoming famous or achieving a medical degree are some examples of what many feel defines success.

Society has its standards of what success looks like, and the majority of people strive to attain it despite how unhappy it makes them or how stressed they feel.  Succeeding by your own standards allows you to function in accordance with your true nature...

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Highly Sensitive Person Living: How Do You Spell Support?

by Peter Messerschmidt


An inherent part of living with Consciousness is to be able to understand what is going on with both ourselves and others, so we can act with mindfulness and compassion.

Under this general heading, we often face the issue of feeling supported in our endeavors, and how to best be supportive of others. As an active member of the global HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) community, one of the most common themes I see in forums, blogs or just hear from individuals is “I need support!” and “I don’t feel supported!

When we examine the situations in question, it sometimes seems like the person lamenting the lack of support actually is being supported. The central issue isn’t about “support,” but about differing interpretations. Which then invites a deeper examination of what “support” really is..

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Living Beyond Your Dreams

By Carl Studna

dreams_OMTimesAs a child, do you remember the dreams that you had for your life? Perhaps they were filled with wonder, adventure and creativity.  Growing up within the traditional school system in the mid-sixties, the occupational suggestions offered to young boys was fairly limited to a doctor, lawyer, accountant, architect, engineer, etc. Young girls might have been offered options beyond the traditional housewife as a nurse, secretary, dental hygienist, or clerk. Not to say that there weren’t exceptions, but this limited mindset largely prevailed in the United States until the late sixties began to shake up and question past traditional systems and gender roles.

At age eleven I can recall another occupation offered in my elementary classroom, the radical idea of being a fireman ignited my soul as it was the only out-of-the box option suggested. This unconventional occupation represented adventure, risk and the reward of potentially saving someone...

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Spiritual Path – The Journey of Your Soul

By John Holland


When you travel a spiritual path, it’s not uncommon to feel alone. After all, it’s your path and yours alone. But, it’s important to remember that there are like minded souls out there just like you. Reach out and search for different groups and organizations that feel right for you. Even when you don’t consciously reach out, you’ll find that people of the same vibrational level are attracted to you. It’s a wonderful thing when you share your experiences, because not only are you conveying what you’ve learned or experienced, you’re letting your soul educate, express, and show itself to others. The whole process can be liberating.

You’re on your spiritual path, so please honor that it’s meant for you. You shouldn’t try to drag, pull, bribe, or coerce anyone else into believing that what you feel is true. One of my favorite sayings is: “Everyone is exactly where they are supposed to be.” I believe that you have...


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