~ Old Energy is leaving....... One way or the other

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings we have alot going on at the Moment!!! We have Full Moon Energies, portal openings, hurricanes across the Planet and everyone trying to figure out whats going on!! Well, love is defiantly on the move and the energy is spiraling across the Planet. Its out with the old and this energy is almost demading change. We will see what unfolds... will be exciting for Sure! October Surprise has occurred! Love The Earth Allies

Understanding the Esoterica Meaning of the Full Moon of the Hunter ~




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Suzanne Lie ~ Gaia Needs Us ~ 29 October 2012



Dear 5D Leaders,

We are being called on NOW to assist our friends and family in the path of Hurricane Sandy. There has already been vast damage, and the Hurricane has not even made landfall.
In two or three hours, Sandy will make landfall and raise havoc for two more days.

We are NOW called to remember how we all met in the Core of Gaia. This time, we will send our light form the Core of Gaia up into the Areas of Gaia’s land where the Hurricane is striking.
Time is an illusion, so we do not need to synchronize a specific time. All we need DO, is recall our Unity Consciousness and send our Unconditional Love to those areas.

Unconditional Love is the Healing Force of the Universe.
If we all do the same exercise within our own time frame, we will send a wave of healing love.
Therefore, Send Hurricane Sandy UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

Go into Gaia’s Core and send love from the there.

Go into the Gaia’s atmosphere and send love from there.


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Report of My Fifth Week of Initiations for Rites of Passage -- October


Report of My Fifth Week of Initiations for Rites of Passage -- October 21, 2012– October 27, 2012
By Pamela
I don't have to ask what my rewards are. I'm experiencing them.

Sunday – October 21, 2012

I feel like I’ve awakened from decades of hibernation to find that my absence has been perceived as neglect. I am reaping a great deal of Karma which I am transmuting. It feels awful. Today is one of those days in which my main priority is calling on the violet flame. I feel like I’m in a wobble, trying to find my center as I wait for things to level off, although, that feels a long way away. Also, I’m calling to see the Divine Perfection, Goodwill and Alignment in all things. This is a tremendous help. I know that things are going to level off. I can feel it. I just have to wait until the energy clears.


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Alert: 30ft Storm Surge/Boston


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Sekhmet's Crystal Exercise of Gratitude Ashtar On The Road Teleconference


Sekhmet's Crystal Exercise of Gratitude
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference
October 23, 2012

(Sekhmet danced to Joy to the World*, which played before she began speaking.)


"Love to the World - that's what's inside the gifts, and thank you! You've heard of giving someone who is about to be taking a trip somewhere, what you call a 'bonvoyagie' present. Well that's what we're going to be creating here. And I wanted to come in on a high vibe note, because we're going to get real serious. This is serious business that we're doing, but we also want to emphasize and illustrate that it's time to celebrate. Even as you see, or hear, some very serious news, celebrate: 'Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!'



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CBS Live Update on Hurricane Sandy - 10/29/12


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Planet Alert November 2012~ Mahala Gayle


 Mahala, on October 28th, 2012


Welcome to the full moon of Halloween. This full moon happens two days before Halloween on October 29, 2012 at 12:49 PM PDT. Halloween is the celebration of Spider Woman, the Hopi Creator Goddess. This is why there are spiders associated with this celebration. Have you noticed how popular this holiday has become? Could this have anything to do with the Goddess (love) energy that has been coming in very strong lately?

There is also a very strong storm on its way to the East Coast of America right now. The forecasters say it will be a storm of the century. It is scheduled to hit the East Coast on Monday morning October 29th. Meteorologists expect high winds, heavy rain, extreme tides and maybe snow to the west beginning early Sunday, peaking with the arrival of Hurricane Sandy on Monday and lingering past Halloween on Wednesday.


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Indian in the Machine~ The Old is being washed away


Indian in the machine


My dear readers… life is changing as we know it… on all coasts… on all levels…  be present for this experience, for we only come this way, but once… make each moment count… be in meditation for messages of spirit to come through… and you will always be in the knowing… the old is now being washed away… the new is now birthing… be curious in the new energies…


Breathe in the Stars

… we are here now… our hearts now beat as one… living our soul songs… breathing in the stars… exhaling out our love…

New Indian in the machine free downloads… spirit music… native flute… created by a galactic messenger from the stars…



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The Causes of Spiritual Illness


From Waking Times

As we pass through life on the physical plane, things happen. We contract flus and colds and viruses, and we sustain physical injuries, like falling off our bikes as children or experiencing sports injuries. As adults, we may throw our back out or experience a serious car accident, in the process, acquiring bruises, cuts, sprains, infections, lacerations, and sometimes broken bones.

Some of us may also experience serious illnesses of an internal nature like cancer or hepatitis, heart disease or multiple sclerosis. Eventually we pass through old age and the progressive infirmity and death of the physical body. These are the givens–they are all to be expected as part of what it means to be an embodied, living being. But these are all effects, and what the shaman is primarily interested in is the cause.


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In 5D News~ Spiritualizing the Planet



Spiritualizing the Planet | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database

As we ascend, we gain consciousness of the more subtle aspects of our being and begin to connect with all that is.

We are one with the cosmos whether we realize it or not. Realizing it, though, quickens our spiritual energy and allows us access to higher realms. In those higher realms lies the awareness that we are more than just finite physical beings living one life in one place at one point in time. Connecting with this awareness is to awaken to the truth and take a step forward, and upward, on our soul’s journey. This upward movement is known as ascension because the more we remember who we are and embody that truth, the higher our energy Spiritualizing the Planet | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Databasevibrates; we ascend up the scale from the gross physical plane to the subtle spiritual plane. As we ascend, we gain consciousness of the more subtle aspects of our being, with the ultimate outcome being a complete identification with the light body, an experience of unification with the cosmos.


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What if you knew you were Living the Divine Plan?



~What if you knew in every cell of your body, that you were living a Divine Plan…A Plan so important, and vital for the evolution of humankind. What if you knew that everything that was happening right now, that doesn’t fit your ego ideal, is happening to support you in stepping out of the smallness of your darkest thoughts…And into the brilliance of your biggest Dream~ ~ Debbie Ford (~The Shadow Effect~)





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To Hell in a Hand Basket or Heaven in a Rowboat?


Does it matter to you? Do you care? Or do you wish to “ignore it?”

If you could assist in a major way at no charge to you, would you? To "ignore it" or being “ignor’ant” of something doesn’t make it go away.


The storms of all natures are incoming and will proceed as necessary for disposal and clearing purposes. They are not set in stone and can be altered, but that’s not in the status quo, is it? The more emphasis that the masses, which is just the wider version of you, me and all of us in this basket, (see the hundred monkey theory) place on “To hell in a hand basket”  rather than “Heaven in a Rowboat” how bad it is, and “it comes in threes” and “could it get any worse than this,” is the kind of thinking that got us all where we are to date. 


Heres a key for you. When you change you, you change your relationships, which changes the entire status quo of everything on your planet and beyond.


All you have to do to help with the fix is think. It cost nothing, it takes no energy or effort and it produces clean energy if the thoughts are clean. Allow me to elaborate.


Not only does it not require effort, but effort in thought will interfere with it’s implementation and potential manifestation. Thought doesn’t require energy, but attracts it, and directs it for use in forming or moulding that nature of it’s contents. “As a man thinketh in his hear so is he.” It’s so simple, maybe not easy, but simple. It does take repetition. Every time you catch your self thinking, speaking, acting or even feeling the “hell in the hand basket” scenario, stop right on the spot and replace it.



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A Note on Hurricane Sandy: Don’t Worry!


I’d like to make a note on the current hurricane Sandy, because there’s been a lot of buzz on it and different sources have been saying different things. The idea of weather manipulation will almost always come into play when it comes to powerful weather of this sort, and I can feel that the intensity of hurricane Sandy is catalytically initiating yet another planetary balancing and cleansing, as has been suggested.


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Hurricane Sandy Exploding Transformers and Causing Fires in NY and NJ - Oct. 29, 2012


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Thanks Mr. President


Thank you Mr. President for leading me here to my Galactic Family. Someone in the Galactic Federation  posted a post about Barack and Michelle Obama being Akhenaten and Nefertiti.  Little did I know that He was leading me Home. Just like right now, He is being what He was born to be, a Leader of the people. I just loved it when asked about the election and He said He was concerned for the people and not the election. He knows what is required of Him. He has a Heart (Ab - heart with consciousness of Light) not just a heart.

Love Nageeta




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Reiki for Hurricane Sandy: what I see

Wow! I thought you might like to hear about the healing that I just sent to the geographic area of Hurricane Sandy. It looked like a giant white snowball. Kind of dirty snow. Then I saw a large vortex the width of the area, going from the clouds deep into the earth. There was something to do with three D and five D and the transition, as if both dimensions were superimposed and being tacked down. It drew in much Reiki, but I 'get' that the heart center and psychic opening of the masses is going to result from this storm. As I watched, and gave Karuna Reiki, a bright yellow light shone up from the bottom of the vortex. It expanded to fill the vortex, with a single lime-green line down the core, or center line of the cylinder. It then transformed to a snowball that was like the sun, glowing and emitting golden yellow Light, the same size and shape as before, but now as clear, crisp, clean yellow. I also sent the transition symbol to aid anyone left whose time it is to pass on, due to their Life Contract, as a function of this cataclysmic event called Sandy. Best wishes, Love and Light! Know you are protected, and much Good is going to emerge from all this. Namaste, Reiki Doc www.reikidoc.blogspot.com Facebook as Doctors With Reiki Twitter as @usui2102

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Cosmic Ride: Simple Theory Supreme Creator


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Cosmic Ride: Simple Theory Supreme Creator 2


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Approaching the Wormhole to the End of Time (A Channeled Message From You, To You)


If the universe has led you here and you find yourself reading this entry, please continue until the end. It goes many different directions and will require a complete read to be understood fully. Besides, you don't want to be a quitter, do you? ;-)

Among the hundreds of entries I've written in my past three years of awakening, I want to share this one with you because I think it summarizes near perfectly what each of us is thinking and feeling. Our Collective Experience is coming together in such a beautiful and remarkable way that it both surprises and amazes me. Clearly we are all, indeed, experiencing the exact same thing, just in our own unique ways.

As we transition into a new dimension of consciousness, we are dealing with a new understanding of nearly everything, and it seems to me the most important of these is our concept of time and, therefore, the nature of what is possible.

It has been revealed to me that in the Eternal unfolding moment we have a profound power in our decision between Love and Fear. Despite what we have been trained to think and believe by our society, our government, our religion, even our family and friends, despite all that we've experienced in the entirety of human history, I now know - as do you - that we have nothing less than all the power in the Universe. And this is to say, that we all have the Power of God.

But knowing we have this power and choosing to use this power are two very different things, especially when it comes not only to awakening ourselves, but choosing to awaken others. Thus as we embark on the journey to end all journeys and as we leave this dimension of consciousness for the next, allow me to share with you the following entry. I hope it reminds you, as it does me, that the Power of God and of Love never "has" been ours, it never "will be" ours, it is only and utterly Ours Now.


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The Gift of Music—Heal The World...Say Something For Goodness Sake!


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The Science of Happiness



Hello Friends,


Let me share The Most Comprehensive study about Human Body, Mind and Consciousness ever that will help you to embrace Life in its Fullness and unleash your Unlimited Potential.


A movie you will love to watch again and again and show it to all your near and dear ones and make a difference in their lives. Happy watching.


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Laura Bruno ~ How To Utilize The October 2012 Full Moon, Hurricane Sandy And Mercury Retrograde


 ~ 29October2012


Laura Bruno

Just a heads up and reminder: energy is energy, and you can influence its direction. If you have any situations or relationships that have long outworn their usefulness, you can do yourself and the East Coast a favor by siphoning off some of Hurricane Sandy’s energy and using it to clear out what no longer serves in your own life.

The massive influx of energies on the East Coast right now could use a little buffering. I’ve posted before that attempting to tone down something expansive presents a much larger challenge than focusing on what you do want. Spending too much focus on Sandy will only increase her force. If you do want a clearing, then you can work with the power of this storm to wash away whatever stands in your way.


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angel and the sun




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NY Area: Sandy Barrels Toward Jersey Shore


Weather.com - AP, 10/29/12

Long Island, N.Y.

Sandbags and tape block the entrance to the PATH train station in Hoboken, N.J., where officials have shut down train service in preparation for the arrival of Hurricane Sandy, Monday, Oct. 29.

Forecasters now expect Hurricane Sandy to come ashore in southern New Jersey by early Monday evening.

The National Weather Service says the center of the storm will make landfall with sustained wind speeds around 90 mph and gusts even higher than that.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Saint Germain and Archangel Zadkiel ~~ The Mastery of the violet ray stands ready, make yourself prepared now ~~ Channeled by Mé




Greetings, precious ones, we are Archangel Zadkiël and Saint Germain of the Violet Ray. We are at your service today to transmit a message in the here and now.


Allow me, Saint Germain, to begin firstly with this message of Love for all  of you. Once again, I greet you most cordially because I love you all from the bottom of my heart. Being the Master of the Violet Ray I want to elaborate further as to our magnificent and powerful colour of being. It is the perfection of purity and power which we represent in our true being. The Ray of the Violet colour is one of the most powerful forces which is at your disposal here on Earth and into Infinity! We replenish where necessary and convert the most dire dangers and impurities into the most natural and wonderful perfections.


Our Violet Ray is at your disposal so use it as you see fit and as much as you want for it is yours too! We stand here now as Masters and rulers of this Ray to transmit this beautiful Violet Ray throughout the whole world on which you dwell, because the perfection of being is what’s now in store for you. This Violet Ray is capable of providing to you the most overwhelming ideas and than to transmit them into the genuine reality, the peaceful society which is reflecting its astonishing purity before your sparkling eyes of Light.



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Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 7 - Conscious Evolution




What are those deep dark secrets that we keep to ourselves?  Are they the soundings of some distant past trying to break through to a new reality?  The voice of reason perhaps, wanting to cut across the chatter that is our brain feverishly at work?  Or, is it something else altogether, so remote and bizarre that we can’t even fathom it with the best of detailed roadmaps?


     Is this our heritage knocking at the door?  Is it a source of pride perhaps, or a bit of whimsy?  All these possibilities exist in one form or another.  They are real to those who attend to them.  But to us who are waking up to something meaningful and deep, is it not possible that the Creator is knocking at the door and we are about to receive a very important message?


     “Remember when I sent you here. Remember our agreement.  I provide the resources and you provide the commitment.  We work together to elevate your life to a new plateau, so that others can see what is possible.”



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What a grand few days I have had. Three 12 hour shifts, back to back, in the psych ward. The first two nights were sainted. Gentle, sweet, quiet, loving and sainted. Patients and staff being kind and gentle to each other and to themselves. How blessed.


And then the third shift, among very cold and mean staff, unpleasant and closed and petty and resistant. By the third shift, my endurance was lower, and it was easier to sink into the sad, lower frequency agreement fields.


Through it all I have been sleeping very deeply, and being given sweet dreams. I was visited by a symbol of on old, great love, and now know that my relationship is on its way. The symbol sat there smiling, so still and so loving, and asked, “So, how do you feel?” I said without thinking of consequence, “I love you,” those words symbolizing my willingness to move forward without fear, within the unified field of interconnectedness, to give and receive love and bliss in the now.


This morning I was greeted by old friends. I stumbled upon the “official video” for the wayshowers, and WOW did the gongs get gonged. Wow, I have watched it several times now. Wow. My tribe.


And then, I stumbled onto Bashar.



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Baby Elephant Rescued In Kenya With Rope And A Land Rover (VIDEO)


Huff Post - AP/JASON STRAZIUSO, 10/18/12

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — How do you pull a baby elephant out of a deep, muddy hole? A rope and a Land Rover. Then the payoff: A frantic baby elephant sprint to mom.

A heartwarming video of the rescue of a baby elephant in a Kenyan national park that lies in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro gained a mass of viewers on Thursday. The video shows the rescuers' potentially dangerous faceoff with the mother elephant and their struggle to get her calf out of a 5-foot (1.5-meter) hole.

To read the rest of this story, visit HuffingtonPost.com.


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Europe’s Top Health Official Quits, and the Bloc Has a Mystery on Its Hands


The New York Times - James Kanter, 10/24/12

Thierry Charlier/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
John Dalli, at a news conference on Wednesday, said he had been forced to resign.

BRUSSELS — The top health official for the European Union suddenly resigns. His plans to place marketing curbs on tobacco companies are put aside. The offices of antitobacco groups are burglarized. There is talk of cash payments of tens of millions of dollars by Big Tobacco.

The swirl of rumors here around events inevitably called “Tobaccogate” has a noirish tone that is unfamiliar in Brussels, the European Union capital better known for turgid debates about fish quotas. And much still remains mysterious and tangled in unproven accusations.


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Spain police protest austerity measures in Madrid


Press TV - 10/27/12

Hundreds of Spanish police officers have taken to the streets to protest against harsh austerity measures imposed by the government.

File photo showing Spaniards protesting against austerity measures.

File photo showing Spaniards protesting against austerity measures.

Protesters held the Saturday demonstration outside the Interior Ministry in the capital Madrid to express their discontent with the budget cuts and removal of benefits.

"We came to express our anger at the way the government treats us, not only because they have removed Christmas bonuses, but also because they are eliminating our rights," said Fran Estacio, a 33-year-old officer from Spain’s eastern city of Valencia.

Protesters were carrying banners that read, “Police officers can no longer take it.”


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Blue StarShip/UFO Report - October 29, 2012


“NASA Mission Apollo 16. Photo On Approach To The Moon. Apollo 16 mission was composed of astronauts Ken Mattingly, Charlie Duke and John W. Young, who made the video. On the film can be observed a dish like unidentified flying object while Apollo 16 approaches to the moon.”
Source: UFOCasebook.com








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Anti-austerity protesters urge Spain government to resign in Madrid rally


The Raw Story - Agence Presse-France, 10/27/12

Spain protest 072112 via afp

Thousands of anti-austerity demonstrators marched in the Spanish capital Saturday calling for the conservative government to resign because of its severe budget cuts.

“They don’t represent us”, “More education fewer police”, demonstrators shouted as dozens of police vehicles followed the march to near the parliament building which was cordoned off.

To read the rest of this story, visit RawStory.com.


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Northeast Awakes to Huge Damage in Storm’s Path; Millions Without Power


The New York Times - 10/30/12


A port facility in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, went up in flames.

As Hurricane Sandy churned inland as a downgraded storm, residents up and down the battered mid-Atlantic region woke on Tuesday to lingering waters, darkened homes and the daunting task of cleaning up from once-in-a-generation storm surges and their devastating effects.


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Superstorm Sandy: Status and Impact Maps


Weather.com - 10/30/12

Rainfall Forecast

Superstorm Sandy may no longer officially be a "hurricane", but its fearsome size and unusual intensity have locked in the impacts that we feared days ago.

Sandy made landfall around 8 p.m. ET Monday near Atlantic City, N.J. as a "post-tropical cyclone" with a minimum central pressure of 946 mb, or 27.94 inches of mercury.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com


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By Maya White | Maya White Astrology TAURUS FULL MOON



Monday the 29th we welcome a Full Moon in the sign of Taurus.
(Read your November horoscope HERE)

Taurus is noted as a fertile earth sign. Although sometimes stubborn, the secret to Taurus is that there is great staying power – but like a long, heavy freight train, Taurus just has to get into motion. Once moving, it likes to keep going.

On Sunday the 28th, Venus takes leave of refined Virgo and moves into her luxurious home of Libra. In Libra, Venus relishes fine clothing, rich fabrics, and only the best will do. If you have been planning a wardrobe upgrade, the next 25 days will be your best time of the year to find just the perfect items.

Venus in Libra, combined with a Taurus Full moon says – shop till you drop. Oh, you may have a tendency to overspend, but – look for long lasting and high quality purchases. Jupiter is even retrograde now, so, if you are careful, you can hold onto your finances while fulfilling your desires.

Many have been wondering about Saturn having recently moved into Scorpio. As an intense water sign, Scorpio and Saturn can have a tendency to mix like water and oil. This becomes a problem when you try to sidestep the lessons coming your way.


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Visionkeeper ~ Sandy…Updates (29 Oct.2012) ~ 30 October 2012



The storm has begun to hit. It comes in waves of wind and rain, then nothing, then more bands of wind and rain. As I look down the valley over the far distant mountain range I can see the storm layers move towards me. One minute it is clear, the next thick dark cloud layers are moving up the valley towards me. The wind seems to be getting pretty steady now, but the rain is inconsistent for now. As darkness sets in the storm will increase. It will be a long night. The winds will be much stronger up here near the mountain top. It’s amazing how far reaching they have made this storm. North to south and east to west, few are being spared this side of the Mississippi. My dishes are washed, my bathtub filled with water, a long lasting casserole is cooked and now it is time for a stiff drink and a hot shower before the fireworks begin. Stay safe everyone! More later as things progress….VK

5:06 P.M. update….Before and afters of the storm bands that I described….


Now after as the next storm band engulfs the valley…It is now raining heavily and the wind is now starting to howl….


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Latest Earthquake Activity - October 30, 2012


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.


10-degree map showing recent earthquakes


All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


October 30





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Volcanic activity world-wide 29 October 2012



Source: Volcano Discovery - by T, 10/29/12

Map of Kilauea volcano on Hawai'i



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Heavenletter #4358 Beyond Borders, October 30, 2012


Heavenletter #4358 Beyond Borders, October 30, 2012 

God said: 


Vastness is greater than the sky and the ocean combined. Vastness is infinite. It is greater than any Wholeness you can imagine. Vastness is way beyond borders. There is even no horizon to it that you are unable to see beyond. O Vastness, it is glory, and, yet, it is beyond glory. Vastness is vaster than vast. All of Earth is but a dot in the field of Vastness, yet no dot is possible within Vastness.

We cannot even say that Vastness is huge. The word huge implies a circumference. There is no circumference to Vastness. There is no enclosure.


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Visionkeeper ~ Keep Holding The Light – 30 October 2012



Good Morning to all. I just wanted to check in quickly to say all is well. The wind gusts shook the house violently last night and the rain poured down but everything is still in one piece. I will not be posting today. Not only am I brain-dead at this point, but I am trying hard to quell the anger within over what has been done again to innocent people. The hype continues on TV and it frankly makes me want to scream. So I will stay silent today before I get myself in trouble. It is getting more and more difficult to be awake and see so many still asleep and accepting all they are being told. Nothing is as it seems. So I send prayers out to all those who lost family and homes and I pray all these lies come to an end very soon. Hold the light!   VK

www.oneworldrising.wordpress.com link to original article


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LIsa Gawlas~Trans~Form~ation Underway AS We Remain In Holding Pool Thru Tomorrow.




I so feel like I woke up (really late) with scrambled eggs for brains.  So I am going to keep this sharing short but sweet, but there are some elements of yesterdays connections that I do want to share with everyone.  They feel too important not to share.

My first lady of the day, one the of the bravest souls I know, just moved from Utah to N.E. PA the evening before.  Surely, a Lighthouse to the rescue!!  When I connected to her I was so surprised at the lack of details, actually zero details at the ground level.  It was more like a mass of energy without form, without distinction.  There wasn’t even that now familiar dividing line between October’s energies and November’s energy’s…. there was nothing.  At least until I shifted my eyes above the ground.  There was the most beautiful swirling (counter-clockwise) energy field of multi-colored energy.  Reminded me of the face of the sun I had seen last week… but now it was parallel to her head (if she had one that I could see.)   I knew there was a massive opening underway… but could not see or receive a single detail beyond that image.

My second reading was more like a static charge of energy… not visuals at all… just intense energy flinging itself all over the place.  It was actually quite wonderful.


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Sophia Love ~ Distorted Mirrors ~ 30 October 2012


PictureIt is our fifth day on this October Quest.  Your image of yourself is distorted, along with your image of everyone else.  There are a few among us who see clearly – they are the avatars, prophets, holy ones and regular folks.  They will emit mostly peace and with them you’ll feel only serenity.  In their eyes will be love.

They can be found behind cash registers, in shoe stores, in temples and on the street.  It is not their title, moniker or clothing that identifies them – it is their essence.  They embody agape and when you are held within their gaze, that is all you feel.

This is your destiny – the ending place that becomes your beginning.  With open love filled eyes your life looks radically altered.  You behold yourself in the morning mirror and grin – today begins another adventure!  Where will love lead you?  It is the path your heart lays out for you that becomes the Quest for Agape.  Regardless of occupation, you are working for only one thing, heading towards one truth.  All paths take us home.

You and I are consciousness, expressed in physical form.  The efforts of the Cabal to convince us otherwise have not worked – we have woken up.  We are conscious now.  We know who we are.


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10/30/2012 -- Severe Weather Overview -- Hurricane Sandy -- Possible Tornadoes


Uploaded on 30 October 2012 by dutchsinse

(UPDATE 350am CDT 10/30/2012): Snow developing in Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia… Possible tornadoes detected in West New York , Buffalo NY , also near Portland Maine, as seen in the video.

Storm continues on a path West by Northwest — will hopefully make the turn East Northeast in the next 12 hour period.

Video recorded at 1230am CDT 10/30/2012 — youtube down for maintenance — unable to upload until now (345am CDT)
Hurricane Sandy has finally come ashore.

Between New York City and Washington DC — the storm has now passed into Pennsylvania .. the long arms of the storm are reaching as far west (currently 1230am CDT oct. 30, 2012) as the states of Michigan, and Indiana.

Covering OH, PA, NY, NH, VT, ME, CT, MA, VA, MD, Washington DC, RI, NC, TN, KY, MI, IN, ME, NJ …. the storm will continue to head West by Northwest — should make a turn East Northeast somewhere around the border of OH / PA.

Watch the areas of south east Canada.. from Thunder Bay, east to Toronto… Damaging winds, strong cell thunderstorms, possible tornadoes, and even some localized heavy snowfall might come with the arms of this storm.

Areas as far west as Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, might also need to watch for parts of this storm to reach out towards the midwest.

use the links here to monitor severe weather nationally, and internationally:




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The Oracle Report ~ 30October2012 Full Moon Phase ~ Moon in Taurus



Oracle Report


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The beginning of everything is within yourselves. ~by Ron Head



As you can easily see, the events that are now happening on all sides of you could easily shake you from your centered determination.  We congratulate all of you.  If you are reading this, either you have not been affected, or you know well how to recover your calm and center yourselves.

Your personal process of change continues, regardless of all the outward commotion.  Unknown to many of you still, there is great progress being made in many places upon your world.  It is unfortunate that your communications media still reports only sensational and negative events, but that situation will not last much longer.  What they will soon assume are negative events, you will in fact recognize as being very positive.  Remember to view the events and not the fear filled interpretations imposed upon them.

There are only less than two months left in this very important year.  The definite increase in the energies of your world has already begun.  We know that many of you are able to sense this yourselves, but it is still so faint and gradual that you sometimes find yourselves in doubt.  Each day now, this will increase, and it will build upon itself.  There will soon be no reason for doubt whatsoever.


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The Entirely New , Cosmic Reality



The Miracle of Unity Reality


Family of miracle Love,

Together Standing in the Light is our only stance.

We who have chosen Peace shall not be moved.

With these two Truths ablaze upon our breath,

we remember.



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I have the news on right now. I have been checking in since the storm got interesting. I watched the fireball that was a ConEd sub-station, I have scanned the pictures of Manhattan streets flooded, structures ablaze, the stories of stranded tourists, and Chris Christie actually MAKING A MAYOR WRONG FOR OFFERING SHELTER TO HIS CITIZENS.






It's happening.


How many times have you had a crisp, shocked, thrilling sensation accompanied by the words, “It's about to happen!”



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Powerful storm kills at least 30 in Philippines, Vietnam


CNN - 10/29/12, Jethro Mullen


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Tropical storm Son-Tinh hits Chinese mainland


Xinhuanet.com - 10/30/12

BEIJING, Oct. 30 (Xinhuanet) -- Tropical storm Son-Tinh has made landfall in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region after sweeping across Hainan Island. Local authorities in Guangxi have recalled shipping and reinforced port facilities. Some flights have also been cancelled or delayed.

To read the rest of this story, visit Xinhuanet.com.


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7.7 magnitude B.C. quake sends tremors rippling across U.S.


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 10/29/12


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Heart Song October 30th 2012


The Heart Song playing in my heart today is WE ARE THE WORD by Michael Jackson.


There comes a time when we heed a certain call ,


There are people dying and its time to lend a hand to life,

the greatest gift of all.

Love Nageeta


Video Created By MOMT


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Have you ever wondered what 2012 is really about? Are we alone in the universe? Is the Earth Hollow? Why is Area 51 restricted from the public?  What goes on there, and what was Colonel Woodard’s job several floors below the surface of Area 51?   What will happen Dec.21?  Have you heard of the new money exchange and prosperity funds? Do you ever wonder how life will be in the new dimensions?  



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Lake Geneva 'may face tsunami risk'


The Telegraph - 10/28/12

A million people living on the shores of Lake Geneva could be at risk from devastating tsunamis, scientists have warned.

Win a short break by Lake Geneva

In the sixth century a tsunami triggered by a rockfall on the lake sent a 26ft wave crashing over Geneva's city walls. 
Photo: 4Corners Images


In the sixth century a tsunami triggered by a rockfall on the lake destroyed several villages, sent a 26ft wave crashing over Geneva's city walls, and caused many casualties.

Experts investigating the event said a similar disaster could easily happen again, and Geneva with its 200,000 inhabitants was especially vulnerable.


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B.C. shaken by aftershock following powerful earthquake


The Star - 10/28/12

 Visitors and Oahu residents watch the ocean water surge in and out of the Ala Wai Harbor carrying various debris during a tsunami Saturday in Honolulu, Hawaii. Eugene Tanner/AP

VANCOUVER—The second largest earthquake in Canadian history was still rattling nerves Sunday, with aftershocks off the northern coast of British Columbia.

On Saturday night, a massive 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit about 30 kilometres north of Sandspit, B.C., in the Haida Gwaii islands shortly after 8 p.m. local time, sending tremors north through the island chain and south as far as Metro Vancouver.


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The Morning Blessing 10.30.12



The Morning Blessing


Hello on this grand day of Alchemical Celebration! In our country tomorrow night millions of children will dress up in costumes and head out to receive a bounty of goodies from all the neighboring houses. If you tune in, you can feel the excitement. And in the grown-up world we play with many concepts today ... we may be attending costume parties ourselves, terrorizing ourselves, or simply communing with the magical forces of the universe. For those of you who do not have plans I invite you to go trick or treating with me in the cosmos.


While it's been an intense month, today is a day to be light, be full of laughter, be hauntingly joyous! Parade around with the kids this weekend. Skip down the hallways at work. Sing in the elevator. Pretend you're dancing with the great Sorcerer himself, Mickey Mouse, as the music from Fantasia blears in the background. Lightening the load today and playing is the remedy for all the energies that have marched through this October.


Whenever there is a continual universal task of transfiguration and healing (code for Ascension) it is important to make time and be praiseworthy for what we have received from those experiences. In other words, we must cultivate gratitude for all that has collapsed, been released, or felt disastrous. It is in the profound act of looking for God's grace and being thankful that we are able to overcome negativity and weakness. I realize that may sound strange but it's true. If we are seeking God's goodness then we must start with seeing where it is in each day.


And if we are unable to find Spirit's goodness and remain in a funk then we must begin the practice of intentionally smiling. By becoming what we are seeking we assure the appearance of it in our own worlds. If we constantly focus and reflect the confusion, chaos, and negativity of these shifting times then that is what is going to be predominant in our world, right? Smiles are the first step to a life of upliftment and a balanced mental, emotional, and physical state of health. Smiles also literally hold the power of happiness by raising the levels of serotonin and releasing endorphins (happiness hormones) so give it a try.


Finding deep appreciation for whatever life brings creates "the delicate balance" that we all are constantly searching for. Use the mystery and ceremony of this day to see your life from a different perception; as a Treat instead of a universal cosmic trick to get more Light on planet Earth.


I can just hear all our unserving negativities screaming, "I'm melting. I'mmm mmeelltting!"




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Tjörnes Fracture Zone volcano (North of Iceland): seismic swarm continues with no end in sight


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 10/30/12

October 30, 2012 – ICELAND – The earthquake swarm in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone north off Iceland continues into its 10th day. After a decline in intensity during 25-28 Oct, the frequency of quakes has again picked up. There are often more than 100 quakes a day including some above magnitude 3. The Icelandic Met Office maintains a warning for a possible larger quake in the area. –Volcano Discovery


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Poás Volcano erupts in Costa Rica


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 10/29/12

October 29, 2012 – COSTA RICA - The Poas Volcano early Sunday awoke residents of the province of Alajuela with a strong rumble. At about 1 a.m., the volcano’s crater ejected mud and ash more than 500 meters into the air. Ashes traveled hundreds of meters around the national park, rangers reported.


Although the volcano is frequently active, this kind of strong explosion has not been recorded since 2006. Experts said the activity was normal, but they will continue monitoring the volcano. Poás Volcano National Park will remain open to tourists while experts determine if there is any risk to visitors. –On October 24, Costa Rica was struck by a 6.5 magnitude earthquake. -Tico Times


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Crystal Clarity Consciousness Show Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 am PCT


Good Morning All


What a glorious day to be present and aware with our highest attunement to this vibrational energy.


Please Join us for our show hosted by FLAEP68

(some know him as Eric)

as we explore topics ranging from Intent and Manifestations to Indifferance and Release of Attachement's to Ego, based in Fear


This show is for you, by you, about you in these enlightened times of the shift


Look forward to having you join us in this journey onward to our true higher selves and our I AM presences





Show times are Tuesdays and Thursdays

6:30 am PCT




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Tremors shake up 5 districts


Times of India - TNN, 10/30/12

VIJAYAWADA: Panic spread across several villages in five districts in the state due to mild tremors on Monday. People ran out of their houses when the earth shook for a few seconds. Though no casualties were reported from any of the districts, there was panic in many places in Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nalgonda, and Khammam.

There were reports of tremors even at Hayathnagar in Rangareddy district around the same time. The earth quake monitoring centre at Vijayawada termed the incident as 'very minor' and said there was nothing to worry about. "It's common to experience such tremors when the rocky layers of earth make adjustments within themselves," said RDO S Venkata Rao.

To read the rest of this story, visit TimesofIndia.com.


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World Renowned Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease


My Science Academy




We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong.. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries,today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact.

I trained for many years with other prominent physicians labelled “opinion makers.”  Bombarded with scientific literature, continually attending education seminars, we opinion makers insisted heart disease resulted from the simple fact of elevated blood cholesterol.

The only accepted therapy was prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet that severely restricted fat intake. The latter of course we insisted would lower cholesterol and heart disease. Deviations from these recommendations were considered heresy and could quite possibly result in malpractice.

It Is Not Working!



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Let us not talk falsely now, the hour's getting late.”


I suppose I should be grateful I have suspended my belief in the Thought Police, because if I still thought They had any power at all, I would be hunkering under my blanket in a little while, once I push “send.”


But I do believe that something has shifted. Each time I think I can go no further, expose something no more, expand no farther, in comes a breath of some sparkly potion-laced oxygen, and I am flying then, seeing things clearly, fascinated by the twinkling of all the lights going off in my mind.


I have a great plan laid out for today, modest, serene, productive. And I was about to start out, but in the shower I was given some thoughts, unwieldy, magnetic, requiring room to breathe, room to lay out all the parts and watch it assemble itself within me.


I want to tell you that my plan starts out with walking over to my nearby 7-11 for some incense and some pumpkin latte coffee, then maybe an egg sandwich from Sonic.


I am walking because my car battery is dead, died on Friday night, and I have not had enough cash to fix it. Ha!



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We Are The World - YOUR New Video


Teresa (MomT) has co-created another wonderful video with the photos and statements you all sent in. Please enjoy and share!

Source: YouTube.com


Thank you, MomT, for all the LOVE you put into this project. WE LOVE YOU.


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*~ CALM-in-The-Storm : Through The EYE-of-The-Turbulence ~*


We are in the Earth-Changes, Dear ONEs... The Weather intensifies... where there is imbalance, the BALANCE is brought unto...in this re-Calibration...

We are broken open unto COMPASSION...in this P-R-E-P-A-R-A-T-O-R-Y ** T-R-A-N-S-I-T-I-O-N...

The choices of  positive actions will last far longer than the sensationalizing N-E-W-S / North-East-West-South with no CORE that reports of the negative,

and this compassion that is generated for them is actually going into, and staying within, Gaia...

It is how we respond to our OWN, this alone being The RESPONSIBILITY, The Ability-to-RESPOND...

with Fear-as-Not-YOU or with Compassion-as-YOU...

Compassion contains acceptance of what-is, which amplifies less-ness of the intensity...

Fear has resistance to what-is, which magnifies and gravitates what ONE fears...


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The Effect of Solar Flares on the Pineal Gland



Adonai, The Watchers
Waking Times

According to study published in the New Scientist back in 1998, there is a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human biological effects.


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Artwork By FatherGod Amon Ra









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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Allowing



Let yourself flow

Allow in what you have been asking for and let go of any resistance as soon as you notice it creeping in. When doubt or fear or any other thought that is less than enters your mind, ask that it be immediately transformed into thought that are productive and helpful. When you feel there is a blockage in your mental or emotional world, ask your angels to help you release it and transform it buy looking deeper into that block. It might not always be pleasant, however the sooner it is transformed, the better things become.

When you flow with the energy and currents around you, you are in harmony with your world and connected to the River of Life. You are in step with all that is around you and it is a glorious feeling indeed. If you feel yourself or any part of you disconnected from your source or inner being, take the time to connect with the heart of the earth, the trees, the stars, and feel the heart beat that dwells within. This is a great gift you give not only to yourself but to all as it affects all that is.


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Karen Doonan ~ Dragon Realms Update for 30th Oct. 2012



We are the dragon realms and we are here to guide and support ALL as the new dimension in which the human race now live is created within their reality. Much is now changing and shifting and the increase in energies is to help ALL. We ask that ALL who can hear us and all who can connect with us reach out and do so, for we walk the earth and protect the earth as she now moves dimensionally into a new age.

Those who populate the earths surface will now undergo an upgrading of their energy systems and we guide that we are here to ensure this is done with little interference from those who exist in the spaces beyond spaces. Much in now changing both around and within the human race. The breaking of the outer shell is now in place and many of you may find the next period challenging.

The challenge is being risen within your being as a result of the teachings of distortion that are now seeking to reinforce all that you have been taught. The human race has been taught to live in fear and subservience to all that is around them and this is now being dissolved. The dissolving will heighten some of those teachings as they are deep and have been ingested over aeons.


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New Age Movement



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Poland found explosives on wreckage of president's plane-report


WARSAW (Reuters) - Polish investigators found traces of explosives on the wreckage of the government jet that crashed in Russia two years ago, killing Poland's president and 95 others, daily Rzeczpospolita reported on Tuesday.

Without citing sources, the newspaper said prosecutors and explosive experts who examined the remains of the plane in Russia found signs of TNT and nitroglycerin on the wings and in the cabin, including on 30 seats.

Traces of explosives were also found in the area where the Tu-154 crashed during its approach to a small airport near the Russian city of Smolensk on April 10, 2010, the daily reported.

Full Story... (Reuters)


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