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Astrology Forecast for November 2014

by Kathy Biehl

astrology-forecast-for-November-2014Here that rush of wind? It’s the collective sigh of relief. October’s intensity is fading ever so slowly. November brings its own richly textured movement and growth, but without the disorientation of sudden endings and groping around in the dark.  Here is the Astrology Forecast for November 2014.

Three distinct threads form November’s tapestry. The first thread adds warmth, color and vitality to the mix, as celestial movements stoke the element of fire in the sky and in ourselves. The amplification begins on the 9th, when Venus head-butts Jupiter and encourages wanting what you want, and more of it to boot. The flames roar higher and higher in three big stair steps, as Venus, then the Sun and then Mercury move into adventuresome, high-minded and gregarious Sagittarius.

Each shift ups our energy and movability and bring us back to life...

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5 Common Challenges for Empaths

By Lynn Zambrano

Empaths and HSPs are sensitive individuals who face many daily challenges because of the way they perceive energy, emotions, and non-verbal information contained in their environment. They also are deeply intuitive. When using the word energy it is referring to the energetic vibration being emitted. This vibration contains information, which you might perceive as emotion, or may have information that you know intuitively without being able to identify the source. You know but can’t explain why or how you know. According to writer and psychotherapist Elaine Aron, about 20% of the population is HSP, further she explains that being so was a desirable trait during mankind’s very early history. During hunter/gatherer times this attribute allowed us to be an early warning detection system, helping us survive harsh environments where predators were numerous. She has also done studies that appear to suggest that HSP have lower serotonin levels. This ties in with your ability to detect subtle change and fluctuations in your environment and also explains why many empaths and HSP’s suffer periods of depression.

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4 Techniques to Deal with Difficult People

Dealing with Difficult People

by Judith Orloff MD


Many of us spend an inordinate amount of time and energy contending with difficult people or “emotional vampires” at work and at home. It’s a reflex to emotionally contract around them feeling powerless, irritated, hurt, or miserable, reactions that just wear you out. But, they can’t steal your happiness unless you let them.

Surrender can improve your communication skills in many kinds of challenging interactions. For instance, do you know when to surrender your need to be right in order to restore love at home, or when to surrender resentments so that you can forgive? How to avoid taking things personally? Or deal with a friend or spouse who’s doing something you disagree with?

Be aware that your ego could resist the concept of surrender as its aim is to create open channels of communication between people rather than stonewalling or defending, responses the ego is more accustomed to...

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Numerology For November 2014

Numerology For November 2014

 By Alison Baughman


According to Numerology, November is the 11th Month and in Numerology the 11 is a Master Number. It is associated with a higher vibration, insight, intuition and a connection to the spiritual realm. This is an excellent month to take some time to do some meditation. You may receive some personal insight which could give you guidance in your life. I know from speaking with my clients that people are beginning to pay attention to what used to be considered serendipitous moments in their life. They have realized that they are receiving signs and messages from above and are paying attention.

The 11 is the “messenger.”

The vibration of the number 11 requires balance in all areas of our life, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Let’s face it. These are challenging times on the planet and it is important to stay calm and understand that everything happens for a reason and purpose. Humanity is evolving...

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Contributing towards Oneness

by Robin Coventry

oneness_OMTimes_There’s much talk about Oneness across our planet, it’s a word we can never wear out! Have you ever considered what the word Oneness really implies? Do you know and can you visualize what Oneness really is? Is your visualization expansive enough or do you limit Oneness to One?

Merriam-Webster dictionary describes oneness as the state of being completely united with or a part of someone or something. As an individual you are one human being and can be counted as one or being of oneness. A song once said, “one is the loneliest number.” Though a song I have enjoyed, the songs subtle programming would have us think, we are lonely if we are alone. (Hmmm, hope the song writer found a mate.) I am perfectly content being alone, i.e. not in a relationship. As children little girls were trained to grow up and get married and have babies. Boys are told grow up work and have families. (At least my generation was)...

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20 Health Benefits of Cardamom

By Paul Haider


“Cardamom is one of the best all-around herbs that everyone should be taking.”

Cardamom or “Elettaria cardamomum” grows in Asia, India, Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Sri Lanka, Laos, Guatemala, Nepal, and other tropical places… and it has so many amazing healing qualities that make it very important for good health.

There are many different types–red, white, black, green, Java, brown, Siamese, Kravan, and Bengal. All of which have slightly different qualities. Green is probably the most common for use in cooking… and because it’s the least expensive and easies to find...

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Your Soul is Waiting for You!

by John Holland


If you’re going to live a purposeful and enriched life from your soul, then you have to listen to its wisdom. As a psychic and a medium, I believe that most of the drama in our lives can be attributed to times when we don’t live in harmony with our inner-guidance. Your soul knows what it wants and needs. If your body and mind are not in alignment with your soul, then you can easily become off-balance and the outside world starts to manifest what’s happening on the inside.

Equally, there will be times in your life when you know that your soul is screaming out to you. When you keep thinking in your head, over and over, “What am I doing?” or “I really have to start to get a grip on my life!” or “I can’t keep living this way!” We often ask these questions when we’re going through an emotional or traumatic time in our lives. When these questions arise (and trust me they will), it’s just another way that your soul is trying to get your attention...

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Weaving Happiness into Your Vibration

Basketweaving 101 ~ Weaving Happiness into Your Vibration

by Jennifer Deisher


Happiness is a factor of life and one well worth striving for. It’s a necessary component for us to completely embark on a spiritual path. Our heart, soul, and spirit don’t live in the energy of “not good enough”, or where there isn’t enough time, or in our negative energy. Let’s face it, some of us have had our fair share of addiction, trauma, and tragedy. Those who have experienced some of the more “hard core” issues, or are currently working through them, may find that sometimes we have to work a little harder to find our Joy.

Many of us have experienced the fallout of what we sometimes call “the matrix”. I prefer to think of it as limited patterns of controlling behavior which constricts our true power as creators because we think we have a limited amount of choices. What we forget sometimes is that we actually have to learn or re-learn how to be Happy...

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Finding the Sacredness in the Healing of Your Shadow

By Joy Brugh


Fall is upon us and that traditionally spooky, scary holiday – Halloween is almost here.   While it may seem that we only bring out those scary monsters and costumes once a year to play, the truth is each of us is haunted by our own inner demons and scary monsters.  The renowned Swiss psychologist Carl Jung called this place the “shadow self.”  These are the aspects of our selves that stalk us, lurk hidden in the shadows but pervasively and stealthily influence and impact our lives every day, often times wreaking havoc and creating chaos.

In your journey to wholeness and healing, it is important to explore the dark and hidden crevices of inner selves – your shadow self.  In the shadow you will find the un-owned parts of your personality — the part of you that stays unknown, unexamined, and out of the light of your conscious awareness.   We often deny or suppress these parts of ourselves...

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Does Your Relationship Suffer From Energy Codependence?

by Sherrie Dillard

Do you ever feel exhausted and drained after spending time with another? Do you willingly give others your energy, in the hope that he or she will feel uplifted and more positive? Do you need to be in a relationship with another in order to feel alive and energized?

In most of our relationships we give and receive energy. It is natural and normal. Yet, if you rely on another’s life force energy or if another is dependent on your energy to feel healthy, alive and complete, you may be in a energy codependent relationship. It is natural to want to bond completely with those we love. Yet, when we depend on others as our primary energy source, we cripple our spirit and energetically suffocate those we care about.

If our innate connection with source energy and the truth that we are whole and pure loving beings is not integrated into our sense of self, we learn to satisfy our energy needs in unhealthy ways...


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