~Space Weather Update~ Solar Wind Speed 588

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ORIONID METEOR SHOWER: Next weekend, Earth will pass through a stream of debris from Halley's Comet, source of the annual Orionid meteor shower. Forecasters expect ~25 meteors per hour when the shower peaks on Oct. 21st. [video] [full story] [NASA Chat]

BAY AREA FIREBALL: Last night, Oct. 17th, many people near San Francisco saw a slow-moving fireball exploding in the sky around 07:45 pm PDT. Witnesses report bright flashes of light and sonic booms that shook houses. Using a wide-field camera, Wes Jones caught the meteor disappearing behind the trees in the city of Belmont:

"We don't know yet if the end point [of the meteor's flight] was over land or water," says meteor expert Peter Jenniskens of the NASA Ames Research Center. Jenniskens operates a network of Cameras for All-sky Meteor Surveillance (CAMS) near the Bay Area. "Data from the CAMS system should give us an answer [about landfall]. We're analyzing the data now." Stay tuned.

Lisa: The Engagement Ring, The Wedding Band, The Holy Marriage Is Underway!!

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Have I told you lately how incredibly magnificent you are??  I can no longer look at any given reading the same way.  The enormity of what you/we have become and where you/we are going…  I so wish I had new words to reflect your new energy field.. but, sadly, I don’t.  So bear with me as I use old familiar words to describe and detail the magnificent new You/Us.

Of course the field had changed… again!!  The energy of light now coming thru each of you… holy cow batman and wonder woman!!  I needed two days down to prepare me for the new intensity that is you!!

Visionkeeper: It is all about Magic!!

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It is all about Magic!!

Posted on October 18, 2012 


It is all about Magic with a capital M…So much magic these days I defy anybody to be bored. There is so much synchronicity going on right now it is truly amazing. It seems everything keeps falling into place just when it should, as it should and all you can do is grin. Manifesting is almost an instantaneous occurrence these days as well.  Emotions seem to soar to new heights now if we work hard to stay above the fear factor being provided by the dark ones. The more we lock ourselves out and away from the dark ones shenanigans, the more blissful life becomes. Of course we all have our moments of dealing with past issues needing healing or whatever, but by in large, life is good if you have taken yourselves out of the mainstream. I don’t know fully why some stay buried in the fear and make no attempts at pulling themselves up and out, but it must not be their time, I don’t know. What I do know is I am so thankful to have been born with a lust for knowledge and a need to know and the desire to seek the truth for myself. It has saved me and I will always be grateful for that!

Oracle Report - Thursday, October 18, 2012

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Thursday, October 18, 2012


Crescent Moon Phase - Moon in Sagittarius

Today's energy has strong potential to create confusion.  We will need to integrate our will and our emotions because the tendency is to swing widely between the two.  Temper strong will with love and reinforce your emotions with strength.  If you feel "all over the place," take a deep breath and choose one thing to focus on at a time.  Act for a single purpose.  This energy is overstimulating our minds and may produce the side effect of headaches.  Also, we are going to want to be careful about overhearing things and then repeating them.  If you don't know the full story about something, don't repeat it.

Some days are more conducive to receiving inspiration or having powerful intuition.  Like yesterday, today is one of those days.  The predominant energy of confusion may make it hard to trust your intuition, but if you retreat from the chaotic swirl and go to the place of stillness inside you, things will become clear.

Don't be pulled off center.  Practice your skills of flexibility and fluidity and realize that what we generally think is important is usually not important in the grand scheme of things.

SophiaLove - It's time

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It's time




There were two words in my inbox this morning.  "It's time".  The video included is found here as well.  

An entirely different blog was composed very early today, and may be posted later.  This one now takes precedence. Watching  the video while considering these two words, I was overcome with emotion.  I cry easily yet this morning's sob-fest was unprecedented... The emotions that incited the tears were joy and relief and exhaustion and YES!!!!! WE DID IT!!!  

The manuscript of survival – part 210

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The manuscript of survival – part 210



•October 18, 2012 • 

As you have all noticed by now, everything is speeding up, and both the outer and inner world is almost as in a blur at times. You may feel yourselves as if suspended in a runaway train, uncertain about the direction, a bit fearful about the speed, and with no idea when you will arrive at your designated destination. As we have said on so many occasions, the task you have taken upon you is not for the faint of heart, because this journey entails literally going into most of it blindfolded. And when we say blindfolded, we mean that in the sense that you have no idea as to what the next stage will bring with it, and you have no idea how your physical body or your mental body will react to the things you will be exposed to on the way. You just know that you HAVE to do this, as in your heart there is a calling so strong for going ahead with it you just cannot ignore it.


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By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

YouTube Video (recommended)

Dear Ones!
We would like to discuss some details about the criteria for ascension and what will happen with your close relationships.
Take into account that humanity has many helpers, and each human being is surrounded by many beings of light, especially at the time of transition!
It  depends on the soul development of the individual, to which degree they might suddenly become aware of their guides and angels at the time when the Huge Energy Portal is opening.  And this opening can have for many an immediate effect on their awareness and their increased capability to become  conscious about their own higher self.

Heavenletter #4346 As You Await the Dawn …, October 18, 2012

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Heavenletter #4346 As You Await the Dawn …, October 18, 2012 

God said: 


As you await the dawn, I await you. I look for you. I seek you. I go out into the world in My seeking for you. I seek you for you, and I also seek you for Myself. I love to be replete with you. I love your awareness of Me. I love you to be aware of Me in your heart, for you are the Heart of God. All are in My heart, and yet I seek you where you already are. I seek your awareness.

It is such a little thing to be aware of Me, to know Me, to hold Me. I am as light as air. You can know Me. You can know Me very personally. This is where joy begins. I must break it to you – you have barely touched love. You do not yet know of the majesty you are. You keep getting closer. Just a tiny step more, and you will know first hand Our Oneness. You will know your Oneness with All That Is. You will know Me far better than you know your own hand.

The Morning Blessing 10.18.12

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The Morning Blessing
Daily, we are faced with making decisions. Regardless of the situation, most people intuitively know what the correct decision is for them. Yet, how often do we either fail to take action on the decision or make one that is not serving our highest purpose?

The way to make great decisions on an ongoing basis is to clarify what is important, what our values are, and what we want our contribution to be. With this personal insight we are in a position to make choices based on staying true to ourselves.

Additionally, you will know when something that is not appropriate for you shows up and be willing to not entertain thoughts around this area. This applies both personally and professionally.

For example, I have a friend who is an avid cat lover. She surrounds herself with her cats and things that represent her love of cats. During a period of career transition, she interviewed with a company that used cats for product testing. Cats perished in the process. Although this is very uncomfortable for her she almost took the job, rationalizing that she could comfort the cats after the testing period.

Chat Sessions Hosted By Eric - Today!

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Crystal Clarity Consciousness

Galactic Council Member Eric has started regular chat sessions called Crystal Clarity Consciousness.

These chat sessions are an outlet for people to share how and what they are experiencing and for those just awakening to help guide them with some of what they may be going through. ALL are welcome.


Crystal Clarity Consciousness is every Tuesday and Thursday in our regular chat room (CLICK HERE FOR CHAT ROOM) from 9:30 - 11:30 am eastern time. This is 6:30 - 8:30 am pacific time.



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