Inelia Benz – Processing Barriers – 10 September 2012

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Inelia Benz – Processing Barriers – 10 September 2012

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This is Inelia Benz

I am here in Sacramento in my back yard and today I thought we could explore the issue of barriers.

The reason I wanted to talk about barriers is because these are coming up big time for all of us at the moment. We are moving slowly but surely into an area in Time/Space where this is really – I don’t know if to call it a test or a hurdle or simply a point of choice for us, all of us individually, of whether to move on to the new Paradigm or to stay in the duality Dark/Light paradigm.

And there’s really no judgement on either of those, there really isn’t.
Some of the ways in which this hurdle or resistance, barriers have come up are in a very huge desire to retire. Whether it is from work, from our relationships, from our mission, or from life. We simply feel a very powerful sense that it’s time to retire. It is our interpretation at an energetic level of a big, really thick type of wall that we’re going through in Time/Space. It’s like a door you know, and we need to push the door open, basically.

Lucas - Shadow Play - 9 September 2012

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Lucas - Shadow Play - 9 September 2012

By Lucas - Posted on 09 September 2012


All we are is human lights that have been ignited long ago by the god-spark of our source. We have to find our way in the dark and find our way in between the shadows. The brighter our light  gets the more things are visible and the veil or the dark will fade and resolve in the light.  

There where the light prevails the shadows will not have any stronghold or possibility to hide or be. We are now still  experiencing the world having two faces the one still holding  the dark and the other face of the world that is growing step by step in light and that shines brighter every day. 

The light is the dominant factor now and the dark is playing a role that is not becoming them in the end. The forces of darkness are trying their best to change the outcome in an already  lost battle.

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 10 September 2012

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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 10 September 2012

Bear in mind that the events that have been unwinding are directly for your benefit. As much as you learn through the various sources of information, the truth is difficult to convey in a way that you will fully understand, without being backed with firm evidence. That will come after those who block such information are removed, and we will do it such a way that you are left without any doubts as to the truth. However, whatever course events follow the main focus will remain upon you who are preparing to ascend. We are pleased to see that people are now speaking more freely amongst themselves about Ascension and what it means for your civilization. After all it will affect every single soul regardless of whether they have any foreknowledge of what is about to take place. Simply put, you either stay in your present level of vibration, or it is sufficiently raised to enable you to ascend with Mother Earth.



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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Comment from the GFP: whatever those that try to stop the Light try to use to create confusion cannot be of any use once Consiousness is elevated to a Love frequency, this is because it is fed on fear, once all take away it's fuel it simply cannot work anymore. Focus on Love and Joy and Be Free. 


Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dearest Sisters and Brothers!

It is necessary to speak about it, especially since yesterday morning, when I woke up, irradiated by very heavy and aggressive frequencies! 
The proof was in a sensation as if heavy, cold "metal" was pressing against my forehead, meant to disturb my pineal gland.

The other sensation was a heavy radiation impact on my solar plexus, that could have been the vibration of fear, if I would have fallen for that deception. I had a very close look but couldn't find any signs of fear in my mind or emotion, and the feel of metal (which I have experienced many times in the past) told me without doubt: We are irradiated by some radionic devices, or HAARP, or whatever is left in the hands of the controllers. 

Regarding my own experience, I had the impression that they are  regionally using smaller radionic devices, those which are built to do harm, to affect selected people.

Suzanne Lie – Mytre And The Arcturian – Part 7 – Bubbles Of Reality

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Suzanne Lie – Mytre And The Arcturian – Part 7 – Bubbles Of Reality – 9 September 2012

As I sat in the completely darkened holosuite, focusing on the void within my Core, I began to have sensations in my body. At first, my back and legs were stiff from sitting in the same position for an untold period of time. Then, my arms, shoulders and neck hurt, and my face twitched. Eventually, even my eyelashes and hair seemed to hurt.
Finally, the uncomfortable sensations ceased, and I began to experience my body as a flexible cord that was being stretching to its fullest length. At this point, the cord became increasingly warm and began to unravel. I was watching the imagistic language, trying to translate every image.

Explosions of Heart Light have been released

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Explosions of Heart Light have been released


Explosions of Heart Light have just been released. Gaia had awaited this moment until grid alignments were in perfection. These are planet wide and cannot be resisted or neutralized.

Portal precisions have been achieved and all current Higher D portals required for up-step to 5D and beyond are in place.

Expansion is empowered.

Heart expansion of all is occurring, regardless of current Heart level.

Gaia may now be returned to Full Glory of Light and beyond.

Heavenletter #4308 Into the Light of God , September 10, 2012

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Heavenletter #4308 Into the Light of God , September 10, 2012 


God said: 


You and I, We live in the same country. Yes, We do. Only your perception is less wide than Mine. We are working on your perception. As soon as you are perceiving as I do perceive, a whole new light will fall on the Earth, and your breath will stop for a moment as you look in awe at what you had not seen yet always was, was always right in front of you, yet you did not see.

Now you have put on My glasses, and so now you have My vision. Now you see from a wide lens. Oh, My, what a difference the lens you look through makes. The time is fast approaching when you will have dual sight. You will see the physical manifestation. You will see houses ready for new paint. You will see streets with potholes. You will see the world as it appears to be. At the same time, you will see the spectacular light that the world radiates, and your vision will zoom and take you with it.

You will begin to see what really is. You will begin to see what lies beneath the surface, and the surface will take on new light. You will look again. You will have double vision, so to speak, and you will be in awe at the beauty and light you now see. Your vision will rise. Your whole take on life on Earth will rise. You will rise to where, in truth, you are and always were.

KRYON~ Answers a Question about Being a LightHouse~

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Through Lee Carrol




A Lightworker asked:


“I’m in a place I don’t want to be in. Why am I being punished every day by having to work with these people that are so dark? They think I’m crazy and don’t honor me or my life. What should I think about this? It’s hard!”


And my answer will again be this:


We Will Become One, but only if your ego dies

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Felix C Lopez






~I honor the place where you are, when you’re there and I AM WITHIN myself. WE ARE ONE. ONE GOD. ONE LOVE. ONE UNIVERSE.


AND ONLY ONE LANGUAGE, the heart really matters.

We will become one, but only if your EGO dies, WHICH IS THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN GIVE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and you allow your spirit to soar into the infinite.


In this place there is no pride or prejudice, no racial differences, no discrimination, no hatred, no misunderstandings, no disagreements, no envy, just PERFECT LOVE, COMPASSION AND HARMONY.


Are You Awake Yet? Revolution 2012

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September 9th, 2012
Thank so much for the all comments and all the views. The revolution is alive and lives inside each one of us. Because of the response to the first "Are You Awake Yet" video I plan to start creating a series. These videos will focus on rising the collective consciousness of 2012 and beyond. Bringing awareness to issues the mainstream media and most politicians refuse to go. The purpose is to bring about the change We The People desire because it is on us to do it. We can, we are and we will. Expect Us!

August 25th, 2012
I made this movie for all my brother and sisters. I put my heart into this project. This is my message to the world.

Resist the NWO, the banking elite, or everything trying to control your free will and human rights.

Lets create a new system that works for everyone. We can change the world. One Love!

This video is under the protection of the Fair use Act

Lady Nada and The Ascended Masters of light, All Is A Great Tapestry Of Light

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Dear Ones we are here to be with you in this way and at this time to speak to your living essence, yourself, as the living essence of love that you are in truth!


You are this living essence of love that is as well your divinity. This divinity is your presence, as a being of Light; a true knowledge that you are Light, you are from Light, you are made of Light. Light is living essence and it is all knowledge, all wisdom and all creation. In everything that is it is made of pure Light and the filaments of this Light create your reality.


In this reality that you deem as very real to you, it is quite moldable for in it’s essence Light is continuous and reflecting. It is Light that is moving and changing as reflected Light and sound moves like the breeze. It is flowing and alive in its true essence and it is awake and alive as you are. All matter is made of this Light including all that you perceive and all that you are.


There Shall be No More Death by Steve Beckow

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There Shall be No More Death

 by Steve Beckow


Periodically I hear from people whose partners are afflicted with disabling diseases or whose parents are ageing and just hanging on.


To give hope, to those who are handling this kind of situation, let’s review what our sources say about health, expected technologies, our new bodies, etc., so that the maximum literature is available to those who need to read it themselves or give to others.


“The door to Ascension is wide open,” SaLuSa tells us, but “but nothing will be allowed to enter unless it is of the higher vibrations.” (1) “There will eventually be a regeneration of your body cells. You are beginning to move into your Ascension bodies, and these will not carry forward any existing imperfections.” (2)

POOF : What We’re All Waiting For Is But Moments Away from Your Door

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Sept. 9, 2012 | RMN

Note: Lyrics for “Putting on the Ritz” below Poof’s message.

Greetings and Salutations:

Well, instead of throwing the money into the wind, be productive with it. Found this most interesting, considering the times and what’s up out here.


I know of many VIPs who are ready to do payouts to their down lines but they are being held until the RVs show and the people (us) are paid. Quiet as it’s been kept, the euro zone has been handled and they are ready for the big public flip.



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