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The Anger and Cancer Connection

By Paul Haider

Is There a Connection Between Anger and Cancer?


One study showed that those with anger and cancer (and especially suppressed anger) had a much higher amount of stress… and thus with stress chemicals in their body can lead to physiological changes in the body.

A study at King’s College Hospital in London with cancer patients with suppressed anger showed a distinct correlation between having anger and cancer.

The University of Tennessee showed that suppressed anger was a precursor to developing cancer.

At Yale University, Dr. Bernie Siegel collected 57 very well documented cases of angry people who came down with cancer. And when they decided that anger and depression were not helping anything they became, loving, kind...

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You Are Your Words

By John Holland


Words have the power to inspire, heal, and transform. Just as they can have a positive effect, they can also be hurtful, especially when directed at ourselves. Do you really want to know how someone’s life is going or why it’s the way it is? If so, it’s important to actually listen to the words they use. I believe that you are the embodiment of your words. For example, if someone is constantly talking about misery and despair, then it’s most likely that their life is a reflection of what they’re saying. We all know someone in our lives like this. It can even be draining to be in their company. You come away feeling exhausted, as inadvertently, they are really sapping your precious energy whether you realize it or not.

My family had a rather unique mantra as I was growing up, namely: “We never have any luck.” I grew up believing this and set my expectations accordingly. Of course, it’s not the sort of affirmation I’m suggesting here...

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Mystical Tools: Crystals for Daily Use

by Margaret Ann Lembo


The human is multi-dimensional with subtle bodies which are the mental, emotional, and spiritual body. Even though you can’t see your thoughts, feelings and your spirit, you do know they exist. The energy body consists of seven chakras —the crown, the third eye, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus, the navel, and the root, each associated with a specific color which relate to the rainbow of gemstones available to use for balance.

The Energy Body

The lower three chakras are related to the physical part that connects you with the more mundane aspects of living here on planet Earth – food, shelter and water.

The upper three chakras are the spiritual chakras helping you remember your Divine connection with your spiritual nature or the heavenly connection. The heart chakra is the bridge between the upper three and the lower three chakras, bringing Heaven to Earth and Earth to Heaven.

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Taurus Full Moon 2014 Astrology Forecast

Astrology Forecast for the 2014 Taurus Full Moon

by Kathy Biehl


November 6, 2014

2:22 PM PST / 5:22 PM EST / 10:22 PM GMT

14 Taurus 25 / 14 Scorpio 25

Manifestation is the theme of this month’s Taurus Full Moon. Don’t expect to stare in a shop window and will a piece of jewelry to appear around your neck, as misleadingly popularized by “The Secret.” No simple, wishful thinking is at work now. Instead, what’s coming into being is a direct outgrowth of how you have been responding to the change imperative that has been destabilizing and restructuring your life.

Earth plane, mundane developments are very much in play now. Ruled by Venus in her most sensual form, Taurus is the first of the earth signs, the most fully and immovably affixed to immersion in the physical.

The experience of the senses is paramount: the taste and texture of food; the sensation of fabrics against the skin...

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Sound: the Language of the Body

By Jill Mattson

Studies are popping up all over – showing that the language of the body is sound. Invisible sound waves are the body’s secret communication system! Understanding the “Rosetta stone of body language” will unlock untold breakthrough for health.

Science maintains that nerves communicate information to the far reaches of the body through electrical impulses. Thomas Heimburg[1], a Copenhagen university biology and physics researcher, questions this: “The physical laws of thermodynamics tell us that electrical impulses must produce heat as they travel along the nerve, but experiments find no heat.”[2] We need to rethink standard thinking about inter body communications via the nervous system.

Heimburg proposes that the nerves communicate information, but through sound waves. This controversial idea also explains how anesthesiology works – a mystery that has baffled scientists for years. Anesthetics change the melting point of nerve membranes so that they can’t propagate sound...

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Grounding: Plant Your Feet, Extend Your Soul!

By Janice Chrysler


Whether you are new to meditation, getting back at it or practice it daily, one thing that is always a great learning tool is grounding. Regardless of the type of meditation you are doing – mantras, guided, drumming etc. – you will always go deeper and feel more centered when you perform a grounding technique at the beginning of your meditation. If you do any form of energy work you will find grounding a valuable tool to use with it as well. Any time you can bring your focus inward you are able to connect to your Higher Self which in turn will enable you to raise your vibration as you set aside the ego and the world around you.

As the name implies, the purpose of grounding is to make you feel planted on the earth. Have you ever had one of those days when you were just a bit “spiny”? When you couldn’t seem to concentrate on what was right in front of you because your mind was travelling everywhere else?...

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The Spiritual Secret to Defeating Discouragement

By Guy Finley


As we all know, there are trying times when states of discouragement literally dog us – following us around as if they’re waiting for us to fall down, never to rise again.

On these days, our own lackluster emotions are hounded by thoughts barking at us that nothing is right with our lives. On these same days, even our smallest wish to part ways with these painful states gets pushed under by waves of doubt so that our resolve to not sink into a malaise feels like a futile struggle against the inevitable!

When falling into deeper and deeper states of feeling discouraged, we can almost hear these unspoken words within, “What’s the point? Why bother?” Then, as though we have heard from the Fates themselves, we accept the dreariness of some “can’t do” negative state as our guide. Is this how it must be? Must we identify ourselves with what discourages us? The answer to these questions is decidedly no!

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Raising Modern Shaman Children

by Veronica Tioicha


Why teach children to speak to plants and rocks and animals? The truth is, they already do it. If you tell a 5 year old she can communicate with animals, not only will she believe you, she probably already knows how to. Children have this incredible natural connection to the spirit life around us. Our job is to nurture that. Do you see how all of us are born caretakers of the Earth? This is a gift not to be taken lightly and not to be discarded, as it so often seems it is.

So why encourage children to listen to the Earth and the Moon and the Stars? Because it has the ability to change our world. I refer to this as raising modern Shaman children but really it is just raising children to be conscious.

We need more children who grow up and still think like children. We need more grownups who still commune with nature and recognize its deep knowledge.

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Get Real

by Alan Cohen

get-real_OMTimesSitting backstage at a network television studio in a large metropolitan city, I waited to go on the air for an interview. My segment was scheduled right after the noon news broadcast, which began with a gory account of a murder, then a rape, then war footage, followed by bad economic news and a political scandal. I began to feel depressed, but consoled myself that the broadcast would get to more positive reports. It didn’t. The entire fifteen minutes was filled with gloom and doom, nothing anyone in his right mind would want to get up in the morning and face. Eventually I just had to laugh. The news was beyond depressing. It was ridiculous. It was unbelievable. Finally, after the closing sortie of auto accidents and snarled traffic, the broadcaster announced, “…and now for a great new book by an author who is going to tell you how to live a happy life.”

The camera turned to me.

Suddenly I became Neo in the movie The Matrix...

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The Art of Mindfully Letting Go

The Art of Mindfully Letting Go with Buddha’s Four Noble Truths

by Ronald A. Alexander PhD


Twenty-five hundred years ago, the Buddha was like the first psychologist, teaching his followers about the power of mindfully letting go and changing their mental processes in order to alleviate emotional discomfort and embrace change. One of his insights were the four noble truths that helped people free themselves from the patterns of thinking and behaving that perpetuate their suffering.

By looking at these four central tenets of Buddhism we can better understand how micromanaging our circumstances can cause us to become agitated and restricted. Instead when we learn to let go of our attachments we can transform our lives in an innovative way.

The four noble truths can help us break out of the need to be in control and, instead mindfully letting go into an acceptance of the present moment. Only in the present will we find the courage to cross the threshold of the unknown...


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