~ Joy is Bubbling through~

Lia's picture

Earth Changes Report: August 27/2012


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A Message from The Earth Allies~ The Release of the Soul Housing



 Each Human Being on this Planet has a Soul, this was a requirement to be Born into this Realm. Your Soul Housing, which is within you, vibrates Multi-Dimensionally, Simultaneously, so it is always moving in a Constant Movement of Up, Down, Left, Right, Moving in all Directions, all at the Same Moment. This is How Creation moves, as it Consistently Grows, expands, and Always becoming Grander.


The Soul Housing is Like an Energy Transformer, which Utilizes the Unique God Spark [which each Human Being has contained in the Soul Housing, their Own Unique God Spark] of Living Brilliance and Adjusts the Consciousness into the Vibrational Frequencies. Being [In the Present Moment of NOW] is the Awareness of this Experience Awakened.



~Unconsciousness is just a static vibrational frequency of connection to illusion which is nothing=no energy or life force. The Being is a Transformation of this self-unconsciousness back into Pure Conscious Awareness, Multi-Dimensionally.~


The Surface of the Sun, is just a Mirror of it's Center=Energy. This is the same as Free Energy=Equal Energy among us all and all Love is. After the God Spark burns through the Soul Housing, Creation then Advances Exponentially.



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Isaac/Up-close/August 27, 2012 / 23:00 UTC


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Isaac Slowing in the Gulf


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Lucas - Class Of 2012 - Graduation Duality School - 28 August 2012


It is not long anymore for all of you will return to their homes, their families and friends from a far or near. The time spent on this earth's school of duality is in the finalizing phase. We see our different classes we took and timelines we saw and explored all coming together now. We have grown out of our roles played in this play.


The new exiting future is what we still are guessing at.  We also have to let go of our positive and negative experiences and leave them as faint memories behind at our school.  We can go there if we want back with our class year books as all that knowledge is still for all available only it will not be hurting or be overly exciting you. It is past that is future but all Now.


It is not difficult to see all are changing. We change due to our chosen experience. We will reap the benefits now from this. We are the first ones ever to bring about this ascension in this special and speeded up way.  We are going to be after getting our insignia and honours be the graduated ones ready for the choice of ascension and for choosing the brand new cycle of exploration and creation or go back to the source.



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/27/12 ‘Communiqué from our Commanders’


Clearing the way for the initiation of the projects and programs we have spoken to you about is the necessity for you and your people to rid your societies of those that are controlling you, manipulating you, threatening you, those who work tirelessly to block you from achieving new goals and experiencing what it is wish for yourselves here in your world. We cannot, as we have said, come down to your surface world and land and begin to work with your people in the construction of new systems until a suitable time when we feel the cabal and their large web of negative influence has been adequately shattered, at least to some degree.


We are not requiring you to incarcerate and hold for trial every single member of the cabal, their associates and their minions. This would be too much to ask, and what we are asking is certainly not too much. Let us be clear about what it is we do require of you, the people of Earth, and those who we refer to as our Earth allies. We require of you to make suitable advancements into the infrastructure of what we shall refer to as a web of deception, of corruption, of negative influence of a criminal empire that stretches like a large spider web all across your planet and into even small corners and crevices of small countries and regions. We feel it would not be prudent for our organization to come down to your surface world while these wrongdoers, these criminals run free to reign over the control of so many parts of your world and systems of your world.



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Blue Star UFO Report - August 27, 2012







Thanks, Missy Sunshine!









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Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...



I don't know about you, but these last couple of weeks I feel like I've been put through the wringer. Such intense dreams that I know I'm really working hard in my dream state - but when I wake I can't even catch hold of the last thread before it dissappears into a new day. I feel constantly tired, have had a headache that is bordering on a solid week with no releif and I'm finding my emotions running away with me..


I feel like I'm on the presipice of great change ~ but I couldn't tell you what, how, why or when... It seems even language is diserting me as I struggle more and more to find that right word in conversations with anyone. I've heard a few times in my quite moments that I'm going through a re-wiring... and if that is the case then it could explain the random muscle twitches in my legs/ arms and eyes that come and go at what would appear to be un-opportune moments..


It's a good thing I can keep my sense of humour as all of this would surely seem ludicrous to the 3D rationalle.


I never have claimed to know a whole lot but I can tell you for sure "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Toto"... I guess I'll just keep riding the wave...



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Current Isaac Update


Many areas in our location will lose power. Updates at http://www.mrcometwatch.com


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In the Beginning, The Lion , Lizard War and Beyond


Before I get started you must be awakened , This is the Awakening Prayer

Warning once you read this it can not be unread.


Queen Lilith and King Pindar's 1st Deception was Defacing the Sphinx.


FOCUS on the Winged Lion's and Lirion's above the Lost ARK.


Hailing King Leo The Galactic Ruler.


The Lion Men of Moab , The Jaguar Gods of South America , The Sphinx. Do you really think the missing link was a Monkey do you.


It may take a couple of Day's to sink In. If you start to feel a Tingling in the back of your Head , Then start writing and see what comes out. You might start to remember your past lives . Some of us have lived 100s or maybe 1000s of times.


  Long before any written History on this Planet there were 2 other Worlds in separate Constellations Lira and Draconis.

Lira had a Feline race called the Lirions they were a strong and Fierce and Proud Race.


  On the other side was a Reptilian Race called the Draconian's the Leader's of their race were obsessed with obtaining the Power and Creativity of the Lirion's. The Leading Draconian's would have the Children the Lirion's Kidnapped for their Blood Rituals they would torture and then Kill them for their Blood it would extend their live's and give them Youth, a practice still going on today but that's another story. Well anyway that's how the most devastating war this Galaxy has ever seen got started.



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The offensive poem I recited online was a very old poem. I am finding lots of my old poetry which was written when I was young, and that one popped into my mind while I was onscreen. So I felt terrible about that, as I was worried that I had brought the vibrations down, and I cried and all and then it occurred to me - I WROTE IT, I CAN CHANGE IT!!!

So here is the same poem with one line changed, and now it is a HAPPY poem:

I fell in love at the age of three

With a skinny accordion player I saw on TV.

My family thought it was sweet,

Though I did smudge the screen,

I knew then we never would meet, but I'd never seen

An accordion player or anything like it before.

But now that I'm older,

I'm falling in LOVE more and more!

Much better, don't you think so? I actuallly DID kiss the tv screen when the accordion player came on, and my family thought it was so cute that they didn't get mad at me for spoiling their view. They even would call me if I was in the other room when the accordion player came on screen! It was on the Lawrence Welk show.

So would this be called a "vasana"? It occurs to me that every time I wrote a poem I unconsciusly made a decision and those decisions have bound me. But no more!!!

I promise when I am more advanced I will write happy poems for you. In fact, i can think of a few happy poems right now, maybe I will post one later.

Whew! When will all this releasing of the past be done? I think that's why I have these old boxes of papers that I couldn't go through till now, because I knew it would hurt for a while. And there will be more, but I will try not to go off onscreen like that again.

Thanks for understanding.

Blessings and LOVE,


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Let go those things that age you

That wear you out and pull you down

Look up to the Sunshine

With open arms relax your frown

Give away those burdens

That act as Chains around your Heart

Pay no heed to blinkered Ones

Who tell you – you must play your part

Take your body out of there

Walk the coastline, find a tree

Sit your tiredness down awhile


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~The Galactic Free Press Update~ Many Exciting Events are Getting Ready to Unfold


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~

~Many Exciting Events are Getting Ready to Unfold~



Space Moon - Luas*** -



Greetings Love Beings, We come With a Quick Update and We Will have a Full Report coming out in more detail tomorrow about Our Current Events Unfolding. Alot is happening right Now across the Planet from Hurricanes, Typhoones, Cyclones, Flooding, and over a Hundred Earthquakes in Southern California Yesterday along the Fault. These Physical Events are Representations of Huge Energetic Movement Occurring Across the Planet. Not only is this occurring on the Planet but these Incoming Energies are cleaning and clearing Out Humanity from the inside out.



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Breaking News Spaceship Sightings Witnessed by Hundreds Over Myrtle Beach August 26, 2012


More Amazing Footage shot by Joe Kiernan North Myrtle Beach,S.C. dusk around 8pm of what looks to be a Mothership hiding in the clouds! Also notice the small Object Disappear as it Zooms Underneath the Unusual Lights! If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype! To watch more of Joe Kiernans Videos Click Link! http://www.youtube.com/user/197jfrancis


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Spain’s Crisis Reignites an Old Social Conflict


The New York Times
Raphael Minder
, August 23, 2012

Laura Leon for the International Herald Tribune
Workers picking peppers on the occupied Somonte farm

HORNACHUELOS, Spain — Outmaneuvering the police, hundreds of jobless farmworkers charged through a hole in a fence and turned the manicured gardens of a vacant estate here in Spain’s agricultural heartland into a lively fairground of protest this week. Men more accustomed to working in the fields lounged in the shade beside a pink palace, picnicked on paella and spent a night relaxing. Some even took a dip in the pool.


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Romney Says It’s Tithing That Keeps Him From Releasing Tax Returns


ABC News
Emily Friedman
, August 24, 2012

ap mitt romney ll 120823 wblog Romney Says Its Tithing That Keeps Him From Releasing Tax Returns

Evan Vucci/AP Photo

HOPKINS, Minn. – Mitt Romney has offered a new explanation for his resistance to releasing more than two years of tax returns, telling Parade Magazine that he never intended for the amount of money he gives to the Mormon church to be made public.

“Our church doesn’t publish how much people have given,” Romney told Parade Magazine in an interview that will appear in the August 26 issue of the magazine

To read the rest of this story, visit ABCNews.go.com.


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Egypt Secrets – Unknown Formation In The Desert



Robert W. Kryder ~ Egypt Secrets – Unknown Formation In The Desert

Posted by Gillian


2012 The Awakening | August 27 2012 | Thanks, Annette

Robert W. Kryder ~ Having a never ending curiosity and having wondered for many years, what would be the result if I had applied the secret template ciphers I know and use here in the USA to Egypt? I had been involved with coded systems all around the world vicariously an example would be leading a party from monument to monument over the phone from Africa. Research had indicated over the years that many who used these codes adopted them from others who adopted them from Egypt. So I decided to conduct a basic large scale layout test.

Knowing the core cipher in the “code” is the same world wide, I examined Abydos, in particular the Osirion (as this location is one of the few that exhibit structures from the “first-time”). Then applied the numbers/ alignment hidden in the architecture to the known template ciphers and within days made amazing and even disturbing finds across 100′s of miles of the deserts of Egypt. I had sat alone in my shack and done it. 48 hrs in solitude with my curiosity on the throttle and expertise at the wheel…. And wow!

The Template ciphers are very ancient with their base form originating from the math of creation / reality. The same math used to study fluid flow, electrical dynamics, magnetic fields to gravity and black holes. It incorporates tetrahedral math and explains the nature of torsional forces and angular momentum on “space-time” or hyper-dimensional physics. These same template forms are represented everywhere on Earth. Such as Mandalas and sand paintings of Tibetan priests and Native American Elders of the Southwest USA. In architecture and construction, city planning and roads, in religion myth and legend, in story and song… This math and its geometry was used in pre-deluge times, 10,000bc to 30,000bc+ not just as a symbol with reverence but in technology and everyday life to offer a 20,000 year run of a virtual utopia. It was again the miss-use of the same that ended it all. After which the knowledge became secret and emulated by elite groups to put themselves above the rest. For at least 6,000 years it has been incorporated world wide, again in temples, cities, roads etc… But this time kept under wraps and out of site or hidden from the masses. The earliest maps known are of mining areas and mining colonies and adopt this template cipher system. The Jesuit priests and Triad of the Orient use the numbers in initiation rights. The Nordic use the numbers in their sagas and so on.


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SophiaLove- Lighting the Way



Lighting the Way




Hello!  We arrive today at our beginning, the place where love was planted.  It rests within you.  It’s always been there.  We just had to turn the light on so we could find it.

Our light is on now.  We may need to install fresh batteries now and again to keep it going.  That’s okay; we know where to get them and which ones work the best.  They are found in the places that feed our soul.

We are components of the One – each an integral part, necessary and unique.  In 1898, Konstantin Stanislavsky said “There are no small parts, just small actors”.  Sometimes we imagine our light unimportant or too tiny to make a difference.


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Update from Cobra - Operation Pandora on August 25th


And immediate effects of the activation of the compression grid:



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First Man on Moon Dies Along with Secrets of What He Saw


By Dr Michael Salla, August 25, 2012


Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon died today from heart failure. For many, Armstrong is the all-American hero who performed the seemingly impossible. He fulfilled President Kennedy’s vision of putting a man on the moon before the end of the decade. Armstrong’s walk on the moon was televised and witnessed by hundreds of millions around the planet. For many it was an unforgettable experience and sparked hopes of a bright future for human space travel. What Armstrong experienced that day on the moon has been marked by controversy over a two minute period of radio silence that surprised viewers and fueled many theories over what really happened. According to alleged leaked government documents and photographs, Armstrong did not just see the barren landscape televised to millions, but something much more significant. According to NASA insiders and an alleged ham radio transmission intercept, what Armstrong witnessed that day changed his life, and led to the eventual abandonment of the manned lunar missions. According to alleged leaked documents, two huge extraterrestrial spacecraft watched the Apollo 11 landing, and observed the Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin moon walks.


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My lower chakras, which I intentionally shut down many years ago, are awakening. I apologize for it happening on screen. When I began reciting the poem from so long ago, I had forgotten how it ended. You all had the not-so-wondrous opportunity of seeing me clear out sorrow right there in front of you.

I was married twice in this lifetime - both were very unusual marriages - and then I met my son's father and we never intended to marry, and didn't. And as soon as my son was conceived, I began shutting down the lower chakras and went through menopause so early that my own doctor did not believe me. Then when my mother died of ovarian cancer and I saw what she went through and how LONG it took, I insisted on a hysterectomy. So I am "spayed." LOL

The poem was true, I actually DID fall in love at the age of three with a skinny accordion player I saw on TV!!! I used to kiss the tv screen whenever he appeared and I adored him. It was on the Lawrence Welk show, anybody here remember that? And then I kept falling in love with people who didn't love me, and that was awful, so once I had my son I thought I was done with it. I decided not to fall in love anymore. And that was what came up when I recited that poem on-screen, I realized that I had made that decision, and it didn't resonate with what I am feeling at these wonderful LOVE parties. Especially now that I am aware of it.

I AM, of course, in LOVE with you all now, but so longing to be with my twin flame! I am mourning whatever I did that has kept us apart for so long and I am crying. I thought I saw him, I thought we were communicating telepathically, and then I remembered that poem and realized what I had done. I had decided at a very young age not to "fall in love" anymore. I think I was about thirteen at the time. I didn't mean not to LOVE, but that man-woman thing was just too intense.


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Lunar stone in Holland museum is a fake


Lunar stone in Holland museum is a fake


{B}La roccia lunare dell'Apolo 11 è falsa{/B}

The stone gifted during the Apollo 11 astronaut visit to Holland Prime Minister in 1969 does not come from the moon but simply is a piece of rocked wood.
This is what Alexandra van Gelder found out as responsible of the research for the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.
 The stone was gifted to Willem Drees by the Apollo 11 astronauts and should have been a Lunar Rock.  At Drees's death the rock was exposed at the Amsterdam Museum and insured for 500 thousand dollars.  NASA was not able to clarify the situation.

The "EVENTS" are underway



This message is for those who have recently joined this site. As many now are seeing the evidence of what has been forcast all along. 


Things are changing from the inside-out in connection with our DNA/RNA. These are like antenna that allow more of "Source" in. God/Light is permeating Earth unlike ever before in it's history, do you feel it? What has been called "junk DNA" is just what the black hats did not want you to access. Be still and know, YOU WILL NOW. 


All of the bad ones of evil deeds are being illuminated to us now. Even though it won't be on mainstream media until they have been loosed from the control they have always had of it. When you begin to hear from these, always known to us as “reliable” sources, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN etc. you will be disturbed, scared, beside yourself, elated and exceedingly happy knowing what will now begin to take place on our planet. Such as clean-up issues of Earth and "who" will be assisting us with that, including relinquisment of all polution upon The Goddess.



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Gentle Transition Occurring



Gentle Transition Occurring

2012 AUGUST 27
Posted by Steve Beckow


Hindus – in particular Vedantists – use two words to describe two important personality types: sattwa and rajas. I could say a great deal about the two but I think it might only prove confusing. (1)

Suffice it to say that “sattwa,” in terms of psychology, refers to the gentle, balanced and tranquil personality and “rajas” to the busy, creative and passionate personality.


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~Schedule one of these Amazing Life Changing Sessions!! Today~


~Humanity we are Here for you for your Real Awakening~












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Prayer for Oneness



"To all people, religious and nonbelieving, I make this appeal. Always embrace the common humanity that lies at the heart of us all. Always affirm the oneness of our human family.... Let not your differences from the views of others come in the way of the wish for their peace, happiness, and well-being." ~ Dalai Lama


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The Vatican Can't Be Held Responsible For Things It Couldn't Have Known. The Problem Is... It Knew A Lot.


Huff Post
Josh Zepps, August 24, 2012

Vatican Sex Abuse

Where does accountability begin and end? I hosted a heated HuffPost Live discussion about that question with Marci Hamilton, a lawyer trying to hold the Vatican accountable for pedophile priests.

This week, the Church won a victory over Hamilton when an Oregon federal court ruled that the Holy See is not the “employer” of molester priests. The case could shield the Church from possible monetary damages, although Hamilton says she’ll appeal.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit HuffingtonPost.com.


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Published on Aug 23, 2012 by GenesisCodeBook


This is a must see video that is a direct message from the ONE. This video was inspired by the authors of The Genesis Code: God Has Spoken and delves into the questions, "Who Am I? What is God?" This inspirational video travels into the matrix of our world and reveals what is possible.



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The Pleiadian High Council: Mothership Interactions and Cleansing of Pollution


- through Wes Annac-
As you have begun to hear much about the technology you will be given and the technology onboard our ships as well, it is necessary to explain the abilities of some of these technologies that you have not quite yet heard of fully. For example, we are speaking to you in this very manner [channeled] through this scribe, through a technological device of the Light which transmits our energies to our scribe in a manner that sees such energies united and matched in harmonic frequency, even if only temporarily.
We are speaking to you right now through the soul known by many as SanJAsKa, and this soul is in turn navigating and operating our technology which is itself experiencing a funneling-through of our energies and communications down to our scribe on Earth and the various other scribes from our Council(s) who speak routinely with humanity.
Dear SanJAsKa is not always the soul who is operating this technology but due to the extreme expertise and experience of this soul in navigating our communication-based technology and due to this soul’s closeness with our scribe, we have felt it appropriate to allow this soul to Represent us as well as our Council of Nine whenever speaking to you all through this specific scribe.

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Posted by kotev1000 on аugust 27, 2012

Planets Align with Giza Pyramids for 1st Time in 2,737 Years on Dec 3rd 2012



Planets Align with Giza Pyramids for 1st Time in 2,737 Years on Dec 3rd 2012


Planetary alignment that will take place Dec 3, 2012 is dead-on alignment with the Pyramids at Giza. There are no accidents.

Night Sky in Giza, Egypt on December 3, 2012, local time … one hour before sunrise compared with the Pyramids at Giza.

Planets inline: Mercury / Venus / Saturn

The Pyramids Were Not Tombs. Try Power Stations That Fed The Whole Of Egypt; Tesla Towers

The other factor is who built the pyramids. We have a video linking many advanced ancient civilisations to an age 12,000 years ago, posted about three months ago. All history as taught in school is false, modern and ancient. There’s no way we would be allowed to know that the ancients were supplied with electricity free from the ionosphere.



Ancient Egypt and other old cultures as well had the know-how of making electricity and in our modern days even the great Tesla did the same basic thing.

So “WHY” don’t we have it now? Well, check J.P. Morgan on the Tesla projects and see how much J.P. Morgan helped to get out Tesla’s idea of FREE electricity. Power for free???

J.P. Morgen broke it off. “WHY?”  Just t9 make us all pay for it and making this world worse than ever. There are so many other things like this. Ask your self “WHY”?

Watch this fantastic video to learn the answers hidden from us for centuries and several “a-ha moments”.


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Abraham The vortex is an emotional state


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Spirit Science 19 - Everything is Connected


Published on Aug 27, 2012 by TheSpiritScience
As the discussion of consciousness and universal "spirit" is evolving, there comes a time when we have to define what it is that were really talking about. A lot of people have asked "What is Spirit Science about?" and "What is this..some kind of New Age Religion?"

In today's video, we go into just that. What is Spirit Science? This was originally going to be Mailbag #2, however when it became what it is, i decided to change it to Lesson 19 instead. Today, we look at how EVERYTHING is connected, and we invite you to come and find the connections in your own life as well.

I also wanted to share the work of Jason Silva with you, who has put together some VERY powerful videos that rapidly expand your awareness and quite often blow one's mind. You can check out his website at www.thisisjasonsilva.com

Thank you everyone for sticking with this series for so long, and motivating to continue to create and produce them :) I'm still having lots of fun with them, and there's going to be a whole flurry of new videos by Guest Artists very soon!

This video is something of a compilation of many ideas that we have talked about before, so I didn't go into a huge list of sources to check out. Instead, i invite you to check out the Resources Page onwww.thespiritscience.net, and join in the discussion about what it means to be a being of light and life. You have more power and love than you really know, all you have to do is want to become aware of it.. you will :)


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Greg Giles' Messages


While we haven't had messages from Greg Giles up on the front page of the GFP for a while now, we've decided to no longer have his messages on the user-submitted blogs section as well. We've felt his messages we're a bit off for a while, and yesterday's message, which called for violent removal of Cabal members, is not something we want on our site at all. 5D Beings would never advocate that sort of thing. Those who wish to continue following Greg's messages can do so on his site: http://www.ascensionearth2012.org/


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RNC Protest Brings Seniors, Occupy Movement Members To St. Petersburg


Huff Post
Jason Cherkis, 8/26/12

Rnc Protest

People gathered outside Tropicana Field on Sunday, August 26, in St. Petersburg, Fla., to protest the opening of the Republican National Convention.

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- A diverse coalition of senior citizens, religious leaders, community organizers, and activists in faded Occupy T-shirts joined up here Sunday for the first major march of the Republican National Convention. Under overcast skies and persistent drizzle, the demonstration clanged through this sleepy Florida city, passing by closed storefronts, as well as RNC event staff snapping pictures from behind tall gates.

The protest aimed to mock the RNC's welcome event at nearby Tropicana Field, which had been billed as a large cocktail party. The activists hoped their snare drums and chants would at least spoil the mood for RNC attendees.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Insight Gain understanding



Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Insight

Gain understanding

You can find tools for understanding any situation or relationship by seeking the answers within you. The angels can help you to see the bigger pictures of things if you ask. It takes focus, commitment and intention from you and trust that your angels will go to work on your behalf. Learn to trust your own instincts and don't give up because it is not happening fast enough or in the way you expect.  
Release the how and focus on the now.
Keep a journal and note all the times you trust your own innate knowing and found what you were seeking. Keep track of all the times you felt guided and got to where you wanted to be. Soon you will notice more of this in your life, and the more you trust and follow these feelings and thoughts, the more grand the adventure of life becomes. 

 Affirmation: "I trust in my ability to gain clear insight into any aspect of my life, and clearly move forward knowing that I am guided and supported along the way."

Vietnam markets lose $5b after bankers' arrests


Asia One
AFP/August 24, 2012


HANOI - Vietnam's stock markets have lost nearly US$4.0 billion (S$5.0 billion) in value after two top bankers were arrested this week in a widening police probe into the banking sector, state media said Friday.


Both the founder and former director general of Asia Commercial Bank were arrested this week for economic crimes, triggering a run on deposits and forcing the central bank to provide emergency liquidity to the institution.

To read the rest of this story, visit Business.AsiaOne.com.


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Isaac targets New Orleans; 6-12 ft "storm surge" will test levees


MPR News
Paul Huttner, 8/28/12

100 HurTrack1.gif
Source: NOAA via WSI

Isaac approaching Louisiana Coastline today

85 mph? NHC forecasting a Category 1 hurricane at landfall tonight

6 to 12 feet - expected "storm surge" with Isaac

High tide? Isaac expected to come ashore at high tide tonight

Levees tested - This will be the 1st significant test of New Orleans levee system since Katrina in 2007

7 years since Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans on August 29, 2005


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Quebec student protesters resurface during election campaign


The Gazette

By Peter Rakobowchuk, The Canadian Press, August 22, 2012

Protesters opposing Quebec student tuition fee hikes demonstrate in

Montreal, Wednesday, August 22, 2012. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

MONTREAL - Student protests made a reappearance in the Quebec election Wednesday after having dropped off the radar in the campaign's first weeks.

Thousands of students marched in Montreal — just as they have on the 22nd of every month, for the last six months.


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~Space Weather Update~ Sun Remains Quiet


QUIET SUN: Except for some minor rumblings on the sun's northeastern limb, solar activity is very low. The sun's X-ray output has nearly flatlined and NOAA forcasters put the odds of a major flare today at less than 10%.


FAST-MOVING SUNSPOT: Today in the blue skies above Scarborough Marsh, Maine, a dark-winged shape flitted across the face of the sun. It was the International Space Station:



"The ISS cut across the sun, transiting the entire solar disk in only 7/10th of a second," says amateur astronomer John Stetson who photographed the passage with split-second timing. "In today's transit the ISS appeared to be 54 arc seconds in angular diameter." In other words, it subtended an angle about the same as the planet Jupiter. Because the ISS is so large, it is possible to see the details of its structure through backyard telescopes. Here's a telescope that works both during the day and at night.



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Choosing Perfection



Eternal Friends of Freedoms Love, Ahh, , We arrive at this precious point Together Standing in the Light, shoulder to shoulder ~ the pioneers of the entirely New Age of Spiritual Freedom for this little corner—this little button—of of the Universe that has been, up till now, on a long arduous journey of confusion and ___ , ___ ....

What is most vital for our happy Victory and Now Moment of knowing is that you-we come into the room or place of y-our Truth of what we do for the whole. That is: Choose ans Choose again and Choose again , The Perfection of Being. The Perfection of thinking, feeling, acting and re-acting ... As an individual of Unconditional Love;


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The Celestine Prophecy


GFP Note: If you've been attending our LOVE Parties, then you know that "The Celestine Prophecy" comes up from time to time. James Redfield wrote "The Celestine Prophecy" and it was published in 1993. The movie came out in 2006.
The following Insights come from Redfield's book. Actually, Insights 1 - 9 come from "The Celestine Prophecy" and the rest were published later. This material is from James Redfield's website (link below).

If you want to watch the movie, you can try this site: http://www.1channel.ch/.

I have not signed up there yet so I cannot share an opinion on whether or not it's a good idea.


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New wave of students protests in Canada


Published on Aug 23, 2012 by RTAmerica

There has been a new twist in student protests against tuition hikes in Quebec, Canada. Last spring, thousands of students took to the streets of Montreal demanding a change to the policy. Recently things got chaotic in Quebec, with police pepper-spraying the crowd and students flooding the streets. RT will keep you updated on the matter.

Source: YouTube.com


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CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA


Uploaded by theworld1122 on Sep 8, 2006

CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA

Source: YouTube.com


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Protesters march through Tampa on the eve of RNC


Published on Aug 27, 2012 by RTAmerica

A tropical storm forced the Republican National Convention to be postponed, but thousands of protesters didn't let a little rain stop them from rallying in Tampa, Florida Monday morning to voice their grievances against the GOP.
Demonstrators from across the country gathered in downtown Tampa early Monday , where they then marched around the city's streets chanting messages for the Republican Party.
GOP leaders will convene later this week at the convention, where they are expected to formally nominate Mitt Romney to challenge incumbent Barack Obama during November's presidential election.

Source: YouTube.com


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2MIN News August 28, 2012: Record Arctic Melt



Pubblicato in data 28/ago/2012 da Suspicious0bservers


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Connections to portal locations are being completed



Connections to portal locations are being completed



Connections to portal locations throughout Gaia are being completed for the 9-9-12 event. Such as those who are aligned with Gaia are being opened, in a sense, to receive and transmit the Higher Energies through, and into the planet.

Those selected for the 9-9-12 in a physical and possibly “traveling” sense, know exactly their role, although instructions come moment by moment. We convey to you that these Hue-people are to be honored and supported by the Higher Realms in all they need to do.

Preparation for the upcoming Grand Event are ongoing. The 9-9 is one step in the leading up to the 12-12 to 12-21 Ascension window. 9-9, 10-10, 11-11, 12-12, are exponential increases in Cosmic-consciousness and Cosmic-awareness.

This planet is that Being of Light spoken of in the so-named Holy Books. And she is progressing on schedule, into becoming fully the Light Being that she is.

Gaia is grateful for all participants at this time.


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Lucas – Class Of 2012 – Graduation Duality School



Lucas – Class Of 2012 – Graduation Duality School – 28 August 2012

It is not long anymore for all of you will return to their homes, their families and friends from a far or near. The time spent on this earth’s school of duality is in the finalizing phase. We see our different classes we took and timelines we saw and explored all coming together now. We have grown out of our roles played in this play.

The new exiting future is what we still are guessing at.  We also have to let go of our positive and negative experiences and leave them as a faint memories behind at our school.  We can go there if we want back with our class year books as all that knowledge is still for all available only it will not be hurting or be overly exciting you. It is past that is future but all Now.


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Children Of The Light


I have written a number of happy poems about Mother Earth and what is before us.

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Aisha North: The manuscript of survival – part 187



The manuscript of survival – part 187

 •August 28, 2012 •


Do not fret dear ones, as you have not been forgotten. We are well aware that for many of you, the time is passing excruciatingly slow, and you cannot face the thought of another day in this seemingly purgatorial condition. Rest assured that all is well, and even if you fell less than well by now, we are here to help you get through every up and down on this path. For even if it might not seem like it at the moment, there will be more ups than down in the time ahead, and we think you will all find more than one reason to hang in there, as they say. Not to be flippant about this, but you are in fact well seasoned travellers by now, and as such we think you deep down know that even if at a superficial level much seems devoid of meaning at the moment, we also know that if you go deep inside your own core, you will find the strength and certainty you feel to be lacking in all of your every day experiences.


In other words, we do not take your complaints to be unwarranted or unneccessary, but we would just like to remind you all of your true strength. It is there, ready to be tapped into, and when you do, you will find all of these aches, pains, discomforts and uncertainties to diminish considerably. They will not go away, but they will cease to be as noticeable as they mayhaps seem today.


So even if this might seem to be an uncalled-for advice at the moment, we urge you all not to give yourselves away to the cries from the less important parts of your being. You are so much more than the aches and pains in your physical body, or the insistent voice of worry gnawing in your mind. You are as solid as a rock, and as strong as the Universe, and we think you will all find a way to re-discover that for yourself in the next few days. And please, do not take this as any criticism. It is not, it is merely a reminder that you are made by far more solid stuff than what your seemingly frail physical body and your somewhat timid mind try to convince you.


Your spirit is already soaring, but your human parts, to call them that, are desperately trying to pull you back down again, and as such, this insistence on suffering and distress can be difficult to ignore. But you must try to listen past all of these blabbering voices of discontent, as they are only trying to hold you back from re-connecting with the real you. And yes, we do understand that this is a very, very difficult part of it all, because all of this discomfort and unease takes up a lot of space in your daily life. But still, it bears repeating that whenever you manage to go beyond this wall of disgruntlement, you will find the peace and ease you so hanker for. And then, you will be lifted closer to the level of the real you, where you strength becomes more apparent than your human weaknesses, and you will find the patience to persevere once again.


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Heavenletter #4295 Where Anger Comes From, August 28, 2012


Heavenletter #4295 Where Anger Comes From, August 28, 2012 

God said: 


It is good you have a heart. It is good when your heart is centered, when your heart is strong unto itself. It is good when you are content. You would like to be content all the time, and, yet, you sometimes find yourself discontent, perhaps angry, and, perhaps, in terms of the world, rightly so.

It is good to not let your anger run wild. At the same time, anger is a force that it is better to acknowledge than not to acknowledge. Repressing anger is not good for you. There is a cause for your anger, and it seems righteous to you. It may seem righteous to the whole world, and yet anger is anger, and anger repressed is like a pot of boiling water left simmering on the stove. The water is still hot. The water foments. You don't want to lash out in anger, and you don't want to push anger back as if it doesn't exist.


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Hungary set for row with EU over non-profit energy


BUDAPEST | Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:28am EDT

(Reuters) - Hungary expects heated debate with the European Union over government plans to transform energy distribution in the household sector into a "non-profit activity", Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Wednesday.

Orban's conservative government has often been at odds with Brussels over controversial policies such as Europe's highest bank levy or hefty windfall taxes on selected business sectors.

To read the rest of this story, visit Reuters.com.


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Oracle Report - Gibbous Moon Phase - Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius



Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Gibbous Moon Phase - Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius

Most days I discuss how we can be of service to others and to the planet, but today is about how we are of service to ourselves.  There is a tendency for people to dominate others, and we want to counter this by focusing only on what we need to do.  What do you  choose today?  Don't wait around for someone else to give their acceptance or approval.  Stand up and stand out for whatever you want.  This is an important part of the re-formation that is taking place this month because it is where we put our own desire or "stamp" on the process.  Light a candle and make some sort of statement about your intentions.  If you aren't someone who is good at putting yourself into the equation (meaning you tend to put others before yourself) you are going to need to put that aside today.  The only ways that will work today are ways where we are taking care of ourselves.


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Isaac near hurricane force off U.S. Gulf Coast


By Scott Malone and Kathy Finn, August 28, 2012

NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Isaac was near hurricane force as it bore down on the U.S. Gulf Coast on Tuesday and was expected to make landfall in the New Orleans area seven years after it was devastated by Hurricane Katrina.

Isaac's swirling winds and rain could pose a major test of New Orleans' new flood control systems and reinforced levees. Forecasts from the U.S. National Hurricane Center showed the storm barreling ashore late on Tuesday or early Wednesday near southeastern Louisiana.

To read the rest of this story, visit Reuters.com.



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TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2012 Lady Portia ~~Your happiness and your new world are ready to be made known to you ~




Lady Portia ~~Your happiness and your new world are ready to be made known to you ~~ 28/08/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont.

My dearest Hearts, I Am Lady Portia, and I want to elaborate in all earnesty about your Ascension process and your huge transformations that you are all undergoing presently. I wish to add that you are all most welcome in my Love energy of Light and of splendour. You are all much affected by my energies for they bring out the worst in you to get replaced by the best and most beautiful energies. You are all turned upside down and inside out in order to get the most out of you because all lower energies, and I really do mean all of them, have to be eliminated as they no longer serve you.

Harmonic Resonance by John McIntosh


Revealing The Light

You experience everything you give your attention to whether it is so called good or bad … to the extent of your belief and passion.
For most people this means most desires never come into their experience because they put very little passion into the desire and/or because they don’t believe it possible … for them.
In the 3D world of separation and limitation … the world most call reality … this concept has been referred to in recent years as The Law of Attraction. In previous times it was explained this way:
‘What you give your Attention to – Expands’
For most people the experiences they do have tend toward the ‘unwanted’ rather than the wanted. This is due to the extensive exposure the majority of humanity has to so called negativity.


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Benjamin Fulford 8-28-12~The financial and industrial purge that has begun in China


Benjamin Fulford 8-28-12…”The story of the kidnapped 13-year old princess; also, about the financial and industrial purge that has begun in China”

Posted on 2012/08/27

Commentary from Kauilapele's Blog This new article from Ben highlights the changes that are taking place in Asia, and gives much of the background behind what has been taking place in North Korea over the years. I found this a fascinating story.



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Suzanne Lie: Mytre and the Restoration Chamber


By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – August 26, 2012



Mytre Speaks:

When I first arrived on the Arcturian Starship after “accidentally” navigating my Scout Ship with my mind, our society in the Pleiades was at the same stage of Ascension as your Earthly society is now. However, when I arrived all I could do was tell the Arcturians that our planet was under attack. Shortly after, I was taken to the Restoration Chamber.


I would like to begin this message by telling you of my experience within the Chamber. As soon as I was in my chair and the door was closed, I was surrounded by total darkness. At first I was a bit disconcerted by the darkness, but slowly an inner light began to awaken within me. I had never had an experience of perceiving this light before. It seemed to be coming from the top of my head.



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New Orleans Awaits Hurricane Isaac


Thank You to Stephen Cook

Projected path of tropical storm Isaac

Isaac Bears Down on Gulf Coast as Hurricane Warning Issued

Tropical storm that left 19 dead in Haiti blew past the Florida Keys as it prepares to make landfall near New Orleans as hurricane

By Matt Williams in New York and Ingrid Norton in New Orleans,  The Guardian -  August 28, 2012




Tropical Storm Isaac continued on a path towards the US Gulf Coast on Monday, prompting fears that a strengthened hurricane could hit New Orleans on the seventh anniversary of Katrina.

Having soaked Florida over the weekend, the storm – which is already thought responsible for the deaths of 19 people in Haiti and two in the Dominican Republic – is expected to gather strength before making landfall on Wednesday.


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Flood of Information will Cause Mass Awakening When Media Control Ends


by Steve Beckow

Control of the mainstream media appears to persist. When control of the media is overcome, we can expect a flood of information that will result in a great mass awakening.


Jesus through John Smallman tells us that the media remains under the control of those whose interests lie in dominating us.


“[The] media is owned and controlled by those who would control you, and it is obviously not in their interests to inform you of what is truly occurring. Nevertheless, they no longer have a stranglehold on the dissemination of information, and the truth is coming out despite their best efforts to contain it.” (1)

SaLuSa tells us that “the media is aware of what is happening but hold back for fear of the consequences. That will change in short time, as we must have an informed public before we can consider open contact.” (2)


The Pleiadian High Council through Wes Annac tell us that the reasons for media suppression of the news are often invented out of thin air.


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Agartha, we are from the inner Planet and of your Heart


August 28, 2012

We send our message through Patrick as always to let those on the surface know that we are working together with those that are in the space of our Gaia and also with the formless ones that carry the direct messages from I Am. We have been tasked to originate your beings to your next awakening, the next and higher dimension that those here occupy. The word occupy has meaning in the 3rd D as it is a movement away from oppression to expression. The Occupy movement is ongoing but the owners of the mainstream of your media have not been allowed to cover the actions of these individuals. Your CNN and other news sources, those complicit with the 9/11 cover up are still under control.



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~ Update Ascension Pioneers~ An ending or a beginning: Are You in flow?


Dear Ascension Pioneers!

The Summer is slowly coming to an end and we are entering a new cycle - that of the Fall, which is a time of the harvest season when we are reaping what we have sown. We are merely a few months away from our planet entering the Galactic equator. This is when we move into a next phase on a planetary level and that is why we also feel these changes on a very personal level. There are major changes in our Galaxy that are coming from the Galactic center and that is why there are also shifts in our own lives, as we are shifting from mental to feeling and residing in the Heart space - that of our Being. Everything in our life is now aligning to this frequency of the New.

So in these times of quiet introspection when the energies are more peaceful, do You already feel new guidance coming in? Are You already receiving new ideas about your Divine purpose? Are You willing to truly go out of your comfort zone and start something new? I feel this is exactly what we are all in for!

May You utterly enjoy discovering your Self and sharing your Light in new ways!

Within Divine Love, Polona


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Visionkeeper ~ Awaiting Departure ~ 28 August 2012


(picture www.favim.com)


The boat is anchored at the shoreline as the sun begins to set. It will wait there until we are able to board and sail off towards the new world. The time is growing near, we can feel the pulse of humanity quickening at the thought of freedom at last! It is close, it has been a long time coming! Have we done our homework needed to purchase our boarding passes? We were told we must leave our ego and judgment and hatred at the gate before proceeding through. Have we been successful at discarding these unnecessary emotions that do nothing but hold us back from being who we truly are? These emotions were our learning tools that showed us what life was like when we engaged in this way of thinking. It is hoped that we have come to our senses and can now see the destructive nature of these emotions. We are being asked to find the strength now to abandon these emotions and instead embrace love and gratitude.



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LIsa Gawlas~The Body Pains, The Life Pause, The Ascension Within!



To keep in the exciting and giggly theme of Sundays sharing, a friend and I went to take in the movie Magic Mike, a movie about male strippers recommended by a lovely soul in my morning meditation class!  The 20-30 year old within was front and center thru the whole movie, smiling so big, bringing up so many memories of going to male reviews.  My friend had also told me that Southern California was going thru a massive sworm of earthquakes.  I suppose it was the earthquakes I took to sleep within me instead of the beautiful Matthew McConaughey (dammit) because I woke up a dream experience that stayed with me all morning.


In my dream I was staying over at someones house and I was getting a morning coffee in their kitchen when I seen this interesting black flat square box/speaker thing on the counter and a male voice came out and said another earthquake is happening and they are ordering an evacuation.  I stood there near the coffee pot feeling the floor beneath my feet… waiting for the floor to shake. An older man came into the kitchen to get a coffee and I asked him about the box/speaker and why am I not feeling anything shake?  Seems I was not meant for the answer because I woke up before he could answer.



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