
The Pain & Beauty of Change

Silver's picture

By: Contramary, 02/14/2014

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.


- Maya Angelou -


“The reason for our suffering is our resistance to the changes in life. And life is all changes. While I resist change (and suffer) just like anyone else, I have learned to adapt. I’ve learned some flexibility. I’ve realized this: Everything changes, and this is beautiful.” Generally, it seems we have two options in regards to change: we can choose to react negatively, or we can choose to react positively. Leo Babauta, however, would like to offer us a third option: embracing the reality of change. In accepting the constantly changing circumstances of our lives, change can become an ally in our development and growth, no matter what happens. READ MORE...



Embracing Change and Opening The Heart: June 14, 2013 Update

AmethystLight's picture

We have moved so far in the ascension process yet I feel in many ways it may not seem for some that this is so. We are asked in many ways to let go of old beliefs or ideas that no longer serve us yet at the same time this is not really the Truth. Why is this not really the Truth? Well, it is the Truth because we are in fact being asked to do this but in a way that really we have not ever experienced before upon the earth by very heightened processes of clearing.

Clearing can mean many things to many people. I am humbled by the beautiful souls and lightworkers in the world who come both together in this world and the inner planes to create harmony and balance for existence. It is so beautiful how we all have our own path and Truth.

Clearing to me is a vibrational experience in which lower more dense ideas and energies are elevated to their highest aspects which in many ways can appear to us as wisdom. Wisdom to me comes forward in both great love and compassion yet is also an energy that is based off our past experience in such a way that it allows us to navigate the earth.

I got the impression from several sources that there were some lightworkers who very much wished to "clean the slate" and in some ways, that is a very beautiful thing. Yet, to me it is not so much that we are "cleaning the slate", but clearing old energies and integrating the wisdom we have achieved.

Many of us have been lightworkers upon the earth for a very long time. This means that we have a huge akashic experience on many different levels. Not only on the earth levels, but also on the inner planes as we move up in dimensional awareness. It can take an incredibly long time to integrate such wisdom and I would go as far as to say that we have not ever really integrated our wisdom to such a degree on so many levels.

When You change the perception, you change the reality. --P'taah (channeled message)

kimpunkrock's picture


Message from P'taah - June 2013

Change Your Perception, Change the Reality

P'taah: You deserve it all and whatever you create is wonderful. Your reality depends entirely on how you perceive it to be. Change your perception, you change the reality. Too simple? Change the perception--change the reality.

For as long as you perceive lack--whether it is lack of love, lack of money, lack of a good job, lack of a new car, a better house--for as long as you perceive lack, you will simply bring forth to you more lack. For as long as you perceive your life in segments--this is my spiritual life, this is my real life...


Yes, I know all of these spiritual truths, but I lack money, I lack an exciting mate, lack, lack lack. And the lack is all based on fear of not being enough. And for as long as there is the fear of not being enough, you will bring forth that which are more and more situations to show you that you are not enough, hmm? Does this makes sense?

When you change the perception, you change the reality. The fear of not being enough, the fear of lack, has a vibrational frequency that draws to it more of the same.

When you can see yourself in the abundance of all wondrousness, when you feel the joy, the tranquillity, the excitement, when you are in the place of laughter and play, the energy, the emotional energy of joy, of laughter, brings forth more of the same.

The next time you find yourself in a perceived lack, stop and ask yourself what really are you lacking and what does it FEEL like? It is your emotions attached to the idea that create the reality. Make sense? All right.

Q: I just wanted to ask about changing the perception. It sounds easy in theory but hasn't been easy for me to do.

Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/20/13 ~ Change is Afoot

yourgypsysoul's picture


The Tower

In this card we see a tower being struck with lightning and 2 beings falling out of the tower. (Remind you of anything?) This is a card of massive change. And even if you can't see it happening in your physical world it is most definitely happening at other levels. The Change indicated with this card is sudden. It is not a gradual change whatsoever. Change is scary for a lot of people, and at the rate things are going it can be downright terrifying. The most important thing is to stay grounded and present. None of these changes will be negatory, even though they may seem that way at first. Be calm, and have faith that everything will fall into place as it should.


Let's Win :)


FoodForHearts's picture

I know that you think that you are OK, kind of, sort of but the real truth is "You really don't know what to feel!"  Face it; you are presently caught up in an overwhelming pandemonium of feelings and emotions.  You are just not sure what part of our existence to trust.  You know that you want change; of course you do, as change is natural even if it comes in little droplets of moments. But, like the rest of us, you don’t quite know what to do with the tremendous deluge of change that is facing us today in a world, and on a planet struggling to exist and become full of promise. 

Change can hurt! Tomorrow is no longer guaranteed to you or us. Even the teachers of our Holy Books are beginning to tell us that judgment day is here, or at the very least, near.  Have you asked yourself “Why is it almost a daily occurrence for you to wake up with this New Age, almost schizophrenic, mind that tells you ‘You are happy!’;  making you smile and stretch out your arms to embrace the sun and your day! Then in the next moment, It, that devilish other mind, says ‘No, you are not!’ and you feel overwhelmed by fear and dread, of things that you have no conscious name for; till you cry and pull the blankets up and  back over your head…proclaiming in a whimper or boldly out loud ‘It’s too hard!’”

And what about your biological/genetic clock? Is it also telling you/us that in order to survive as a human being, as a species, it is time to/for change! Have you asked yourself today “What is making me want to stay where I am and want to go forward at the same time?”  Is the back and forth momentum of it all, driving you crazy or at the very least “getting on your last nerve”?

Please help

Elizacast94's picture

Hello. My name is Elizabeth I'm posting today because there is something I really want you to help me with. Just last Tuesday my friends mother died Kenia Castillo-Reyes and since then I've been figuring out ways I could help so I started a donation website. I have people who are donating but I want to get as much as I can, I would like to know if there is any possible way you can announce it on the news. My friend Kevin who lost his mother is a great kid I've known him for all three years of high school, I know going to the same school that graduating and applying to college is expensive. His mother was his and his younger sisters care taker. She was a great women and mother, no amount of money can replace her, but I hope if I can raise enough that we can help him with expenses that he will have to face because now that his mother is gone he will be forced to grow up fast. Please help me help him.

The link

The Winds of Change

SophiaLove's picture

If there is one thing I will remember about this time we are in, it is the wind.  From the bare branches of winter to the full bloom of almost summer, the trees are in constant motion.  This time is ushered in on a steady breeze; the winds of change.


There are no such things any longer as seasonal temperatures.  In the Midwest U.S. we’ve had 100 degrees in February and 35 degrees in June.  Our vegetation is gloriously abundant, as if it were mid to late summer.


People smile everywhere, regardless of the situation.  Those that aren’t smiling sort of stick out “like sore thumbs”.  I’ve been traveling, and an hour long delay was easily done as folks chatted, children played and people helped each other.  I’ve been there before, this was not usual behavior.


My family hosted a huge celebration at our home.  During the party a miracle took place as several members who had been separated for 18 years were reunited.  It was seamless, beautiful and a complete surprise.


These constant winds are gradually, continuously raising our vibration.  In this very dense third dimensional world, we have created this natural physical expression of the shift.  The descriptions we’ve heard about life after the change are happening all around – just pay attention.  The Shift is here.  Love, beauty, joy and peace; I’ve gone nowhere but my backyard, front yard and the airport and I see them demonstrated. The winds are blowing them in.


As we witness this change we will see many players and hear or read a variety of facts, predictions and “truths”.  Pay attention to what rings true for you.  Pay close attention to what doesn’t.  We each define the reality and Shift we experience.  What you focus on, think about, worry about and talk about becomes your life.



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