Collectively Conscious

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How To Grow An Avocado Tree For Endless Organic Avocados

Note that avocado trees generally do best in places with mild winters. A green house may be needed for them to produce in colder climates.

Source: | Original Post Date: April 6, 2015 –


Here’s a step-by-step guide to growing your own avocado tree.

Avocados are highly nutritious and flavored, whether we’re talking about salad, guacamole, or straight up! They are a key staple for a nutritious and delicious diet. Try growing an avocado tree at home if you don’t like making regular trips to the grocery store for your daily supply of fresh avocados, can’t find organic ones, or are fed up with spending so much for quality produce. It’s surprisingly easy. You will see how you too can get a full–grown avocado tree from a little seed in 10 easy steps. Here’s what you need to do:

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Bioactive Compound In Turmeric Regenerates Brain Stem Cells

Activist Post

Components of turmeric – a well-known ingredient in curry spice – are wildly studied today for its anti-inflammatory effects and cancer prevention.

It turns out, a lesser-known bioactive turmeric compound promotes stem cell proliferation and differentiation in the brain, according to new research recently published in the open access journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy.

Results suggest aromatic turmerone could be a potential for treating neurological disorders, such as stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. Of course, the potential for researchers lies in its becoming a future drug candidate.

The study looked at the effects of aromatic (ar-) turmerone on endogenous neutral stem cells (NSC), which are stem cells found within adult brains.

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These 7 Images Of Global Borders Reveal The Unique Brutality Of The US-Mexico Wall

Source: | Original Post Date: August 25, 2015 –


The US-Mexico wall is inhuman compared to other international borders.

Since “securing the border” has become the hottest issue in the GOP presidential nomination process, comparing the US/Mexico border to other borders around the world may provide insight as to why that’s a dumb statement. On almost every continent, international borders are much more open, and military/police presence is basically nonexistent. We’ll start in Africa:

1. Kenya/Tanzania

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Scientist Recommends Taking LSD For Breakfast. Yes, You Read That Correctly

Forget muesli, taking acid could be better for your health.

It may sound like a headline from satirical site The Onion, but psychedelics expert Dr James Fadiman Ph.D is deadly serious. The respected scientist claims a small dose of LSD with your morning cereal can help you be more productive, effective, happier and creative, among other things.

Fadiman started looking into LSD’s effects on creativity back in the early Sixties, before the government made psychedelics illegal and stopped funding for scientific research. He had a life-changing experience when his old Harvard professor Richard Alpert (now known as Ram Dass) fed him magic mushrooms in a Paris cafe. Fadiman saw psychedelic research as his calling, and worked hard for the next few years to demonstrate how LSD could help with a wide range of issues: from psychotherapy and addiction treatment to artistic ability, happiness and spiritual evolution. Fadiman is co-founder of and teacher at the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology and has taught at San Francisco State, Brandeis and Stanford.

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Money Vs. Humanity

We sacrifice our precious time as living mammals in order to receive money.  In doing so, we often compromise our health.  We then sacrifice our money in order to improve our health so that we can continue to sacrifice time for money.  The world tells us we need pieces of paper to be able to live, but what does this look like to an outsider?  How can we really know when we have no outsiders to this system left?

There are 7 billion human beings on this planet, which is essentially a rock hurtling through space on an orbit which just so happens to be the right distance from the sun to allow for liquid water.  Nature decided this, nature put us here and nature will indeed take us away.  Man did not decide any of these things, and money was never a factor in the making of these things, indeed money was not even a concept.

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The Amazing Story Of What Happened When One Tiny Country Decriminalized ALL Drugs

Portugal is one of Europe’s smallest countries, but until 2001 it had a BIG drug problem. One in 100 Portuguese citizens were addicted to heroin, a shocking statistic that was met with brute force and a zero tolerance policy by the country’s government. The strict laws meant that anybody caught with drugs– regardless of the amount, what kind of drug, and whether it was only for personal use- would be prosecuted (and often jailed).

The ‘War on Drugs‘ was a battle the government fought with passion and zeal- but no matter how many people went to prison, it just wasn’t working.

“The hard-line approach didn’t make people stop using drugs,” explains Jose Ferreria, an officer in Lisbon’s drug squad. “it’s not a fight we can win.”

The government realized this and decided to do something that was considered extremely radical. They decriminalized everything, allowing citizens to carry small amounts of any drugs, including heroin. The idea was that casual users would be permitted to do their thing, while time, money and resources would be concentrated on helping (rather than prosecuting) addicts.

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Nestle Pays Only $524 To Extract 27,000,000 Gallons Of California Drinking Water


(ANTIMEDIA) Los Angeles, CA — Nestle has found itself more and more frequently in the glare of the California drought-shame spotlight than it would arguably care to be — though not frequently enough, apparently, for the megacorporation to have spontaneously sprouted a conscience.

Drought-shaming worked sufficiently enough for Starbucks to stop bottling water in the now-arid state entirely, uprooting its operations all the way to Pennsylvania. But Nestle simply shrugged off public outrage and then upped the ante by increasing its draw from natural springs — most notoriously in the San Bernardino National Forest — with an absurdly expired permit.

Because profit, of course. Or, perhaps more befittingly, theft. But you get the idea.

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UK About To Test Roads That Charge Electric Cars As They Drive

Electric cars are an idea that could radically change the impact that we have on the environment when we travel, but there are currently a few limitations that are preventing these cars from reaching their full potential in the global market. The main issue that these cars have had is the fact that many of them don’t hold a charge long, and there are very few charging stations.

This forces electric car owners to carefully plan out their trips to avoid running out of energy and breaking down. The price of the cars have also been an issue for most people, but as with all technology, the price is steadily declining as the manufacturing process becomes more efficient.

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France Bans WiFi In Childcare Facilities That Cater To Children Under Age 3

We’re disappointed that big news in France hasn’t made its way to the top of U.S. headlines: the French National Assembly recently passed a law that will help to limit young children’s exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by wireless technologies. Two years in the works, the law encompasses various rules, including:

  • Banning WiFi in any childcare facilities catering to children under the age of 3.
  • Requiring cell phone manufacturers to recommend the use of hands-free kits to everyone.
  • Banning any advertising that specifically targets youth under the age of 14.

The law, passed by a majority vote and adopted into place on January 29, 2015, is the first in France to suggest and establish that WiFi over-exposure may indeed be hazardous to young children — a controversial topic, not just in France, but around the world.

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FBI Had 12-Page File On George Carlin Because He Made Jokes About Government

Comedian George Carlin is known as one of the most controversial and outspoken entertainers of his time, and as far as the government is concerned, he could have possibly been a terrorist.

Carlin was not a violent or criminal person in any way, but he said things during his routines that struck at the root of the problems in our society. He went into great detail about corruption in government and business.

During the 1978 Supreme Court case, FCC v Pacifica Foundation, the government cited Carlin’s work as an example of profanity. They used his “Seven Dirty Words” segment to show the type of language that was being used in records and broadcasts. However, the government’s interest in his work did not stop there.


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