Tornado strikes beachfront neighborhood in NYC

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Tornado strikes beachfront neighborhood in NYC

Associated Press – 1 hr 11 mins ago



NEW YORK (AP) — A tornado swept out of the sea and hit a beachfront neighborhood in New York City on Saturday, hurling debris in the air, knocking out power and startling residents who once thought of twisters as a Midwestern phenomenon.

Firefighters were still assessing the damage Saturday, but an hour after it struck there were still no reported injuries and the area affected by the storm appeared small.

Videos taken by bystanders showed a funnel cloud hurling sand and debris in the air, and possibly small pieces of buildings, as it moved through the Breezy Point section of the Rockaway peninsula in Queens.

"It was crazy," said neighborhood resident Joseph Mure, who was in the shower when the storm hit, and went outside to snap a picture of the retreating funnel. "There were a lot of sirens going off. You could see it twisting."

Fire Department officials said there were power lines down and possibly other damage.

The tornado struck as part of a line of storms that were expected to bring damaging winds, hail, heavy rain and possibly more tornadoes throughout the mid-Atlantic and Northeast on Saturday. AcrossNew York state, in Buffalo, strong winds from a broad front of thunderstorms blew roofing off of some buildings and sent bricks falling into the street.

The storm system killed four people, including a child, in Oklahoma on Friday.

Radar data, video and witness reports confirmed that the cyclone that hit New York City was a tornado, National Weather Service meteorologist Dan Hofmann said. He said an inspection team would assess the damage and before estimating the strength of the storm. Hofmann said some witnesses were reporting that the wind had been strong enough to lift cars off the pavement.

Thomas Sullivan, general manager of the Breezy Point Surf Club, said the twister ripped up cabanas and deck chairs.

"A lot of rain, a lot of wind," he said. "It picked up picnic benches. It picked up Dumpsters."

Half an hour later the weather was beautiful, but he's had to close the club to clean up the damage.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Day Dream Let your mind soften

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Saturday, September 8, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Day Dream

Let your mind soften


You can more easily hear and receive our messages when you take the time to let your desires unfold before you like a movie that was created just for you. Ask your angels to show you a movie just like that with your intended desires and what life will look like when you reach a point of great inner satisfaction.
Know that you are a magical person who can manifest your clear intentions into reality. Your daydreams can help you achieve this. We call them conscious journey day dreams. Hold the final outcome of your dreams in your thoughts, the feelings, the joy, the peacefulness that you have at that destination, then while you dreaming, we will offer you guidance on the next best step for you to take, Drift off and then listen, see or feel and trust.
There is great power in your ability to create when you visualize the outcome and then listen. Practice with us each day and inbetween, take the actions you desire. The more action steps you take, the closer that reality becomes.
Affirmation:"Each day I am hearing and seeing the messages from my guides and angels, clearly and clearer each day."
You are dearly loved and supported, the angels

~Brilliant Message~ Awakening of the Human Race

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Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ There is a portion in this post which talks about india being where a majority are awakened. We do not see this as a valid statement of truth. The Real Awakening Process has begun in the United States and is Spreading across the Planet contagiously so. We would not focus on how many are awake in each country and More On The Truth, Which is This Planet and all Her People are well on Her Way to A Fully Awakened Planet Earth=Heart. Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies


Critical Mass Milestone for Awakening of the Human Race Has Been Achieved

Meredith Murphy – Message From The Council Of Light – Attuning To The 9-9-9 Amplified Grid Energies

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Meredith Murphy – Message From The Council Of Light – Attuning To The 9-9-9 Amplified Grid Energies – 8 September 2012

Beautiful Beings of Light,

It is still up for grabs how you will participate here and now.  You are seeking that which has the greatest affinity, while being aware that some things which have affinity do so because of habit, others things have affinity because of resonance with your essence. These are two different things and you are wisely attempting to sort this out and come into newness that is about the trajectory in this lifetime, the evolution in this lifetime of your soul essence through this particular aspect embodied here and now.

Great Peace is found Through Great Love

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Great Peace is found Through Great Love 
By GLR  Julie Miller 

Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ September 07 – 14, 2012

Such a complex world you live in dear ones. It is vast and moving at an incredibly fast pace. No matter where you are in the world and no matter how fast the world around you moves, it is always possible to live simply within your big and beautiful loving hearts. There is always something to learn from each other regardless of where your path has taken each of you. Because of your path and how undeniably unique it is because each of you are unique there is always something to learn and to gain if you can only drop all your animosities towards each other, stop comparing, judging and allowing your emotions to run your actions and reactions. No matter how different you are, each of you contain one common element and that is each of you has a heart and each of you within that heart are capable of giving and receiving love. 

When you adopt living simply through your heart, you will notice all previous resentments and grudges dissolve. But this is a choice dear one. You choose constantly, each and every day. You choose if you should like someone, if you should be nice and compassionate, you choose to love certain people or all people without restrictive conditions. You also choose on how you react to someone’s achievement or experience when they share with you. Choices are everywhere, and they belong to you because you are the one deciding what to do all the time. How you feel, think, act or speak is your choice and thus your responsibility. 

“Ready steady slow”: time slows down when we prepare to move

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Discover Magazine - Ed Yong, 9/4/12

A baseball speeds from the hands of a pitcher, a slave to Newton’s laws. But in the brain of the batter who is watching it, something odd happens. Time seems to dawdle. The ball moves in slow motion, and becomes clearer. Players of baseball, tennis and other ball sports have described this dilation of time. But why does it happen? Does the brain merely remember time passing more slowly after the fact? Or do experienced players develop Matrix-style abilities, where time genuinely seems to move more slowly?

According to five experiments from Nobuhiro Hagura at University College London, it’s the latter. When we prepare to make a movement – say, the swing of a bat – our ability to process visual information speeds up. The result: the world seems to move slower.

The Nerve: The Cuts Don't Work

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Published on Sep 6, 2012 by Austerity Fail

A musical history of Britain's ConDemolition.
Select HD. Please like, comment and subscribe.
Based on The Verve's classic number one single, "The Drugs Don't Work"
Backing track: the Ameritz Karaoke band
Video editing and vocals: Jack Morgan
Take action against austerity:
March in London, October 20:


New Level of Quickening

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Commentary From The Galactic Free Press~ When You are Completley Present In The Moment of Now, You are exisiting In All Dimensions. HUmanity is also moving into thier original Blueprint of 13 Activated Chakra's and not 12. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies


The changes are not known publicly, because the scientific community feels it would frighten the population. However, people are changing at the cellular level. I am working with three children right now who have three DNA helixes. Most people know and feel this. Many religions have talked about the change and know it will come about in different ways. We know it is a positive mutation even though physically, mentally, and emotionally it can be misunderstood and frightening.

PR: Are these children displaying any characteristics different from other children?

Oracle Report - Saturday, September 8 - September 9, 2012

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Saturday, September 8 - September 9, 2012


Saturday: Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Gemini

Sunday: Third Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Gemini/Cancer

Saturday brings catharsis.  Things that have been held inside will have trouble remaining that way because they are being forced out.  This could be in the form of anger, an explosion of ideas, or laying feelings out on the table.  It's important to let this happen because it cannot be resisted any longer.  But with this, we need to make sure the release is truly related to what we think it is.  Is it that situation or is it really another one?  Some will respond to this energy by throwing tantrums.  Sometimes a tantrum is exactly what is needed to clear the air.  With all of this, do not place emphasis on the way things appear on the outside.  It is what is inside that is important.  Don't get caught in a trap of insecurity based on images and appearances.

The Greatest “Disclosure” Event Ever to be Released to the World ~ Today in Belgium ~ by the Keshe Foundation

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The World Peace Invitation and Release of Technology


Following the meeting of the Keshe Foundation with the world ambassadors invited to Brussels on 21 April 2012, our invitation now goes to the nations of the world through their ambassadors and their leaders To attend a gathering on 6 September 2012 at the Keshe Foundation Center in Ninove, Belgium (or in any other place the nations may choose).


As your Excellencies have been aware, we invited representatives of every country to the first presentation of our technology on 21 April 2012.


The ambassadors of some nations attended this meeting and others chose to ignore the call, due to pressure from other nations, and decided not to attend or withdrew at the last moment.


With this second invitation (to take place on 6 Sept, 2012) we directly and unequivocally invite the leaders of your nation to appoint qualified individuals who can take part in the upcoming meeting at the Foundation on 6 September on behalf of their governments.


Vatican whistleblower warns he is not alone in fighting corruption

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The Independent - Michael Day, 9/5/12

Whistleblower charged with leaking sensitive figures says 20 others are doing the same

Paolo Gabriele, front, with Pope Benedict XVI in 2010

At least 20 whistleblowers are seeking to expose corruption and incompetence at the Vatican, according to the man who is to stand trial at the Holy See this autumn accused of stealing sensitive documents and leaking them to the press.

Paolo Gabriele, a 46-year-old papal butler who has three children, has been indicted for theft after investigators searching his quarters located some of the documents whose contents had found their way on to the front pages of Italian newspapers.

Questions Answered: A Message from St. Germain through Elizabeth Trutwin

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Elizabeth Trutwin asked a friend to pose questions to St. Germain regarding Changeover and 911. The following questions were posed to St. Germain tonight and these are his answers:


1.  It’s said that we need to all personally change our view on things in order for change.  So that means no TV, no media, etc… anything that can alter our opinion/views/experience on Earth and keep us in fear.  Once we feel we’ve made that change, because we’re in 3D, we need others to realize this fact and make changes themselves.  Eventually, we hit a tipping point whereby enough souls understand this.  Is that tipping point then when we get disclosure and announcements?  If so, then what is the tipping point that Ashtar talks about (and others) that we have supposedly hit already?


The tipping point has been reached as Ashtar said. This means there are a percentage of Souls living on Earth who understand the Truth and hold the Light for all. Many Souls recently have woken up and look beyond their everyday routine to answer the perennial questions we all have about life acknowledging they individually effect the whole.



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