~A Very Important Message from The Earth Allies~

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Breaking into pieces, you stand with whatever is left, the very core of who you are, the diamond, the "filling" AHAH THE TRUE BEING OF LIGHT AND LOVE....although you may feel alone as the process unfolds breaking the mind down, it begins falling away because love is present, it recognizes the illusion, and starts taking with it everything you "thought" you were and leads you to the heart of the being, feelings rush in as the true being emerges out of the seemingly destruction of a mind in a box, leaving you with the reconstruction to forge ahead in all its grandness, into divine intelligence.

The "mind"which projects outside and has low vibrational thoughts, dissolves so that the divine being can raise up into the true divinity from within, and begin once again "feeling" instead of "thinking" taking the true being into a collective consciousness, a God Consciousness. Only the mind thinks[projects outside] and the heart feels from the inside, where God is their within only.


MT Keshe Answers about Creation and Consiousness

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Question: Does Awareness, Consciousness, play a part in Creation? And if so, is it the field, that all else arises into creation from?


MT Keshe: I know I promised to reply, but in short, I am at the moment down to about 3 hours of rest a night and working without much time to write in depth and answer many questions which are put to me on the forum and in e-mails.

In time we will try to reply to as many as possible, but the questions you have raised are very important to answer even partially, as we are here not only to teach man the physicality of travel into space, but at the same time to teach the terms of conduct of man once he enters the new universal community.

One would not attend a wedding in a clown outfit, unless one had never been taught that there are dress codes and codes of conduct for each occasion.

Now we are trying to teach both to enable man to take his next step and to enter the true realm of creation rather than stay in his present isolated earthman tribal home.

The book called “The Soul” which is to be published as No 9 (some advisers want this to be the next book No 4) in reality will be the last book, as once we understand the full essence of creation then through this we guide man (not just teach him) to understand the real operation of the interaction of all beings in the universe in relation to each other and himself.

In this book, which is partially written, I will explain this very comfortably and scientifically, as consciousness is the key to the operation of physicality, irrespective of the entity, be it of man or any other entity that can make decisions about their interaction with themselves and with other entities in the universe.


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 from out of the illusion and INTO FULL CONSCIOUSNESS



The Liberation and Freedom of the Soul is your road to full consciousness. This is a quantum leap forward, a paradigm shift and a vertical learning curve all at once, from out of illusion and into True Reality.


We are those who have walked before you and are in Full Consciousness. We are living inside out in Freedom And Love, and we come to you to share some very grand understandings. So you too, may Free yourselves into Eternal Joy.


Fully Conscious beings can see Truth from fiction=illusion. When you choose the lie (all illusion and ignorance is a lie, because it promotes ignorance and isolation), the choice stems from choosing illusion. Illusion+=fear also equal to unconsciousness. As this choice is made the more isolated and separated you feel. To transform this into consciousness you first have to be aware of the illusion=fear. Awareness transforms into Consciousness=Spirit. The more you are aware of the unconsciousness aka lower thoughts, you can easily transform these thoughts into Real thoughts=Full Consciousness, that are only of Joy and Love.


Next Steps on the Journey ~ The Council of Nine, by Tazjima

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We are the Council of Nine. We wish to speak of the next steps of your journey, communion, the coming into union with your Higher Self and twin flame.


In the days swiftly approaching, the large unwieldy structures of the old illusion will be toppling of their own weight and entropy. They were constructed by those who fear change and desire control. They were built of straw and the winds of change have come to blow these structures away. Crouching behind these structures like the proverbial three pigs in their straw house, the powers that were, will soon find that they cannot keep the wolf from the door or karma from removing their ill-gotten gains bought at the cost of many lost and destroyed lives.


Also sheltering behind the crumbling structures are many people confused by the sudden onslaught of unfamiliar light and change into their lives. They are ones who have refused up until this point to wake up and see that their lives are about to change for the better, if they decide to stay on the planet.


The braver ones of these confused individuals will have many questions and queries that will need to be answered by calm, committed and awakened Lightworkers – you.

Understanding the purpose of the Ashtar Command is important

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Understanding the purpose of the Ashtar Command is important


First to remember it is real and exists.

Not a club created on Earth,not a role playing group which over the years some thought it was.

The Ashtar Command or Ashtar Galactic Command was sent out to the multi-verse by God.


A loving ,light filled God of all creation.

From many planetary worlds of light.

Beacons of love.

In this multi-verse there have been over the eons of time and space many planets that have gone through similar lower vibrations and then when ascended higher vibrations.


You could look at it like a roller coaster. 

James Allen: Perfect Love

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 Thank you to  Steve Beckow

As far as I can make out, the following essay is by James Allen, from July 6, 2011. Thanks to K.





The Children of Light, who abide in the Kingdom of Heaven, see the universe, and all that it contains, as the manifestation of one Law – the Law of Love. They see Love as the moulding, sustaining, protecting, and perfecting Power immanent in all things animate and inanimate. To them Love is not merely and only a rule of life, it is the Law of Life, it is Life itself. Knowing this, they order their whole life in accordance with Love, not regarding their own personality. By thus practicing obedience to the Highest, to divine Love, they become conscious partakers of the power of Love, and so arrive at perfect Freedom as Masters of Destiny.


~Important Cobra Update~ Fall of the Reptilian Empire

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Sunday, September 9, 2012


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ This is a Very Important and We feel very accurate to what is happening behind the scenes. The Etheric realm he is speaking of is not the Etheric Realm, as this is Currently Present On this Planet and is the 5d Reality Consciousness. The astral realm although dissolved, is still here as many who are clinging to the past are projecting this out, which is also the food for the cabal. This is why we work so dilegently in getting everyone into The Present Moment of Now, for this is Humanity's Natural State of Being. Love The Earth Allies

Hungarian prime minister uses Facebook page to ‘unfriend’ IMF, rejects alleged loan conditions

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Yahoo! News - AP, 9/6/12

BUDAPEST, Hungary — Hungary’s prime minister has long had a testy relationship with the International Monetary Fund — and on Thursday he used Facebook to unfriend the agency and reject its allegedly tough loan conditions.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in a video message on his official Facebook page that Hungary could not accept pension cuts, the elimination of a bank tax, fewer public employees and other conditions in exchange for an IMF loan that other officials have said could be about €15 billion ($18.9 billion).

More: news.yahoo.com.

Why Do Schizophrenics Hear Voices?

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Real Clear Science - Ross Pomeroy, 8/30/12

In a way, you're never alone. Your inner consciousness is always there to keep you company. That voice inside your head is reliably available for conversation. These intensely personal and comforting self-to-self dialogues are splayed across the humdrum of a typical day. "I think I'll wear the blue polo to my date tonight." "Enchiladas: that's what I want for lunch." "Oh my gosh, cute kittens!"

But what if there was a foreign voice inside your head? An entity over which you could exact no control. Wouldn't that be the worst invasion of privacy imaginable? Wouldn't that be disturbing?

More: realclearscience.com.

Judge furious about undercover Occupy operation police set up

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GFP Note: See related story - Lock mess: Austin cops supplied incriminating devices to Occupy protesters.

Published on Sep 6, 2012 by

Police have been caught setting up occupy wall street protesters last year in order to prosecute them more harshly under the law.

Source: YouTube.com

Brussels announces new law to fine offensive language

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The Telegraph - 9/4/12

The people of Brussels will have to mind their manners from now on, with the city authorities announcing new fines of up to 250 euros (£200) for insults traded on the streets.

Brussels announces new law to fine offensive language

The issue was highlighted in a recent film by Belgian director Sofie Peeters Photo: Alamy

"Any form of insult is from now on punishable, whether it be racist, homophobic or otherwise," a spokesman quoted Socialist mayor Freddy Thielemans as saying.

Brussels, home to the EU and many top international institutions, is known for its family-friendly and cultivated lifestyle but the mayor wants to crack down on the everyday unpleasantness found in any big city.

A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever

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A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever

10th September 2012

By Paul Fassa

There has been some controversy over the activity of adding synthetic fluoride to municipal water supplies and elsewhere, but not enough. The seriousness of this issue is more than what most realize. Fluoridation ranks with GMO’s and tainted, forced vaccinations among the great crimes against humanity.

Understanding the Different Fluorides

There are two types of fluoride. Calcium Fluoride, which appears naturally in underground water supplies, is relatively benign. However, too much consumed daily can lead to bone or dental problems. Calcium is used to counter fluoride poisoning when it occurs. This redeeming factor indicates that the calcium in naturally formed calcium fluoride neutralizes much of fluoride’s toxic effects.



On the other hand, the type of fluorides added to water supplies and other beverages and foods are waste products of the nuclear, aluminum, and now mostly the phosphate (fertilizer) industries. The EPA has classified these as toxins: fluorosilicate acid, sodium silicofluoride, and sodium fluoride.

For this article, the term Sodium Fluoride will include all three types. Sodium fluoride is used for rat poison and as a pesticide. According to a scientific study done several years ago, Comparative Toxicity of Fluorine Compounds, industrial waste sodium fluorides are 85 times more toxic than naturally occurring calcium fluoride.

Health Hazards of Sodium Fluoride

Generally, most fluoride entering the body is not easily eliminated. It tends to accumulate in the body’s bones and teeth. Recently, it has been discovered to accumulate even more in the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain.

Pakistani Christian girl charged with blasphemy gets rare bail release

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Seattle Times

By Saeed Shah, McClatchy Newspapers - 9/7/12

The Christian girl's plight has drawn new attention to Pakistan's blasphemy laws, which critics claim are used to persecute minorities and settle personal vendettas.


The plight of Pakistan's Christian minority has received renewed focus in recent weeks because of the arrest of a young, mentally challenged girl accused of insulting Islam.

ISLAMABAD — A Pakistani court ordered the release on bail Friday of a mentally disabled Christian girl who had been jailed on blasphemy charges, a decision that didn't end the threat the girl faces for allegedly burning pages of the Quran.


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